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Report1 Sim-profile 을 이용한 LI 벤치마크 과목명 : 컴퓨터 구조 특론 교수님 : 이상정 교수님 팀 원 : 강명숙, 박장수.

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Presentation on theme: "Report1 Sim-profile 을 이용한 LI 벤치마크 과목명 : 컴퓨터 구조 특론 교수님 : 이상정 교수님 팀 원 : 강명숙, 박장수."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report1 Sim-profile 을 이용한 LI 벤치마크 과목명 : 컴퓨터 구조 특론 교수님 : 이상정 교수님 팀 원 : 강명숙, 박장수

2 목 차목 차  간단한 C 프로그램 작성하고 컴파일 하여 어셈블리 언어를 생 성하고 Dlite! 디버거를 사용하여 실행.  두 개의 벤치마크 프로그램에 대해 sim-profile 로 시뮬레이션  결과

3 1. 간단한 소스  구구단  #include /* 헤더파일 불러옴 */  void main() /* 메인함수 호출 */  {  int a,b; /* 변수 설정 (a- 곱하여질 수 b- 단수 )*/  clrscr(); /* 화면을 깨끗이 정리 */  for(a=1; a<=9; a++) /* 곱하여질수 1 씩 증가시킴 */  {  for(b=9;b>=2;b--) /* 단수 9 에서 2 까지 1 씩 감소 */  printf("%dx%d=%-4d",b,a,b*a); /* 한 화면에 나오도록 줄을 맞추며 곱셈 출력 */  printf("\n"); /* 한줄 내려서 맨앞으로 커서이동 */  }

4 1-1. 컴파일 및 어셈블리코드  [pjswise@kop bin]$./sslittle-na-sstrix-gcc -o gogo.c  [pjswise@kop bin]$./sslittle-na-sstrix-gcc -S gogo.c

5 1-1. 컴파일 및 어셈블리코드 ( 계속 ) .file 1 "gogo.c"  # GNU C 2.6.3 [AL 1.1, MM 40, tma 0.1] SimpleScalar running sstrix compiled by GNU C  # Cc1 defaults:  # -mgas -mgpOPT  # Cc1 arguments (-G value = 8, Cpu = default, ISA = 1):  # -quiet -dumpbase -o  gcc2_compiled.:  __gnu_compiled_c: .rdata .align 2  $LC0: .ascii "%dX%d=%d\t\000" .sdata .align 2

6 1-1. 컴파일 및 어셈블리코드 ( 계속 )  $LC1: .ascii "\n\000" .text .align 2 .globl main .text .loc 1 3 .ent main  main: .frame $fp,32,$31 # vars= 8, regs= 2/0, args= 16, extra= 0 .mask 0xc0000000,-4 .fmask 0x00000000,0  subu $sp,$sp,32  sw $31,28($sp)  sw $fp,24($sp)  move $fp,$sp  jal __main  li $2,0x00000001 # 1  sw $2,16($fp)

7 1-1. 컴파일 및 어셈블리코드 ( 계속 )  $L2:  lw $2,16($fp)  slt $3,$2,10  bne $3,$0,$L5  j $L3  $L5:  li $2,0x00000002 # 2  sw $2,20($fp)  $L6:  lw $2,20($fp)  slt $3,$2,10  bne $3,$0,$L9  j $L7  $L9:  lw $2,20($fp)  lw $3,16($fp)  mult $2,$3  mflo $2  la $4,$LC0  lw $5,20($fp)  lw $6,16($fp)  move $7,$2  jal printf

8 1-1. 컴파일 및 어셈블리코드 ( 계속 )  $L8:  lw $3,20($fp)  addu $2,$3,1  move $3,$2  sw $3,20($fp)  j $L6  $L7:  la $4,$LC1  jal printf  $L4:  lw $3,16($fp)  addu $2,$3,1  move $3,$2  sw $3,16($fp)  j $L2  $L3:  $L1:  move $sp,$fp # sp not trusted here  lw $31,28($sp)  lw $fp,24($sp)  addu $sp,$sp,32  j $31 .end main

