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Drill-Through Features Cognos 8 BI. Objectives  In this module we will examine:  Cognos 8 Drill Through Overview  Model / Package Drill Through  Cross.

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Presentation on theme: "Drill-Through Features Cognos 8 BI. Objectives  In this module we will examine:  Cognos 8 Drill Through Overview  Model / Package Drill Through  Cross."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drill-Through Features Cognos 8 BI

2 Objectives  In this module we will examine:  Cognos 8 Drill Through Overview  Model / Package Drill Through  Cross Package Drill Through  Third Party Drill Through

3 Series 7 Approach to Drill Through Transformer MDC PP Connect Stub MDC Target Report Name Target Type PP Server Admin Target Folder Name Target Server URL PPES Run Time URL Target Run Time Resolve Parameters By name matching Deployment  Characteristics of Series 7 drill through approach:  target report must exist before the PowerCube does  target selection is in the hands of IT, not users  target selection frozen at deployment  no solution for relational databases

4  Puts definition in the hands of the Web users  Allows maintenance post deployment  DBMS-type independent  Explicit parameter mapping  Implies recreation of drill through paths as part of PP Upgrade Cognos 8 Solution - Web Based Modeling Target Report & Target Folder name Target Studio/Viewer Parameter Mapping Framework Manager Cognos Connection Model Query Studio Analysis Studio Cognos Viewer

5 Three Types of Drill Through Cube Model (Content Store) Query Studio Analysis Studio Cognos Viewer Report Spec “Actions” (new) Model / Package (new) Report to Report (same as 1.x)

6 Targets for Drill Through Query Studio Analysis Studio Cognos Viewer Non Cognos Query Studio Analysis Studio Cognos Viewer Non Cognos

7 Run Time User Interface  Select  List of Targets  Concatenated from  Cube  Model  Report  Filtered by  Context  Access Rights  Capabilities  Act

8 Controlling Drill Behavior  New Drill Behavior option in Report Studio  “Allow drill through from a package” turned off by default  “Allow drill up and down” on dimensional data turned off by default (except when opened from QS or AS)  Provides additional advanced control of drill up / down Note: “Drill Throughs” property is still available for Report To Report Drill functionality

9 Execution of Drill Throughs  Go to =>  Authored Drills  Related Links…  Content  Cube Actions  Drill to Saved Output  Bookmark only  Drill from Saved Output  Authored Drill Through only

10 Creating Model / Package Drill Through Definitions

11 Model Drill Through Creation Process Create Target Report in Chosen Studio Create Drill Through Definition Add a prompt (optional) STEP 1STEP 2 Select the package Set the Scope for avail drill thru links Select the Target Report Map the prompt Values (optional) STEP 3 Create New Report in Chosen Studio Drill on Data Item Target Report Appears Congratulations! Note: Analysis Studio requires a ‘GO TO’ Parameter set on the target report Targets within scope displayed Optional param from source is passed to target

12 Setting Scope  Setting scope controls when the target report is provided  Scope can be unlimited (set to the package level)  Scope can be limited to a level or data item Scope limited to Order MethodSource Report does not include Order Method Go To will not show the target report because source report is “not in scope”

13 Drill to Analysis  How can an Analysis Studio Target report have prompts?  Set your context and use it as your “Go To” Parameter Remember AS isn’t a data type, it’s a Studio

14  Drill Through Using Multiple Studios Workshop 1

15 Cross Package Modeled Drill Through

16 Drill Through Supported Mappings  OLAP sources and targets:  must be the supported list of OLAP vendors  must be of the same technology (i.e. MSAS to MSAS)

17 Values and Members in Drill Through  When drilling from member to member we use MUN (member unique name)  When drilling from member to value we use the business key from the source MemberValue MemberYes*Yes ValueNoYes Value or a Member? *Cubes must be of the same type  Members can only come from Dimensional (OLAP/ DMR) sources  Values can come from either Dimensional (member converted to a value) or Relational sources  Using the below expression on a member converts the member into a value:  roleValue('_memberCaption',[Great Outdoors Company].[Order method].[Order method])

18 Member to Member  What is MUN? Member Unique Name  It is the fully qualified path to the member  When drilling from member to member we use the MUN values.  MUN must be identical in both the source and the target reports in order for parameters to be successfully passed.  An example of what a MUN might look like: [GOC Cross Package Cube].[Products].[Products].[Product Line]- >:[PC].[Products (Root)].[2~9]

19 Member to Value (OLAP/DMR to Relational)  Relational Data Target Report – design as required for end user visibility  Parameters added are for the business key. Value must match the category code in the cube  Package Drill Definition is mapped to the levels in the cube appropriately  Mapped level to data item - Business key is used for drilling

20 Cognos PowerCube Essentials  When using a Cognos Powercube as a target, the cube should be built using the EnablePCoptimizer setting turned on:  Allows faster access to a cube within Analysis Studio;  If using Transformer Series 7 Version 3 MR2 / Cognos 8 OLAP Modeling this is on by default;  If using an earlier version, you will need to use the pcoptimizer.exe utility located in the Cognos8 Directory  During drill through, a Powercube that is used as a target does the following:  Attempts to match the parameter being received to the source value in the cube;  If that does not match it looks at the category code

21 Mapping Parameter Data Types Dimensional DataRelational Data Level/ Hierarchy Column Level to Column Issues  Manual Levels => No Special Support  Date Categories => Date Ranges (PowerCubes only)

22 Understanding Dimensionally Modeled Relational (DMR)  Additional modeling is recommended for cross package drill through  Each level within a regular dimension contains one or more hierarchies  Each hierarchy contains a name and a Root Business Key  Each level contains a _businessKey  All 3 of these are used when Drill Through involves Dimensionally Modeled Relational data Hierarchy

23 OLAP Category Label = DMR Hierarchy Name OLAP Category Code = DMR Root Bus. Key  Level Business Key must be using same key as Category Code  (i.e. Cube uses OrderMethodCode but DMR uses OrderMethodKey. Drill will fail because the keys do not match) Conformed Dimensions between PowerCube and DMR  Conformed Dimensions are needed between OLAP and DMR when drilling through on the root in a dimension  Root Category of OLAP source must match Root Hierarchy of DMR source

24 Conformed dimensions for OLAP to DMR  What if your OLAP source is not a Transformer cube?  You can get the Root MUN by running a query in Report Studio against the OLAP source 1.Create a report with the member you want to obtain the MUN for 2.Add a calculation to the report with the following expression: 3.roleValue(‘_businessKey',[member]) 4.Run the report to see the MUN 5.The value returned should be used as the root business key in your DMR model

25  Cross Package Drill Through Workshop 2

26 Third Party Drill Through

27 Drill from Non-Cognos  Documented Support URL format  Supported Targets  Analysis Studio  Query Studio  Report Viewer  Supported Parameters  Target Report  Filtering  Output Format  Locale Query Studio Analysis Studio Cognos Viewer Non Cognos

28 Drill to Non-Cognos  Technique 1 (Viewer only)  Use URL object in Report Studio report  Same as ReportNet 1.x  Technique 2 (Viewer & Studios)  Drill to Report Studio report  Define Report Studio report to  Construct URL for non-Cognos Web app  Generate Report as Web page with: meta http-equiv="refresh" url="0;http://server/webapp?parm=value&parm=value"http://server/ Query Studio Cognos Viewer Analysis Studio

29 Summary  In this module we have examined:  Cognos 8 Drill Through Overview  Model / Package Drill Through  Cross Package Drill Through  Third Party Drill Through

30 Drill Through Supported Mappings M = Drill by Member V = Drill by Value X = Not Supported

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