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Young Adults (ages 18-39) Best practices to connect them to the life of your parishes & PCAs.

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Presentation on theme: "Young Adults (ages 18-39) Best practices to connect them to the life of your parishes & PCAs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Young Adults (ages 18-39) Best practices to connect them to the life of your parishes & PCAs

2 Young Adults (ages 18-39) Current Situation… YA’s are often disconnected from a single parish Pockets exist within PCA’s and Colleges These are opportunities for your PCA’s

3 Two Steps for Success! ONE: Regional & Diocesan Programming to gather young adults and connect them back to your Parish & PCA TWO: PCA Fellowship groups to foster faith and socialize with other young adults

4 Step One: Regional & Diocesan Programs March for Life (YA bus) Stations with Bishop (Multi-generational) Reboot Live (regionally in April…Multi-generational) Theology on Tap: Oswego Syracuse Binghamton Utica First Friday (Currently in Syracuse, regionally in Spring…)

5 Step Two: Resources for the parish and PCA Regional Coordinators available to meet with your PCA to help design a process that fits your situation You can be up and running in 6 weeks! Heritage Grants specifically for the PCA and Parishes to offer Young Adult Ministry (best practices available as a guide) McDevitt Grants for parishes

6 Step Two: Grant Timelines Applications sent to parishes:February, 12, 2016 Completed application submitted:March 18, 2016 Committee Review:Weeks of April 18 & 25, 2016 Grant Notifications:Week of May 23, 2016 Fund Distributions:On or around July 1, 2016

7 Step Two: Contact Information Bob Walters:, (315) 470-1419 Northern & Western Regions Nick Longo:, (315) 741-2862 Eastern Region Sarah Mess:, (315) 807-7694 Southern Region Gretchen Matt:, (315) 741-2389

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