9 1-2. Sim-safe 수행  sim-safe: SimpleScalar/PISA Tool Set version 3.0 of August, 2003.  Copyright (c) 1994-2003 by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. and SimpleScalar, LLC.  All Rights Reserved. This version of SimpleScalar is licensed for academic  non-commercial use. No portion of this work may be used by any commercial  entity, or for any commercial purpose, without the prior written permission  of SimpleScalar, LLC (  sim: command line:./sim-safe  sim: simulation started @ Mon Apr 26 22:54:00 2004, options follow:  sim-safe: This simulator implements a functional simulator. This  functional simulator is the simplest, most user-friendly simulator in the  simplescalar tool set. Unlike sim-fast, this functional simulator checks  for all instruction errors, and the implementation is crafted for clarity  rather than speed.

10 1-2. Sim-safe 수행 ( 계속 )  # -config # load configuration from a file  # -dumpconfig # dump configuration to a file  # -h false # print help message  # -v false # verbose operation  # -d false # enable debug message  # -i false # start in Dlite debugger  -seed 1 # random number generator seed (0 for timer seed)  # -q false # initialize and terminate immediately  # -chkpt # restore EIO trace execution from  # -redir:sim # redirect simulator output to file (non-interactive only)  # -redir:prog # redirect simulated program output to file  -nice 0 # simulator scheduling priority  -max:inst 0 # maximum number of inst's to execute  sim: ** starting functional simulation **  2X1=2 3X1=3 4X1=4 5X1=5 6X1=6 7X1=7 8X1=8 9X1=9  2X2=4 3X2=6 4X2=8 5X2=10 6X2=12 7X2=14 8X2=16 9X2=18  2X3=6 3X3=9 4X3=12 5X3=15 6X3=18 7X3=21 8X3=24 9X3=27  2X4=8 3X4=12 4X4=16 5X4=20 6X4=24 7X4=28 8X4=32 9X4=36  2X5=10 3X5=15 4X5=20 5X5=25 6X5=30 7X5=35 8X5=40 9X5=45  2X6=12 3X6=18 4X6=24 5X6=30 6X6=36 7X6=42 8X6=48 9X6=54  2X7=14 3X7=21 4X7=28 5X7=35 6X7=42 7X7=49 8X7=56 9X7=63  2X8=16 3X8=24 4X8=32 5X8=40 6X8=48 7X8=56 8X8=64 9X8=72  2X9=18 3X9=27 4X9=36 5X9=45 6X9=54 7X9=63 8X9=72 9X9=81

11 1-2. Sim-safe 수행 ( 계속 )  sim: ** simulation statistics **  sim_num_insn 155296 # total number of instructions executed  sim_num_refs 42980 # total number of loads and stores executed  sim_elapsed_time 1 # total simulation time in seconds  sim_inst_rate 155296.0000 # simulation speed (in insts/sec)  ld_text_base 0x00400000 # program text (code) segment base  ld_text_size 70352 # program text (code) size in bytes  ld_data_base 0x10000000 # program initialized data segment base  ld_data_size 8192 # program init'ed `.data' and uninit'ed `.bss' size in bytes  ld_stack_base 0x7fffc000 # program stack segment base (highest address in stack)  ld_stack_size 16384 # program initial stack size  ld_prog_entry 0x00400140 # program entry point (initial PC)  ld_environ_base 0x7fff8000 # program environment base address address  ld_target_big_endian 0 # target executable endian-ness, non-zero if big endian  mem.page_count 26 # total number of pages allocated  mem.page_mem 104k # total size of memory pages allocated  mem.ptab_misses 26 # total first level page table misses  mem.ptab_accesses 1144886 # total page table accesses  mem.ptab_miss_rate 0.0000 # first level page table miss rate

12 1-3. Dlit! 디버거 사용  sim: ** starting functional simulation **  [ 0] 0x00400140: lw r16,0(r29)  DLite! > dis main  0x004001f0: addiu r29,r29,-32  0x004001f8: sw r31,28(r29)  0x00400200: sw r30,24(r29)  0x00400208: addu r30,r0,r29  0x00400210: jal 0x4004f8  0x00400218: addiu r2,r0,1  0x00400220: sw r2,16(r30)  0x00400228: lw r2,16(r30)  0x00400230: slti r3,r2,10  0x00400238: bne r3,r0,0x400248  0x00400240: j 0x400328  0x00400248: addiu r2,r0,2  0x00400250: sw r2,20(r30)  0x00400258: lw r2,20(r30)  0x00400260: slti r3,r2,10  0x00400268: bne r3,r0,0x400278  DLite! > break 0x00400218

