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D. Bortoletto 1 16/June/2014D. Bortoletto. Final states and tool strategies  Develop analysis framework and tools for specific final states allowing.

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1 D. Bortoletto 1 16/June/2014D. Bortoletto

2 Final states and tool strategies  Develop analysis framework and tools for specific final states allowing measurements of the Higgs, other SM phenomena, and sensitivity to new physics  Two examples of a successful strategy  H→ZZ→2l2  → l + l - +MET at the CMS  ZH→2b2 →  bb + MET at CDF  Both modes have:  High Impact  Discovery potential  Cover a variety of physics (SM, Higgs, BSM) D. Bortoletto 2 16/June/2014

3 H→ZZ→2l2  H→ZZ→4l golden mode for Higgs studies   H→ZZ→2l2  benefits aboutone order of magnitude large  x BR (Purdue, Brussels, CERN, Northeastern) D. Bortoletto 3 Jakub Zablocki Petra Merkel Daniele Benedetti  Challenge: backgrounds (Z+Jets, tt, single t, WZ, ZZ, WW) 16/June/2014

4 H→ZZ→2l2 D. Bortoletto 4  Analysis optimized separately for Gluon Fusion (0+1 jets) and VBF (2 jets)  Two variables chosen for final selection MET and Transverse Mass of Higgs (MT) 16/June/2014

5 High Mass Higgs D. Bortoletto 5  CMS Legacy combination ongoing for ICHEP (Merkel editor)  H→ZZ→2l2 yields best limits above 500 GeV also in the legacy paper 16/June/2014

6 Searches for Narrow width heavy scalar Electroweak Singlet partner  Consider:  Introduce BR to new states : Br new ( i.e., H = new heavy Higgs H  hh where, h(126))  Define coupling for h(126) and H as C 2 and C’ 2  h(126) signal strength  = C 2  Unitarity c 2 +c’ 2 =1  Heavy Higgs signal strength and width scale as:   ’ = C’ 2 (1-BR new )  Γ’=(C’ 2 /(1 ‐ BRnew))xΓSM  Combine ggF and VBF results assuming SM ratio D. Bortoletto 6 Also scanned BR new ≠ 0 cases: limit on C’ gets weaker with Br new >0 Bowen, Cui, Wells,: arxiv:hep-ph/0701035v1 16/June/2014 Run 2 data necessary to extend reach to multi-TeV bosons.

7 Invisible Higgs Decay  CMS:  combination of Z(ll)+ MET, Z(bb)+MET and VBF + MET searches yields  Observed (expected) B(H→inv)/  SM <0.58 (< 0.44) @ 95% CL D. Bortoletto 7  Re-Interpret B(H→inv) limit in Higgs-portal model:  DM sector decoupled from SM, except for Higgs-mediated interactions with m  < m H/2 Djouadi, A. Falkowski, Y. Mambrini, and J. Quevillon B. Patt and F. Wilczek CMS-HIG-13-030

8 Constraints Higgs boson Width from Off-shell Production D. Bortoletto 8 gluon-gluon fusion production WW, ZZ  Measuring contrains Γ H Higgs F. Caola, K. Melnikov, Phys. Rev. D88 (2013) 054024 J. Campbell et al. arXiv:1311.3589 More details in Anderson’s talk  Off-shell H* → VV (V = W, Z) enhances the H(126) cross-section at high mass [ ~8% of  H→ZZ) found in m ZZ > 2m Z ] N. Kauer and G. Passarino, JHEP 08 (2012) 116 Threshold effects at 2m z and 2m t 16/June/2014 For m ZZ > 2m Z (m ZZ - m H ) >>  H

9 Width H→ZZ→2l2  m T > 350 GeV and E T,miss > 100 GeV (2l2ν).GeV D. Bortoletto 9  Combined observed (expected) limit   /  SM < 5.4 (8.0) @ 95% CL   < 22 (33) MeV @ 95% CL  = (1.8+7.7-1.8) MeV N (  H =  SM )N (  H =10x  SM ) Observed 93.2±6.0124.9±7.891

10 CDF bb + MET D. Bortoletto 10  First measurement of Single top (K. Potamianos, Purdue)  First measurement of single top in the s- channel production (Cremonesi, Oxford)  Searches for new physics in tt+MET, searches for new physics with Monotop final states, and SUSY (sbottom, stop searches) Observed significance 3.0σ at m H = 125 GeV/c 2 HIGGS Veszpremi Apresyan Potamianos Liu

11  BACKUP 16/June/2014D. Bortoletto 11

12 Invisible Higgs decays D. Bortoletto 12  Look for decays of Higgs boson to weakly interacting particles B(H→inv) using VBF and ZH production. Observed (expected)CMS B(H→inv) at 125 GeV @95% CL< 0.75 (0.91) 16/June/2014

13 Searches in tt + MET D. Bortoletto 13 Exclude the fourth generation exotic quarks T’ up to 400 GeV for m X < 70 GeV Search for a fourth generation exotic T’ which couples to a new dark particle X in events with at least 5 jets + MET 16/June/2014

14 Constraints Higgs boson Width from Off-shell Production D. Bortoletto 14  Off-shell H* → VV (V = W, Z) enhances the H(126) cross-section at high mass [ ~8% of  H→ZZ) found in m ZZ > 2m Z ] N. Kauer and G. Passarino, JHEP 08 (2012) 116 16/June/2014

15 Results for SM-like Higgs D. Bortoletto 15 VBF ggH  Combination  Expected: 254 – 898 GeV (Shape)  Observed: 248 – 930 GeV (Shape) 16/June/2014

16 16 Total width: interferometry D. Bortoletto  Define  If  is known r can be determined. Use  from H → ZZ →4l  Expected  Observed  Challenges: Interference gg → ZZ (gg2VV/MCFM )  Effect in VBF ≈10% at high mass (assume  F =  V, PHANTOM)  Fit where P are MC- or data-derived templates 16/June/2014

17 Direct and indirect constraints  Indirect constraint on BRinv can also be obtained from global fit of measured decay modes.  Fixing unmeasured modes to SM predictions and assuming k V <1.  Direct and indirect limits have comparable magnitudes D. Bortoletto 17 CMS-PAS-HIG-13-005 16/June/2014

18 VBF H →Invisible  At m H =125 GeV observed (expected) limits at 95% CL on  x B(H→inv) /  SM < 0.69 (0.53) at 95%CLs D. Bortoletto 18 CMS-PAS-HIG-13-013 16/June/2014

19 CMS combination D. Bortoletto 19  Three individuals CMS searches combined assuming the SM production cross section and acceptance  B(H→inv)/  SM <0.58 (< 0.44) observed (expected) @ 95% CL  B(H→inv) for m H = 125 GeV used to obtain upper limits at 90% CL on the DM-nucleon cross section as a function of the DM mass in Higgs-portal models of DM interactions Djouadi, A. Falkowski, Y. Mambrini, and J. Quevillon B. Patt and F. Wilczek 16/June/2014

20 H→ZZ→2l2  Kinematic variables D. Bortoletto 20 MET MT 16/June/2014

21 Higgs width D. Bortoletto 21 16/June/2014

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