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Aquaculture. the controlled production of animals that normally live in water (fish farming) three thousand year old practice started by the Egyptians.

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Presentation on theme: "Aquaculture. the controlled production of animals that normally live in water (fish farming) three thousand year old practice started by the Egyptians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquaculture

2 the controlled production of animals that normally live in water (fish farming) three thousand year old practice started by the Egyptians and Chinese

3 Aquaculture two types of water creatures freshwater saltwater

4 Aquaculture animals raised for production may include crustaceans (shrimp and crayfish) mollusks (clams and oysters) amphibians (frogs) reptiles (alligators)

5 Aquaculture fish provide a high quality high protein supply of meat as with other agriculture animals humans soon discovered that by producing their own aquatic animals that the supply available to the consumer would be more dependable and easier to harvest

6 Aquaculture commercial growth growing of fish five million tons a year produced demands of the consumer has increased

7 Aquaculture aquatic animals are produced efficiently and economically fish account for 12% of the meat consumed in the US

8 Fish Production many advantages over other agricultural animals 9lbs. Feed for 1lbs. Of grain for steer 2lbs. Feed for 1lbs. Of grain a fish

9 Fish Production fish are ectothermic (cold- blooded) this means less energy goes into maintaining a constant body temp

10 Fish Production fish have a higher percentage of edible meat (up to 85%) up to 6000 pounds fish can be raised on one acre

11 Fish Production Problems in fish production dissolved oxygen level must be maintained shipping the meat (fish spoils quickly) operations are labor intensive operations are high risk

12 Fish Respiration breathe oxygen use gills to take oxygen from the air and put it to use in the bloodstream gills act just as lungs do

13 Fish Respiration The oxygen is put into the water through… photosynthesis process in which aquatic plants which releases dissolved oxygen into the water

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