13 1-2. Dlit! 디버거 사용 ( 계속 )  DLite! > cont  Stopping at code breakpoint #1 @ 0x00400218...  [ 181] 0x00400218: addiu r2,r0,1  DLite! > iregs  PC: 0x00400540 NPC: 0x00400218  HI: 0x00000000 LO: 0x00000000 FCC: 0x00000000  $r0: 0/0x00000000 $r1: 0/0x00000000  $r2: 0/0x00000000 $r3: 2/0x00000002  $r4: 268440024/0x100011d8 $r5: 2147450884/0x7fff8004  $r6: 2147450892/0x7fff800c $r7: 268440016/0x100011d0  $r8: 2130640639/0x7efefeff $r9: 791621423/0x2f2f2f2f  $r10: 0/0x00000000 $r11: 0/0x00000000  $r12: 0/0x00000000 $r13: 0/0x00000000  $r14: 0/0x00000000 $r15: 0/0x00000000  $r16: 1/0x00000001 $r17: 2147450884/0x7fff8004  $r18: 2147450892/0x7fff800c $r19: 0/0x00000000  $r20: 0/0x00000000 $r21: 0/0x00000000  $r22: 0/0x00000000 $r23: 0/0x00000000  $r24: 0/0x00000000 $r25: 0/0x00000000  $r26: 0/0x00000000 $r27: 0/0x00000000  $r28: 268473680/0x10009550 $r29: 2147450824/0x7fff7fc8  $r30: 2147450824/0x7fff7fc8 $r31: 4194840/0x00400218

14 1-2. Dlit! 디버거 사용 ( 계속 )  DLite! > step  [ 182] 0x00400220: sw r2,16(r30)  DLite! > iregs  PC: 0x00400218 NPC: 0x00400220  HI: 0x00000000 LO: 0x00000000 FCC: 0x00000000  $r0: 0/0x00000000 $r1: 0/0x00000000  $r2: 1/0x00000001 $r3: 2/0x00000002  $r4: 268440024/0x100011d8 $r5: 2147450884/0x7fff8004  $r6: 2147450892/0x7fff800c $r7: 268440016/0x100011d0  $r8: 2130640639/0x7efefeff $r9: 791621423/0x2f2f2f2f  $r10: 0/0x00000000 $r11: 0/0x00000000  $r12: 0/0x00000000 $r13: 0/0x00000000  $r14: 0/0x00000000 $r15: 0/0x00000000  $r16: 1/0x00000001 $r17: 2147450884/0x7fff8004  $r18: 2147450892/0x7fff800c $r19: 0/0x00000000  $r20: 0/0x00000000 $r21: 0/0x00000000  $r22: 0/0x00000000 $r23: 0/0x00000000  $r24: 0/0x00000000 $r25: 0/0x00000000  $r26: 0/0x00000000 $r27: 0/0x00000000  $r28: 268473680/0x10009550 $r29: 2147450824/0x7fff7fc8  $r30: 2147450824/0x7fff7fc8 $r31: 4194840/0x00400218

