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 Cross Curricular approach underpins the curriculum  Each Year group works on a particular topic encompassing most of their other curriculum learning.

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Presentation on theme: " Cross Curricular approach underpins the curriculum  Each Year group works on a particular topic encompassing most of their other curriculum learning."— Presentation transcript:

1  Cross Curricular approach underpins the curriculum  Each Year group works on a particular topic encompassing most of their other curriculum learning  PSHE, RE and PE are taught separately from this  Topics are enriched by trips and visitors into school as well as theme days eg Greek Day  Current topics include: Year 6- World War II Year 5- Ancient Greece Year 4- France Year 3- Rocks and Soil then Iron and Bronze age Year 2- Seaside Year 1- Under the Sea Reception- All about Me

2  English and Maths are taught daily taking up the majority of the morning. Maths:  Taught in classes in Reception and Years 1-3 and sets in 4-6  Mental maths to start  Objectives for the main part of the session -taken from the New Primary Curriculum  Cover understanding of number, the four operations as well as work on measure, shape, data handling and statistics and algebra in the older years.  Maths investigations used regularly to deepen understanding  Maths talk is encouraged- children expected to explain their reasoning and work through any mistakes made

3  English Reading: Weekly reading group with the teacher. During the rest of the week: Comprehension tasks, independent reading, visiting Learning Resource Centre Spellings: Regular sessions. Daily phonics in Years 1 and 2 and the start of Year 3

4  Talk for Writing  All English sessions are taught using ‘Talk for Writing Techniques.  Children will cover a series of text types over the term largely in 3 week blocks.  Talk for Writing involves 3 phases:  Imitation- Learning a text.  Innovation- Adapting that text.  Independent Application- Writing a text within the same genre applying the techniques used.  In addition,children apply their written skills once a week in a longer piece of topic based writing

5  Reception: phonic practice sent home weekly to During the year, other work will be sent home that will support your child  Year 1: Optional homework menu, spellings and handwriting from Spring term  Year 23: Weekly Maths and spelling homework and then the optional menu for topic homework  Year 456: Set weekly maths and English/topic homework.  Spellings will be sent home regularly  READING… enjoy reading with your child!

6  In the first instance please see your child’s class teachers  Next seek out the team leader (Mr Bagley, Miss Scott or Miss Howden)  SEN needs- Mrs James and PPF- Mr Aston  Email or call the office or catch your child’s teacher before or after school to book an appointment.  Look at the website for regular updates

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