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ATLAS/ALICE outreach Outreach and Education Group Information material Translation to Swedish Activities and projects Collaborative effort 2004 and 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS/ALICE outreach Outreach and Education Group Information material Translation to Swedish Activities and projects Collaborative effort 2004 and 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS/ALICE outreach Outreach and Education Group Information material Translation to Swedish Activities and projects Collaborative effort 2004 and 2005

2 ATLAS/ALICE outreach Aim Aim of the outreach group Inform and intrigue students and teachers Produce information material Assist in coordinating outreach activitites

3 ATLAS/ALICE outreach Information material New ATLAS posters Swedish versions exist New ATLAS DVD in progress New ATLAS installation and detector 3D animations in the pipeline



6 ATLAS/ALICE outreach Activities 1 2004 Open week for teachers at Lund University in March A week of particle physics for teachers and school classes in the autumn at SU/KTH/House of Science All particle physics groups take part CERN activities Open Day 16 October VIP day 19 October Video broadcast around 4 December

7 ATLAS/ALICE outreach Activities 2 2005 - WYOP A day of particle physics (Masterclasses) all over Europe 7-20 March Lund, Uppsala and Stockholm take part A week of physics at SU/KTH/House of Science is being considered EPS13 conference takes place in Berne 11-16 July CERN exhibition Open Day with CERN, JET etc The first European Physics Education Conference (EPEC-1) is planned for 2005.

8 ATLAS/ALICE outreach Collaborative effort We hope that everybody would like to take part Suggest other projects

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