15 1-2. Dlit! 디버거 사용 ( 계속 )  DLite! > step  [ 183] 0x00400228: lw r2,16(r30)  DLite! > iregs  PC: 0x00400220 NPC: 0x00400228  HI: 0x00000000 LO: 0x00000000 FCC: 0x00000000  $r0: 0/0x00000000 $r1: 0/0x00000000  $r2: 1/0x00000001 $r3: 2/0x00000002  $r4: 268440024/0x100011d8 $r5: 2147450884/0x7fff8004  $r6: 2147450892/0x7fff800c $r7: 268440016/0x100011d0  $r8: 2130640639/0x7efefeff $r9: 791621423/0x2f2f2f2f  $r10: 0/0x00000000 $r11: 0/0x00000000  $r12: 0/0x00000000 $r13: 0/0x00000000  $r14: 0/0x00000000 $r15: 0/0x00000000  $r16: 1/0x00000001 $r17: 2147450884/0x7fff8004  $r18: 2147450892/0x7fff800c $r19: 0/0x00000000  $r20: 0/0x00000000 $r21: 0/0x00000000  $r22: 0/0x00000000 $r23: 0/0x00000000  $r24: 0/0x00000000 $r25: 0/0x00000000  $r26: 0/0x00000000 $r27: 0/0x00000000  $r28: 268473680/0x10009550 $r29: 2147450824/0x7fff7fc8  $r30: 2147450824/0x7fff7fc8 $r31: 4194840/0x00400218

16 1-3. Dlit! 디버거 사용 ( 계속 )  DLite! > step  [ 184] 0x00400230: slti r3,r2,10  DLite! > iregs  PC: 0x00400228 NPC: 0x00400230  HI: 0x00000000 LO: 0x00000000 FCC: 0x00000000  $r0: 0/0x00000000 $r1: 0/0x00000000  $r2: 1/0x00000001 $r3: 2/0x00000002  $r4: 268440024/0x100011d8 $r5: 2147450884/0x7fff8004  $r6: 2147450892/0x7fff800c $r7: 268440016/0x100011d0  $r8: 2130640639/0x7efefeff $r9: 791621423/0x2f2f2f2f  $r10: 0/0x00000000 $r11: 0/0x00000000  $r12: 0/0x00000000 $r13: 0/0x00000000  $r14: 0/0x00000000 $r15: 0/0x00000000  $r16: 1/0x00000001 $r17: 2147450884/0x7fff8004  $r18: 2147450892/0x7fff800c $r19: 0/0x00000000  $r20: 0/0x00000000 $r21: 0/0x00000000  $r22: 0/0x00000000 $r23: 0/0x00000000  $r24: 0/0x00000000 $r25: 0/0x00000000  $r26: 0/0x00000000 $r27: 0/0x00000000  $r28: 268473680/0x10009550 $r29: 2147450824/0x7fff7fc8  $r30: 2147450824/0x7fff7fc8 $r31: 4194840/0x00400218

17 1-3. Dlit! 디버거 사용 ( 계속 )  DLite! > step  [ 185] 0x00400238: bne r3,r0,0x400248  DLite! > iregs  PC: 0x00400230 NPC: 0x00400238  HI: 0x00000000 LO: 0x00000000 FCC: 0x00000000  $r0: 0/0x00000000 $r1: 0/0x00000000  $r2: 1/0x00000001 $r3: 1/0x00000001  $r4: 268440024/0x100011d8 $r5: 2147450884/0x7fff8004  $r6: 2147450892/0x7fff800c $r7: 268440016/0x100011d0  $r8: 2130640639/0x7efefeff $r9: 791621423/0x2f2f2f2f  $r10: 0/0x00000000 $r11: 0/0x00000000  $r12: 0/0x00000000 $r13: 0/0x00000000  $r14: 0/0x00000000 $r15: 0/0x00000000  $r16: 1/0x00000001 $r17: 2147450884/0x7fff8004  $r18: 2147450892/0x7fff800c $r19: 0/0x00000000  $r20: 0/0x00000000 $r21: 0/0x00000000  $r22: 0/0x00000000 $r23: 0/0x00000000  $r24: 0/0x00000000 $r25: 0/0x00000000  $r26: 0/0x00000000 $r27: 0/0x00000000  $r28: 268473680/0x10009550 $r29: 2147450824/0x7fff7fc8  $r30: 2147450824/0x7fff7fc8 $r31: 4194840/0x00400218

