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Shiloh High School Industrial Technology/WoodLINKS USA “Linking Education with Industry” Will your Program Excel in the 21 st Century.

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Presentation on theme: "Shiloh High School Industrial Technology/WoodLINKS USA “Linking Education with Industry” Will your Program Excel in the 21 st Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shiloh High School Industrial Technology/WoodLINKS USA “Linking Education with Industry” Will your Program Excel in the 21 st Century ? Four State Regional Technology conference Pittsburg State University-Pittsburg, Kansas Thursday November 16-17, 2006 Presenter: Mark Smith-Shiloh High School-Industrial Technology/WoodLINKS USA Instructor

2 What is the problem? Undesirable view of Vocational Education Job opportunities unknown to school and public Lack of meaningful dialogue between education and industry High School Programs Closing Lack of Highly Skilled workers USA losing competitive edge

3 School-Based-Enterprise

4 Kyle Prouse-WoodLINKS USA Certified

5 Wood Digest-Student of the Month

6 Stephen Gilbert-Valedictorian-WoodLINKS USA Certified

7 Adam Carrington-Salutatorian-WoodLINKS USA Certified

8 School-Based-Enterprise

9 Joe Harbaugh-Article in CWB Magazine

10 Emory Luth-Valedictorian-WoodLINKS USA Certified


12 School-Based-Enterprise

13 John White-Shiloh High School Student


15 Shiloh Students wearing Wooden Sunglasses-Joint Venture with iWood Ecodesign

16 Industry Supporter-Thermwood Corporation

17 Amy Devers of DIY wearing our Wooden Sunglasses

18 Industry Supporter-Accurate Technology

19 Shiloh High School-Present Technology

20 Current Classroom/Shop Equipment Wood Manufacturing equipment; Table Saw, Drill Press, Band Saw, Shaper, 10” Miter Saw, 12” Sliding Miter Saw, Surfacing Sander, Jointer, Dust Collector, Edge Bander, Pocket Hole Machine, Face Frame Table, Spray Room, Down Draft Tables, Edge Bander Pocket Hole Machine. Hand Tools; Electric Sanders, Air Sanders, Routers,, Clamps, Oscillating Spindle Sander, Swiss Invis, Spray Guns. Digital Tools; Table Saw, Planer, Miter Saw, Sliding Miter Saw, Pro-Panel Digital Tool, Small Digital Measuring Tool. Computer Lab; AutoCAD, MasterCAM, ArtCAM, Inventor, Mechanical Desktop, Viz, eCabinets, MasterCAM Art, Microvellum. CNC equipment; Thermwood Model 40 CNC Router.

21 The First Question-How did we pay for this? Summer Program: provided tools we needed Production Cabinet Jobs: raised $50,000 for program - Kitchen Cabinets and Entertainment Centers Production contract work: has raised about $10,000 - iWood Ecodesign Wooden Sunglasses and Carvings Industry Donations: to date estimated to be $200,000

22 The Second Question -How are we getting Industry to donate? We are part of a Nationally recognized organization- WoodLINKS USA. We have formed an Advisory Council that local/National Industry leaders participate in. We use email to send pictures, movies and updates to Industry. We take students to the IWF and the AWFS shows to develop Industry contacts and donations. We publicize our student work to national magazines and local newspapers. We have set up a Shiloh High School Industrial Technology Program web site for people to visit.

23 Castle Video Clip

24 WoodLINKS USA Vision Statement To produce the future generation of certified entry-level skilled graduates for the wood manufacturing industry and for related post – secondary education programs.

25 Skilled Work Force In today's world economy, businesses need: - 20 % professionals - 65 % skilled labor - and can tolerate no more than 15 percent unskilled labor in order to be successful. Source: Senator Jackson-WV Education

26 We Manage WoodLINKS USA By: Developing teacher resources Assisting with teacher certification Organizing teacher–in–services- training the teachers Developing new curriculum Developing Masters Program Summer Camp Quarterly Newsletter

27 Results Over 100 WoodLINKS USA schools in 17 states Massachusetts, Michigan, Wisconsin Ohio, Illinois, North Carolina West Virginia, Texas, Arizona California, Oregon, Washington Utah, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, South Carolina

28 Industry Contributions Industry donations to WoodLINKS USA Start-up Schools: ( $3 million in 2005) -Franklin glues -Wagner Moisture meters -Microvellum software -Local contributions

29 Present opportunities for Shiloh High School IND. TECH./WoodLINKS USA Students Summer Program paid work experience-build items for the school district. WoodLINKS USA Certification. Dual Credit for Drafting/CAD-Lake Land & Parkland. Internships with Industry supporters for graduates- Enkeboll, Andersen. Participation in School-Based-Enterprise-Production Class-building kitchen cabinets, Wooden Sunglasses for iWood Ecodesign, and contract CNC work. Industry supporters come into classroom via the web

30 Present opportunities for Shiloh High School IND. TECH./WoodLINKS USA Students CAD work for local businesses while in CAD class. Woodworking Summer Camp at NCSU. Local and National Industry calling for workers. Participation in IWF and AWFS Industry Fairs. AWFS Student Design Competition. Industry funded educational trips-California, North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Las Vegas. Craftsman’s Challenge hosted by Veneer Tech Student work published in national trade journals Preferential treatment of WoodLINKS USA Certified graduates

31 Shiloh High School Industrial Technology/WoodLINKS USA Students

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