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Assimilation of Tower- and Satellite-Based Methane Observations for Improved Estimation of Methane Fluxes over Northern Eurasia D.P. Lettenmaier1 and T.J.

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Presentation on theme: "Assimilation of Tower- and Satellite-Based Methane Observations for Improved Estimation of Methane Fluxes over Northern Eurasia D.P. Lettenmaier1 and T.J."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assimilation of Tower- and Satellite-Based Methane Observations for Improved Estimation of Methane Fluxes over Northern Eurasia D.P. Lettenmaier1 and T.J. Bohn1 1Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 15th Annual LCLUC Science Team Meeting University of Maryland University College Adelphi, MD, 2011-Mar-29

2 Importance of Lakes and Wetlands
Large CO2/CH4 source CH4 estimates revising upwards due to ebullition Wetlands: Largest natural global source of CH4 Large C sink Northern Eurasia contains: 30% of world’s wetlands (Gorham, 1991) Large portion of world’s lakes West Siberian Lowlands Lehner and Doll, 2004 Lake/wetland carbon emissions are sensitive to climate High latitudes experiencing pronounced climate change

3 Climate Factors CO2 CH4 CO2 Temperature (via metabolic rates)
Relationships non-linear Water table depth not uniform across landscape - heterogeneous NPP Living Biomass Acrotelm Temperature (via evaporation) Aerobic Rh Water Table Precipitation Anaerobic Rh Catotelm Note: currently not considering export of DOC from soils

4 Lakes and Wetlands Lake/wetland CH4/CO2 emissions depend on T, C, nutrients, oxidation state, etc Wetland CH4/CO2 fluxes also depend on soil moisture CH4 Seasonally Inundated Soil (flooded) Permanent Lakes Unsaturated Soil Saturated Soil Water Table Areal extent of wet zones can vary substantially in time Temporal variations in area play important role in response of CH4/CO2 fluxes to climate We can improve model estimates by taking dynamic behavior into account

5 Monitoring the Sources
In situ measurements (water table, CH4 flux) are localized and sparse Large-scale observations (towers, satellites) are less direct Extent of saturated/inundated wetlands (e.g. SAR, passive microwave) Atmospheric CH4 concentrations (e.g. towers, GOSAT) Large-scale runoff (stream gauges) Large-scale biogeochemical models can bridge the gap between indirect observations and the processes we want to monitor Sub-surface soil moisture, temperature, methanogenesis Simultaneous large-scale observations of multiple variables can constrain model parameters

6 Science Questions How do wetland methane emissions in W. Siberia respond to environmental conditions over a range of temporal and spatial scales? Can wetland methane emissions in western Siberia be effectively monitored by a combination of models, towers, and remote sensing observations? Can tower and/or satellite observations be used to constrain errors in or identify areas for improvements in the models (e.g. poor representations of physical processes, state uncertainties, parameter uncertainties)? How much do SAR-based surface water products improve the match between simulated and observed methane concentrations? Can integration of satellite-based and tower-based (near-surface) atmospheric methane concentrations via data assimilation methods lead to better understanding of the space-time distribution of methane emissions over northern Eurasia?

7 Collaborators Dennis Lettenmaier (PI) and Ted Bohn, University of Washington Kyle McDonald (co-PI), Erika Podest, and Ronny Schroeder, JPL/NASA Shamil Maksyutov, Motoki Sasakawa, Heon-Sook Kim and Toshinobu Machida, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan Mikhail Glagolev, Moscow State University, Russia Heon-Sook Kim (till March 2011 at RIHN, Kyoto, in NIES from April 2011)

