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Anomalous Right-handed Top Quark Couplings Kang Young Lee (Konkuk Univ.) Tevatron B physics KISTI 2009. 8. 24.

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Presentation on theme: "Anomalous Right-handed Top Quark Couplings Kang Young Lee (Konkuk Univ.) Tevatron B physics KISTI 2009. 8. 24."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anomalous Right-handed Top Quark Couplings Kang Young Lee (Konkuk Univ.) Tevatron B physics workshop @ KISTI 2009. 8. 24.

2 Based on J. P. Lee and KYL, arXiv:0809.0751. J. P. Lee and KYL, Phys. Rev. D 78, 056004 (2008). KYL and W. Y. Song, Phys. Rev. D 66, 057901 (2002).

3 Contents Introduction B→X s γ decays B q -B q mixing Results Top quark decays Summary -

4 Introduction LHC : the top quark factory in a sense More than 10 8 -10 9 top quarks will be produced at LHC in a year (if LHC works at full power). Top quark couplings will be directly tested. Nondiagonal couplings may be observed. Anomalous top quark couplings are worth examining at present.

5 The CKM matrix Not directly measured >0.74 without unitarity D0 arXiv: 0803.0739 CDF Note 8968

6 Effective Lagrangian V tq eff : measures SM-like left-handed couplings ξ q : measures right-handed couplings Underlying new physics Effective electroweak chiral Lagrangian General Left-Right model (V L CKM ≠V R CKM ) Etc. New particles, neutral current interactions are ignored.

7 ΔB=1 effective Hamiltonian O i : SM operators O i ‘ : chiral conjugate operators SM Wilson coefficients B→X s γ decays

8 Turn on the right-handed couplings with the new loop functions

9 Branching ratio SM prediction at NNLO for M. Misiak and M. Steinhauser, NPB 764, 62 (2007) M. Misiak et al., PRL 98, 022002 (2007). World average value of measurement HFAG

10 - Mass and width differences Schreodinger equation Note that B q -B q mixing

11 Transition amplitude with

12 SM predictions A. Lenz and U. Nierste, JHEP 06, 072 (2007) Measurements HFAG CDF, PRL 97, 242003 (2006) D0, D0 note 5618-CONF

13 We obtain ξ b =0 Results

14 We obtain ξ s =0

15  No CP violation is predicted in B s -B s mixing in the SM. (No phase in V ts and V tb )  Combined analysis of current data of B s -B s mixing tells us that there exists some CP violation.  Our prediction of the phase of M 12 s is dominated by the phase of V tq eff.  The phase of B d -B d mixing is directly measured. - - -

16 ξ b =0 A. Lenz and U. Nierste, JHEP 06, 072 (2007)

17 ξ s =0 sin 2β

18 Top quark decays Nondiagonal top quark decays which is insensitive to ξ s and directly measure V ts eff. Large deviation from the SM prediction is possible.

19 Note that in the SM Can we measure it?

20 Model independent study on the anomalous right-handed top quark couplings have been performed. Combined analysis of B→X s γ decays and B q -B q mixing provides valuable information. Constraints on new physics parameters and predictions of departure from the SM are obtained. Nondiagonal top quark decays might examine the tsW coupling independently. Summary -


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