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K-12 Technologies Invigorating Learning in Medical Education Classrooms Katie Smith, MS Assistant Director of Curriculum Support

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1 K-12 Technologies Invigorating Learning in Medical Education Classrooms Katie Smith, MS Assistant Director of Curriculum Support Frank Church, PhD Professor Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

2 Objectives The educator will develop a toolbox of free educational technology tools that can be easily implemented in higher education classroom settings. The educator will examine the use of educational technologies in the lecture/classroom setting and how it can make learning more engaging and fun for both students and faculty. The educator will identify one educational technology presented and how they can immediately incorporate the use into an upcoming lecture.

3 Today’s Meet Where do I find it? » What is it? »Backchannel, 140 character limit »Can link it to a twitter hashtag When can/should I use it? »During lectures, small groups, etc. when students can ask questions. Why is it helpful? »Allows students to ask questions during session and you can get back to them when you have a free moment »Cognitive Memory is not being consumed to remember question Benefits? »No usernames or passwords

4 Today’s Meet Materials Needed? »Faculty: Computer (Web enabled), Projector (Optional) »Students: Web enabled device Time required? »Minimum. »Can be done on the fly.

5 Padlet Where do I find it? » What is it? »Virtual Wall to express thoughts »Sticky Note/Parking Lot »Can add images, videos, documents, and text When can/should I use it? »Brainstorming/Meetings »Sorting of ideas Why is it helpful? »Keep track of student ideas »Rearrange thoughts together

6 Padlet Materials Needed? »Faculty: Computer (web enabled), projector »Students: Web enabled device Time required? »Some set-up time. Create a board and URL for students to log into »In class, minimal.

7 Plickers Where do I find it? » What is it? »Interactive questioning When can/should I use it? »Low stakes questioning for students »In class: large lecture hall or small groups Why is it helpful? »Real time feedback »Formative Assessment »Students can answer with anonymity

8 Plickers Materials Needed? »Faculty: iPhone/Android, computer, projector »Students: Plickers Cards Time required? »Medium »Set up time for classes and questions »Students need to be given plickers cards

9 Kahoot Where do I find it? » and What is it? »Engaging questioning »Can be competitive When can/should I use it? »Low stakes questioning for students »In class: large lecture hall or small groups Why is it helpful? »Real time feedback/Formative Assessment »Students can answer with anonymity

10 Kahoot Materials needed? »Faculty: Computer (web enabled), projector »Students: Web enabled device Touch screens are much easier for student use Time required? »Set up of questions af42-4657-a1af-c2de35ed365d

11 Jeopardy Where can I find it? » What is it? »Interactive questioning »Can be competitive When can/should I use it? »Low stakes questioning for students »In class: large lecture hall or small groups Why is it helpful? »Formative Assessment

12 Jeopardy Materials needed? »Faculty: Computer projector »Students: Color Coded Cards (Optional) Score Cards (Optional) Time required? »Set up of questions

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