8 Modeling Framework VIC hydrology model
Large, “flat” grid cells (e.g. 100x100 km) On hourly time step, simulate: Soil T profile Water table depth ZWT NPP Soil Respiration Other hydrologic variables… Link to CH4 emissions model (Walter & Heimann 2000) Carbon cycle processes: Photosynthesis, plant respiration, etc. taken from the BETHY model (Knorr, 2000) – uses a Farquhar/Collatz scheme for photosynthesis. Soil respiration is a Lloyd-Taylor formulation taken from the LPJ model (Sitch et al 2003). CH4 emissions model (Walter & Heimann 2000) uses Q10 formulations for dependence of methanogenesis and oxidation on temperature; models 3 pathways for transport to surface: diffusion, ebullition, and plant-aided transport. Inputs are: local NPP, soil temperature, and water table position. Modeled soil column is 1 m deep. This is realistic; peatlands in W. Siberia are 1-3m deep according to Sheng et al (2004); most labile carbon is considered to be in the top meter (and most is concentrated in the root zone, roughly the top 50 cm).

9 Recent Progress in Modeling
3 Main approaches to modeling large-scale CH4 emissions: 1. “Distributed” scheme: Heterogeneous water table and CH4 Used by UW Water Table Position Saturated / Inundated Depth Soil Surface 2. “Uniform” scheme: Water table and CH4 emissions vary in time but uniform across grid cell Oversensitive to climate Biased +/- 30% Water Table CH4 Emissions Hopefully this slide better summarizes our paper. I will also send the pdf of our paper. 3. “Wet-Dry” scheme: Simulates time-varying saturated area Ignores water table and emissions from unsaturated zone Biased up to 30% too low Cumulative Area “Wet” “Dry” Wetter Drier (Bohn and Lettenmaier, GRL, 2010)

10 Distributed Water Table
DEM (e.g. GTOPO30 or SRTM) Topographic Wetness Index к(x,y) Summarize for a Single 100 km Grid Cell 1 Cumulative Area Fraction кi кmax кmin Topographic Wetness Index CDF 1 km Resolution Water Table Depth Zwt(t,x,y) 1 Cumulative Area Fraction Water Table Soil Storage Capacity CDF(mm) = f(кi) Smax Saturated At Surface VIC Spatial Avg Soil Moisture (t)

11 Comparison with PALSAR
Spatial distribution of inundation compares favorably with remote sensing This offers a method to calibrate model soil parameters Observed Inundated Fraction (PALSAR Classification) Simulated Inundated Fraction (at optimal Zwt) Observed Inundated Fraction (PALSAR Classification) Simulated Inundated Fraction (at optimal Zwt) ROI 1 ROI 3 Spatial distribution of simulated inundated area compares favorably with remote sensing Given equifinality of hydrological parameter sets, it is important to find effective ways to constrain simulated water table depth. Unlike the binary nature of saturated area given by uniform water table depth, saturated area given by distributed water table varies smoothly as a function of average water table depth - this gives much better constraints on hydrologic model ROI 2 ROI 4 Approx. 30 km

12 VIC Dynamic Lake/Wetland Model
Water & energy balance model Includes mixing, ice cover Dynamic area based on bathymetry Can flood surrounding wetlands based on topography Special application: treat all lakes, ponds, and inundated wetland area as a single “lake” Bowling and Lettenmaier, 2010

13 Composite Bathymetry + + + =
How much area is covered by water of depth >= a given threshold? Sum the areas of all lakes having depth > threshold Given a volume of surface water, we know how much area it will cover + + + = Depth Cumulative area

14 Lake Bathymetry/Topography
Lake size histograms from GLWD (Lehner and Doll, 2004) and LANDSAT Lake depths from literature ILEC Arctic Thaw Lakes Bog Pools LANDSAT GLWD Bartalev et al (2003) Lake storage-area relationship LANDSAT courtesy of E. Podest and N. Pinto of NASA/JPL Histograms shown are from the Chaya basin in SE W. Siberia (one of the 5 test basins mentioned later). LANDSAT 30m images classified for open water by JPL. GLWD considers lakes down to 1 km2 in size. Bartalev et al 2003 land classification has resolution of 1 km, but unlike GLWD it is a pixel classification rather than “known” lake area – I was just using it for comparison in that plot to see the effects of using a pixel classification. Lake depths for large lakes are taken from the ILEC database (only lakes in W. Siberia are shown). Arctic thaw lakes are from Laura Bowling’s study in Toolik Lake region. Bog pools are from a study of bogs in the Hudson Bay Lowlands in Canada. SRTM and ASTER DEMs for surrounding topography

