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SUMMER COURSE 2015 102. Introduction  How old are you?  Where are you from?  Have you got any brothers or sisters?  Are you going on holidays?

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Presentation on theme: "SUMMER COURSE 2015 102. Introduction  How old are you?  Where are you from?  Have you got any brothers or sisters?  Are you going on holidays?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SUMMER COURSE 2015 102

2 Introduction  How old are you?  Where are you from?  Have you got any brothers or sisters?  Are you going on holidays?

3 Information about the course: BOOKS  English in Mind 1B.  2 small notebooks

4 HOMEWORK & EXAMS  Are we going to have homework? Yes, you are. Everyday! Exams: 15th July  Listening and Writing 16th July  Grammar, Vocabulary and Reading 17th July  go over exam 22nd July  final results posted on our webpage

5 ORAL PRESENTATIONS  1. Let’s go camping! UNIT 2. PG 19. 6th July  2. A life story UNIT 4 pg 31 10th July  3. Present a country. UNIT 7. PG 55 17TH JULY

6 Game time!  4 truths 1 lie. On a piece of paper write four things about yourself which are true, and one thing which is false. Let the rest guess!  For example: 1. I love going to the cinema. 2. I’ve been in Japan. 3. I own a dog called River. 4. Football is my favourite sport. 5. Reading is one of my hobbies.

7 DESERT ISLAND  You've been exiled to a deserted island for a year. In addition to the essentials, you may take one piece of music, one book and one luxury item you can carry with you i.e. not a boat to leave the island! What would you take and why?'

8 Would you rather…  Own a lizard or a snake?  Have a beach holiday or a mountain holiday?  Be an apple or a banana?  Be invisible or be able to read minds?  Be hairy all over or completely bald?  Be the most popular or the smartest person you know?  Make headlines for saving somebody's life or winning a Nobel Prize?  Go without television or fast food for the rest of your life?  Have permanent diarrhoea or permanent constipation?  Be stranded on a deserted island alone or with some one you don't like?  See the future or change the past?  Be three inches taller or three inches shorter?  Wrestle a lion or fight a shark?  Be handsome/beautiful and dumb or be ugly and really smart?  Always be cold or always be hot?  Not hear or not see?  Eliminate hunger and disease or be able to bring la  sting world peace?


10 Riddles  “What animal walks on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening?”

11  The answer is man, since he crawls as a child then walks and uses a cane when he gets older.

12  What month has 28 days?

13  A father and son were involved in a car accident. The father was trapped in the car, but the son was rushed to the nearest hospital. Upon entering the emergency room, the doctor who was supposed to operate on the young boy exclaimed, “I can’t operate! This is my son!” How is that possible?

14  If your uncle’s sister is related to you but is not your aunt, what is the relation?

15 +  She is your mother.

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