18 1-3. Dlit! 디버거 사용 ( 계속 )  DLite! > cont  2X1=2 3X1=3 4X1=4 5X1=5 6X1=6 7X1=7 8X1=8 9X1=9  2X2=4 3X2=6 4X2=8 5X2=10 6X2=12 7X2=14 8X2=16 9X2=18  2X3=6 3X3=9 4X3=12 5X3=15 6X3=18 7X3=21 8X3=24 9X3=27  2X4=8 3X4=12 4X4=16 5X4=20 6X4=24 7X4=28 8X4=32 9X4=36  2X5=10 3X5=15 4X5=20 5X5=25 6X5=30 7X5=35 8X5=40 9X5=45  2X6=12 3X6=18 4X6=24 5X6=30 6X6=36 7X6=42 8X6=48 9X6=54  2X7=14 3X7=21 4X7=28 5X7=35 6X7=42 7X7=49 8X7=56 9X7=63  2X8=16 3X8=24 4X8=32 5X8=40 6X8=48 7X8=56 8X8=64 9X8=72  2X9=18 3X9=27 4X9=36 5X9=45 6X9=54 7X9=63 8X9=72 9X9=81

19 2-1 LI 벤치마크 시뮬레이션  [pjswise@kop simplesim-3.0]$./sim-profile -iclass train.lsp  sim-profile: SimpleScalar/PISA Tool Set version 3.0 of August, 2003.  Copyright (c) 1994-2003 by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. and SimpleScalar, LLC.  All Rights Reserved. This version of SimpleScalar is licensed for academic  non-commercial use. No portion of this work may be used by any commercial  entity, or for any commercial purpose, without the prior written permission  of SimpleScalar, LLC (  sim: command line:./sim-profile -iclass train.lsp  sim: simulation started @ Tue Apr 27 00:36:18 2004, options follow:  sim-profile: This simulator implements a functional simulator with  profiling support. Run with the `-h' flag to see profiling options  available.

20 2-1 LI 벤치마크 시뮬레이션 ( 계속 )  # -config # load configuration from a file  # -dumpconfig # dump configuration to a file  # -h false # print help message  # -v false # verbose operation  # -d false # enable debug message  # -i false # start in Dlite debugger  -seed 1 # random number generator seed (0 for timer seed)  # -q false # initialize and terminate immediately  # -chkpt # restore EIO trace execution from  # -redir:sim # redirect simulator output to file (non-interactive only)  # -redir:prog # redirect simulated program output to file  -nice 0 # simulator scheduling priority  -max:inst 0 # maximum number of inst's to execute  -all false # enable all profile options  -iclass true # enable instruction class profiling  -iprof false # enable instruction profiling  -brprof false # enable branch instruction profiling  -amprof false # enable address mode profiling  -segprof false # enable load/store address segment profiling  -tsymprof false # enable text symbol profiling  -taddrprof false # enable text address profiling  -dsymprof false # enable data symbol profiling  -internal false # include compiler-internal symbols during symbol profiling  # -pcstat # profile stat(s) against text addr's (mult uses ok)

21 2-1 LI 벤치마크 시뮬레이션 ( 계속 )  sim: ** starting functional simulation **  XLISP version 1.6, Copyright (c) 1985, by David Betz  ; loading "train.lsp"  (IMPLIES (AND (IMPLIES (F (PLUS (PLUS A B) (PLUS C (ZERO)))) (F (TIMES (TIMES A B) (PLUS C D)))) (IMPLIES (F (TIMES (TIMES A B) (PLUS C D))) (F (REVERSE (APPEND (APPEND A B) (NIL)))))) (IMPLIES (F (PLUS (PLUS A B) (PLUS C (ZERO)))) (F (REVERSE (APPEND (APPEND A B) (NIL))))))  NIL  (DONE BOYER-TEST)  (ALL DONE)  sim: ** simulation statistics **  sim_num_insn 183304160 # total number of instructions executed  sim_num_refs 77814350 # total number of loads and stores executed  sim_elapsed_time 73 # total simulation time in seconds  sim_inst_rate 2511015.8904 # simulation speed (in insts/sec)

22 2-1 LI 벤치마크 시뮬레이션 ( 계속 )  sim_inst_class_prof # instruction class profile  sim_inst_class_prof.array_size = 7  sim_inst_class_prof.bucket_size = 1  sim_inst_class_prof.count = 7  = 183304159  sim_inst_class_prof.imin = 0  sim_inst_class_prof.imax = 7  sim_inst_class_prof.average = 26186308.4286  sim_inst_class_prof.std_dev = 23544650.7948  sim_inst_class_prof.overflows = 0  # pdf == prob dist fn, cdf == cumulative dist fn  # index count pdf  sim_inst_class_prof.start_dist  load 47478199 25.90  store 30336151 16.55  uncond branch 17568468 9.58  cond branch 24237916 13.22  int computation 63683386 34.74  fp computation 0 0.00  trap 39 0.00  sim_inst_class_prof.end_dist