15 First Phase: Historical Reconstruction
Select test basins in West Siberian Lowlands Simultaneous calibration to both streamflow and inundated area Streamflow gauge records from R-Arcticnet (UNH) Inundated area derived from AMSR/QSCAT (NASA/JPL) Hydrologic calibration parameters Soil layer thickness Infiltration distribution Maximum baseflow rate Effective lake outlet width Parameters – CH4 Calibrated against observations at Bakchar Bog (Friborg et al, 2003) For lakes, use range of observed CH4 rates from literature: 10-50 mg CH4/m2d (Repo et al, 2007) mg CH4/m2d (Walter Anthony et al, 2010) Ultimate goal: estimate of responses of lakes and wetlands across West Siberia to end-of-century climate For now: what are the sizes and seasonal behaviors of the various CH4 sources?

16 Study Domain: W. Siberia
Close correspondence between: wetness index distribution and observed inundation of wetlands from satellite observations Wetness Index from SRTM and ASTER DEMs Ural Mtns WSL Peatland Map (Sheng et al., 2004) Ob’ R. Permafrost Syum TWI 16 (wet) Konda Dem’yanka 8 (dry) Vasyugan Chaya

17 Comparison With Observed Discharge
Monthly Avg Annual Flow Syum Modeled snowmelt pulse is narrower than observed Vasyugan Konda Interannual variability is good (where record is long enough) Dem’yanka

18 AMSR/QSCAT-Derived Inundation
Annual Max – Min Fractional Inundation Daily, for snow-free days 25km resolution I will send Ronny’s paper separately. Max % - Min % > 15 % < 3% Courtesy R. Schroeder, NASA/JPL

19 Comparison With Observed Inundation
Syum Seasonal inundation can more than double lake area Vasyugan Canonical lake area Konda Poor match because AMSR/QSCAT is lower than canonical lake area Dem’yanka Large saturated area

20 Monthly Averages, 1948-2007, Syum Basin
1. Areas Total Wetland = 18% Unsaturated wetland is the largest contributor to CH4 in summer because of its large area Lake + Inund + Saturated = 3 - 6% Lake + Inund = 1 - 3% Lake = 0.6% 2. CH4 1. Lake emits at same rate as saturated wetland 2. Lake emits at rate of 50 mg CH4/m2d 3. Lake emits at rate of 500 mg CH4/m2d The dashed line in the final plot (scenario 3) goes below the lake emissions line because in winter, the unsaturated wetland actually oxidizes CH4 – net negative emissions. So, adding it to the total brings the total down from 100 to about 35. Once again this emphasizes the importance of the unsaturated zone in wetland emissions. CH4 (mg/m2mo) CH4 (mg/m2mo) CH4 (mg/m2mo) (=30 mg/m2d) (Fluxes per unit area of entire basin)

21 Annual Averages - Syum Lakes have highest emission rate per unit area
If we assume high lake CH4 emission rates ( mg/m2d) constant throughout year, lakes reach 9-32% of basin emissions But total lake contribution small Saturated wetland is largest component Unsaturated wetland is second largest, due to its large area Relative contributions of saturated and unsaturated zones vary in time with soil moisture This depends on wetland CH4 parameter set, and assumption that it applies everywhere in the wetland

22 Current Status Refining the CH4 model parameters with extensive in situ chamber flux observations from M. Glagolev (Moscow State U) and S. Maksyutov (NIES) Simulation of methane fluxes from W. Siberia, , currently under way

