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There are different types of dominant alleles. We have studied simple dominance, now lets examine 2 exceptions to the rules.

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Presentation on theme: "There are different types of dominant alleles. We have studied simple dominance, now lets examine 2 exceptions to the rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 There are different types of dominant alleles. We have studied simple dominance, now lets examine 2 exceptions to the rules.

2 What color is this horse?

3 The horse appears gray but if you pulled out hair to examine it is a mix of black hairs and white hairs. (1.) Codominance is when the 2 traits are dominant together but separate.

4 (2.) Incomplete dominance is when 2 traits mix together and can not be separated. This presents a 3 rd phenotype. Incomplete dominance is similar to when we mix 2 paints…a third color is made.

5 The colors of these flowers are like paint. when you cross a red with a white they mix completely to make a pink color that can not be separated again.

6 Go to presentation on Steps of Genetic Modification Genetic modification or (genetic engineering) Is used in plants and animals.

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