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Distance Education W220 – Technical Issues in Educational Computing E-learning October 29, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Distance Education W220 – Technical Issues in Educational Computing E-learning October 29, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distance Education W220 – Technical Issues in Educational Computing E-learning October 29, 2003

2 EDUC W220 - Technical Issies in Educational Computing - Riad S. Twal 2 Internet Connectivity Speeds T1 – Trunk Level 1 Digital transmission link 1.544 Mbps 24 voice quality lines (POTS – plain old telephone service) Fractional T1 – Channelized T1 Some of the channels turned on 384kbps 512kbps 768kbps T3 line – DS3 45 Mbps comprised of 28 T1 lines fast enough to transmit full-motion, real-time video typically installed as a major networking artery for large corporations and universities DSL – Digital Subscriber Line Variable speeds – sold in terms of download and upload 786kbps / 384 kbps 512kbps / 128 kpbs 1 DSL line = 2 analog telephone line

3 October 29, 2003EDUC W220 - Technical Issies in Educational Computing - Riad S. Twal 3 Distance Education Technologies Correspondence Courses Snail mail E-mail Web-based course Audio / Video tape Asynchronous Teleconference Synchronous Videoconference Synchronous

4 October 29, 2003EDUC W220 - Technical Issies in Educational Computing - Riad S. Twal 4 What are the models? Supplement existing classes Language Science Math Replace existing classes Virtual school

5 October 29, 2003EDUC W220 - Technical Issies in Educational Computing - Riad S. Twal 5 Issues Curriculum Who is in control? Access Advanced Placement courses only? Science courses only? Only during 3 rd period? Technology Local academic support

6 October 29, 2003EDUC W220 - Technical Issies in Educational Computing - Riad S. Twal 6 Issues… Who are the teachers? Teachers from other districts? Teachers from other states? Parents? Subject Matter Experts? Are the teacher’s licensed? In the state? In the subject area? Funding…

7 October 29, 2003EDUC W220 - Technical Issies in Educational Computing - Riad S. Twal 7 “As stipulated by the Florida K-20 Education Code (s.1002.20), parents have the right to choose educational options such as Florida Virtual School for their children. A student’s full-time school may not deny access to courses offered by FLVS assuming that the desired online course(s) is an appropriate course placement based on the student’s academic history, grade level, and age.–”Florida K-20 Education Code (s.1002.20)

8 October 29, 2003EDUC W220 - Technical Issies in Educational Computing - Riad S. Twal 8 Any time, any place, any path, any pace But is this true? Time server maintenance 9 th grader online at 4am? Place As long as there is electricity and internet connectivity Path Allowing students to take courses out of sequence? Pace School quarter / semester / year

9 October 29, 2003EDUC W220 - Technical Issies in Educational Computing - Riad S. Twal 9 Maryland Virtual High School of Science and Mathematics “Preparing students to “do” science in the real world of the future means guiding them in “doing” science now. The Maryland Virtual High School of Science and Mathematics entails bringing to the classroom the same team problem solving, technology rich approaches currently used in research and business.”

10 October 29, 2003EDUC W220 - Technical Issies in Educational Computing - Riad S. Twal 10 Maryland Virtual High School of Science and Mathematics October 1995, Montgomery Blair High School Three year grant $1,500,000 National Science Foundation computational science studies Internet use for science resources, mentoring and collaboration

11 October 29, 2003EDUC W220 - Technical Issies in Educational Computing - Riad S. Twal 11 ml ml

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