23 Data Assimilation Link VIC model to NIES atmospheric transport model (NIES-TM) State variables Soil moisture Surface inundation (linked to soil moisture) Atmospheric CH4 concentration Observations AMSR/QSCAT inundation Tower [CH4] (initially) Possible addition of GOSAT Total Column [CH4] AIRS does allow retrieval of atmospheric CH4, but only in the mid-upper troposphere, as opposed to GOSAT’s total column CH4. AIRS has twice-daily temporal resolution, 50km spatial resolution. AIRS data could be useful to us but the nice thing about GOSAT’s total column CH4 is that we don’t have to rely on accuracy of vertical mixing in the atmospheric transport model. It might be interesting for someone to take the difference of GOSAT – AIRS, to get lower troposphere CH4 content…

24 State Variables and Observations
(observed by towers and satellite) Surface Water CH4 (observed by satellite) As Soil Surface Depth ? ? ? The main idea here is: remote sensing can’t tell us total soil moisture or water table depth; it can only tell us how much of the surface has standing water (which is a subset of saturated soil). But this is a lower bound on saturated soil extent; seasonal flooding therefore gives us a time-varying lower bound on where the water table intersects the surface. This at least pins down the wet end of the water table distribution. Meanwhile, to get a handle on how much water is stored in the soil where we don’t have surface water, CH4 observations depend on soil moisture content. Total CH4 will therefore constrain total soil moisture content and average water table depth in the unsaturated zone. The amplitude of CH4 variations in response to variations in soil T and soil moisture will tell us something about how uniform the water table is. If the water table is completely uniform, CH4 variations will have the maximum possible response to changes in soil moisture. Sensitivity to changes in soil moisture will decrease as the spatial variance of water table depth increases. So, if we trust our CH4 model calibration, CH4 will constrain not only average water table position but water table shape. Water Table (poorly constrained) Water table position related to total soil moisture Drier Wetter Cumulative Area

25 NIES Tower Network 60-100m towers Hourly measurements of CH4, CO2
2 sampling heights at each tower: 10-40m, 40-80m (Courtesy M. Sasakawa, NIES)

26 JAXA GOSAT Launched 2009 Total column CH4 and CO2
10 km spatial resolution 1000 km swath width 3 days/44 orbit repeat cycle CH4, June-August 2010

27 NIES Atmospheric Transport Model (NIES-TM)
Tracer transport/diffusion model Driven by NCEP/NCAR fields 2.5 x 2.5 degree resolution (resolution of drivers) 15 Vertical layers (1000 mbar, 850, … up to 10 mbar) 15 min temporal resolution West Siberian simulation nested within global simulation CH4 sources for the rest of the world taken from Matthews and Fung (1987), Patra et al (2009) Tracks several species and reactions relevant to CH4 transport and oxidation, OH by Sudo et al (2002) Used successfully in inverse modeling of global CO2 sources in TRANSCOM experiment (Law et al., 2003)

28 Data Assimilation: Updates
Daily (AMSR/QSCAT only) or Weekly Ensembles formed from perturbed initial soil moisture states (or multiple NCEP/NCAR realizations, a la ESP) Ensemble Kalman Filter Update state variables in place, i.e. at same time/location as observation Can’t use atm CH4 to update soil moisture due to time lag between source and observation Ensemble Kalman Smoother (van Leeuwen and Evensen, 1996) Takes account of all observations and model states at all times between updates Can update state variables backwards in time, along particle trajectories between sources and observations

29 Conclusions Lakes have large per-area emissions but in many cases small total area The saturated and unsaturated areas of the wetland are large contributors of CH4 as a result of their large extent Total fluxes from these areas can be constrained to some extent via calibration vs. streamflow and satellite observed inundation Further constraint with ground observations is needed Assimilating tower- and satellite-based observations should provide valuable constraints on simulated methane emissions

30 Thank You This work was carried out at the University of Washington and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory under contract from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This work was funded by NASA ROSES grant NNX08AH97G.

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