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Chapter 3: Vertebrates Animals with backbones

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1 Chapter 3: Vertebrates Animals with backbones
Skeletons inside their body Spinal cord: bundle of nerves down animal’s back Spinal cord connects the brain to nerves in body Two Main Types: cold-blooded & warm-blooded

2 Cold-Blooded Vertebrates
Three basic types: Fish Amphibians Reptiles

3 Fish Cold-blooded: body temperature changes
Bodies are streamlined and covered with scales Use fins for swimming Gills for breathing Two-chambered heart 3 Groups of fish

4 Three Fish Types Bony Skeleton Cartilage Opening Jaws
Trout, Cod, Perch Cartilage Opening Jaws Sharks, Skates, Rays Cartilage, No Jaws Lamprey, Hagfish

5 Amphibians “Double life” live part in water/part land
Cold-blooded environment controls body temperature Three-chambered heart Lay eggs in moist areas or in moist foam Breathe through skin and lungs

6 Amphibian Examples Without Tails With Tails Frogs, Toads
When young—live in water and have gills Grow legs, lungs develop, gills disappear, tail shrinks. With Tails Salamanders, Newts Have tails

7 Reptiles Cold-blooded – live on land 3 Major Groups
Snakes and lizards, Crocodiles, Turtles Body covered with scales and waterproof skin Breathe air through lungs Three-chambered heart

8 Snakes and Lizards Smell & detect body heat w/sense organs on tongue

9 Crocodiles Includes alligators Find both in Florida
Crocodile snout is pointed Alligator snout is rounded

10 Turtles Includes tortoises Only vertebrate with shell Toothless
Shell is not skeleton Turtles in water; tortoises on land

11 Warm-Blooded Vertebrates
Two Main Types Birds Mammals

12 Birds Warm blooded Have 2 legs, 2 wings, hollow bones, no teeth
Have bodies covered by feathers Lay from 2-6 eggs at a time Have 2 types of feathers Four-chambered heart

13 Examples of Birds Woodpecker Finch Clapper Rails Ducks

14 Mammals Warm-blooded, body covered with hair or fur
Highly developed nervous system with complex brain Mammary (milk) glands—feed their young 3 Types: Placental, Marsupial, Monotreme

15 Placental Mammals Develop inside mother’s body Whales Dolphins Bats

16 Marsupials Mammals Born before they’re fully developed; then move into a pouch Opossum Kangaroo Koala

17 Egg-Laying Mammals Only two examples: Duck-billed platypus
Spiny anteater

18 Chapter Summary Be able to:
Compare and contrast cold-blooded vertebrates Compare and contrast warm-blooded vertebrates

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