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Self-Concept The way individuals see themselves!.

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Concept The way individuals see themselves!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Concept The way individuals see themselves!

2 Self-Concept  It is the foundation of our entire personality and it affects almost everything we do.  It is connected to our feelings about ourselves and it mirrors other people’s opinions of us.

3 Self-Concept  It is a very strong factor in how one projects oneself to the world.  It is a factor in developing individual capacity to set goals and to realize success.

4 How to Enhance Self-Concept  Development of long term plans.  Engagement in positive self-talk.  Reduction/elimination of negative self-talk.  Avoidance of sources of negative influence.

5 How to Enhance Self-Concept  Stress management.  Anger management  Enhancement of skills/abilities.  Having a purpose in life.  Development of positive personal relationships.  Interactions with positive people.  Adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

6 Resiliency  The extent to which we keep our spirits “up” when things do not work out as we would have liked.  Those with a positive self-esteem are better able to cope with change, keep moving ahead when they are met with challenges and bounce back from adversity and failure.

7 Resiliency

8 Self-Esteem  Is the opinion you have of yourself. It is based on your attitude to the following: Your value as a person The job you do Your achievements How you think others see you Your purpose in life Your place in the world Your potential for success Your strengths and weaknesses Your social status and how you relate to others Your independence or ability to stand on your own feet

9 High Self-Esteem  Increases your confidence.  Increased self-respect.  Improve relationships with others.  Improve your achievements.  Increase overall happiness.

10 Low Self-Esteem  It causes: unhappiness unhappiness insecurity insecurity poor confidence poor confidence

11 How to Improve Self-Esteem  Face your fears.  Forget your failures.  Know what you want and ask for it.  Reward yourself when you succeed.  Talk  Don’t be defeated.

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