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Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten.

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Presentation on theme: "Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten


3 Welcome to the new Washington Junior High 2013-2014 Home of the Wildcats

4 The Wildcat Way

5 Your Passion- Why Teach? Tim’s Beliefs Job One

6 The Wildcat Way Job One

7 The Wildcat Way Your Passion- Why Teach? Tim’s Beliefs Job One CORE Beliefs Guide Actions Focus on Excellence

8 TodaysMeet

9 Numbered Heads Look at your playing card Form a table group Ace-6 Any Suit You have 1 minute GO!

10 TodaysMeet-What is your favorite drink? 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Numbered Heads

11 Why teach? Index card Step One- Why did you become a teacher? Step 2A Share with neighbor; 2B TodaysMeet You will have 3 minutes

12 TodaysMeet-Who was your favorite teacher and why? 090 00 3 876543215 2 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds The Washington Wildcat Way

13 TodaysMeet-Who was your favorite teacher and why? 090 00 2 876543215 1 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds The Washington Wildcat Way

14 TodaysMeet-Who was your favorite teacher and why? 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds The Washington Wildcat Way

15 Why do we teach?

16 Tim’s Beliefs

17 Leader Must Be Clear


19 Students First The Wildcat Way

20 Teachers Matter

21 Leaders Matter

22 Positive School Culture

23 CORE Values Must Guide Our Actions

24 CORE Values Our people will solve our problems- people committed to communicating clearly, observing and monitoring what is and is not working, building positive relationships, and clearly establishing expectations for all stakeholders.


26 Give One, Take Three

27 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds The Washington Wildcat Way

28 Break Time!!!



31 GO! You have 1 minute Form a table group with 6 cards of the same suit Refer to your playing card Round Robin

32 TodaysMeet-What is your favorite snack? 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Round Robin

33 What does “CORE” mean to you? Communication Observation Relationships Expectations

34 Our CORECORE ommunication xpectations elationships bservation Beliefs

35 CORE Values Systematically and regularly communicate our mission/vision/goals Informing students of progress Parent communication Effective staff communication

36 CORE Values Visibility! Monitoring individual student needs AND responding Observing other educators

37 CORE Values Students feel safe Teachers connecting with students Staff is committed to knowing each other and being aware of each other’s lives (personal and professional) Celebrating

38 CORE Values High achievement for all students Parents as partners Staff will uphold policies and be true to our beliefs Staff will demonstrate a passion for students/teaching

39 CORE Beliefs Students First The Wildcat Way

40 Seeking Excellence In great schools, the staff is committed to students AND the pursuit of excellence.


42 Focus on Excellence Framework

43 CORE Beliefs Guide Actions Focus on Excellence ????? The Wildcat Way

44 Students First What do we want to help our students become? Wildcats are…

45 Numbered Heads Refer to the playing card you were given Each table must have 6 cards of one color You have 1 minute GO!

46 TodaysMeet-What is your favorite activity? 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds Numbered Heads

47 What should students become? Stand up Break into 2 groups at each table Person-by-person Single word description Washington characteristic Put the post-it on the poster Quick activity No discussion Brainstorming

48 TodaysMeet-What are we great at? 090 00 3 876543215 2 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds The Washington Wildcat Way

49 TodaysMeet-What are we great at? 090 00 2 876543215 1 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds The Washington Wildcat Way

50 TodaysMeet-What are we great at? 090 00 1 876543215 0 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds The Washington Wildcat Way

51 W ildcats are W elcoming

52 Wildcats are I nvolved

53 Wildcats are L eading

54 Wildcats are D ependable

55 Wildcats are C ooperative

56 Wildcats are A mbitious

57 Wildcats are T eachable

58 Wildcats are S erving

59 Wildcats are… 1 Minute Review, Reconsider WelcomingCooperative InvolvedAmbitious LeadingTeachable DependableServing

60 Matching Game Review your poster Place your words on the most appropriate WILDCAT WAY concept No match? Place it on the blank poster

61 CORE Beliefs The Wildcat Way Focus on Excellence Wildcats!!!

62 I Dare You! We must move from “beliefs” to “actions” that result in fulfillment of The Wildcat Way. Next steps Summer Opportunities for Growth/Commitment

63 ULTURE C C LUB uilding a WJHS Community of Professionals through activities and events designed to foster communication, cooperation, and relationships. B he first C ulture C lub planning meeting will be poolside on June 11, from 11:00-2:00 at stately Long Manor (323 Scarlett Blvd, Elm Springs). Bring Your Own Lunch. Children welcome. Sign up today! T

64 Ed Tech Tuesdays

65 Tuesday, June 25 from 10:30-12:30 Bentonville Public Library The Basics BYOD?!? It’s here and we’re here to help! How to effectively and easily leverage the power of mobile devices in your classroom on Day 1.

66 Prezi Tuesday, July 9 from 11:30-12:30 Stately Long Manor

67 Blogging in the Classroom Writing Across the Curriculum Ways to Apply Blogs Common Core Standards Journals Group Projects Create response groups for high- order thinking questions Reasons to use Blogs Reinforces the meaning of a subject. Provides differentiation Reluctant students are comfortable communicating Centralized way to show student work National/global method to connect to other learners. Tuesday, July 23 from 10:30-12:30 Bentonville Public Library

68 Let’s Wrap it UP!

69 Speed Dating!

70 Exit Slip

71 CORE Beliefs The Wildcat Way Focus on Excellence Wildcats!!!

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