23 2-1 LI 벤치마크 시뮬레이션 ( 계속 )  ld_text_base 0x00400000 # program text (code) segment base  ld_text_size 180640 # program text (code) size in bytes  ld_data_base 0x10000000 # program initialized data segment base  ld_data_size 20788 # program init'ed `.data' and uninit'ed `.bss' size in bytes  ld_stack_base 0x7fffc000 # program stack segment base (highest address in stack)  ld_stack_size 16384 # program initial stack size  ld_prog_entry 0x00400140 # program entry point (initial PC)  ld_environ_base 0x7fff8000 # program environment base address address  ld_target_big_endian 0 # target executable endian-ness, non-zero if big endian  mem.page_count 96 # total number of pages allocated  mem.page_mem 384k # total size of memory pages allocated  mem.ptab_misses 96 # total first level page table misses  mem.ptab_accesses 889998734 # total page table accesses  mem.ptab_miss_rate 0.0000 # first level page table miss rate

24 2-2 자유벤치 RC4  sim: ** starting functional simulation **  sim: ** simulation statistics **  sim_num_insn 32322 # total number of instructions executed  sim_num_refs 15829 # total number of loads and stores executed  sim_elapsed_time 1 # total simulation time in seconds  sim_inst_rate 32322.0000 # simulation speed (in insts/sec)  sim_inst_class_prof # instruction class profile  sim_inst_class_prof.array_size = 7  sim_inst_class_prof.bucket_size = 1  sim_inst_class_prof.count = 7  = 32321  sim_inst_class_prof.imin = 0  sim_inst_class_prof.imax = 7  sim_inst_class_prof.average = 4617.2857  sim_inst_class_prof.std_dev = 5143.8144  sim_inst_class_prof.overflows = 0  # pdf == prob dist fn, cdf == cumulative dist fn  # index count pdf  sim_inst_class_prof.start_dist  load 9618 29.76  store 6211 19.22  uncond branch 854 2.64  cond branch 2610 8.08  int computation 13014 40.26  fp computation 0 0.00  trap 14 0.04  sim_inst_class_prof.end_dist

25 2-2 자유벤치 RC4 ( 계속 )  ld_text_base 0x00400000 # program text (code) segment base  ld_text_size 98080 # program text (code) size in bytes  ld_data_base 0x10000000 # program initialized data segment base  ld_data_size 12288 # program init'ed `.data' and uninit'ed `.bs  s' size in bytes  ld_stack_base 0x7fffc000 # program stack segment base (highest addres  s in stack)  ld_stack_size 16384 # program initial stack size  ld_prog_entry 0x00400140 # program entry point (initial PC)  ld_environ_base 0x7fff8000 # program environment base address address  ld_target_big_endian 0 # target executable endian-ness, non-zero if  big endian  mem.page_count 34 # total number of pages allocated  mem.page_mem 136k # total size of memory pages allocated  mem.ptab_misses 34 # total first level page table misses  mem.ptab_accesses 770024 # total page table accesses  mem.ptab_miss_rate 0.0000 # first level page table miss rate

26 3. 결 과  구현환경 CPU : P- Ⅲ 866MHz Memory : 256MB OS : Red Hat Linux 7.3  입력내용

27 3. 결 과 ( 계속 )  수행결과 도표 sim_num_insnsim_num_refssim-elapsed_timesm_inst_rateId_text_sizeId_data_size LI18330416077814350732511015.890418064020788 RC43232215829132322.00009808012288 Id_stack_sizemem.page_cou nt mem.page_memmem.ptab_mi sses mem.ptab_ accesses Imem.ptab_m iss_rate LI1638496384K968899987340.0000 RC41638434136K347700240.0000

28 3. 결 과 ( 계속 )






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