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PId (ToF, CKoVI, EMCAL) V. Palladino et al MICEVC-060816 Frascati & Fermilab test beams in July Analysis in progress: MICE PID PhConf 4, 31 Aug aiming.

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Presentation on theme: "PId (ToF, CKoVI, EMCAL) V. Palladino et al MICEVC-060816 Frascati & Fermilab test beams in July Analysis in progress: MICE PID PhConf 4, 31 Aug aiming."— Presentation transcript:

1 PId (ToF, CKoVI, EMCAL) V. Palladino et al MICEVC-060816 Frascati & Fermilab test beams in July Analysis in progress: MICE PID PhConf 4, 31 Aug aiming at VC in September Progress of BTF EMCal data analysis (Domizia) Progress of BTF TOF data analysis (Maurizio) Progress of simulation of BTF data (Pietro) Finalization of design …..downstream needs push Preparation of reviews ….. downstream a bit later

2 UPSTREAM … heading to Oct 12-13 review at RAL CKOV I successful test beam in FNAL HARP PMT read out light out of Matshushita’s Aerogel (n=1.03,1.07,1.12) (1-efficiency) per mill on beam tracks (beta=1) design, funds, schedule (TRD) updated, documents for review in preparation TOFI-TOF0 successful test beam in Frascati on line MCA … FWHM (t right -t left ) = 240 ps so σ (t) = 240/(2.3*2)= 52 ps analysis in progress, σ (t up -t down ) with various FE electronics (simplest used above) MICE Note on TOF0 updated design, schedule (TRD) and other documents for review in preparation funding later

3 EMCal: how wide? what longitudinal structure? KL and Sci (including Fermilab extrusions) elements tested in Frascati Analysis and simulation in progress (KL σ E /E order 8-9% √E) Simulation work being reinforced …. must converge asap TOFII : how wide? DOWNSTREAM … aiming at a Nov-Dec review in Frascati Shield:major issue too… dedicated session at CM16 Size of holes & detectors cannot be procrastinated : subject for EB

4 First relevant talk is, last in the morning of the first day, Sun Oct 8 a crucial "Scraping and downstream PID sizes" presentation from the MICE analysis & physics group. Our parallel PID sessions will then be Sunday 8 afternoon Before coffee break: Shielding session (120', chair: Cobb) 1) Magnetic fields maps beyond either solenoid (Witte, 20') no shield with TOF I or TOF II shield with additional downstream shields? 2) Magnetic shielding of PMTs I (Gregoire, 15') 3) Magnetic shielding of PMTs II (Noren, 15') 4) Shielding TOF I & TOF II (Bonesini, 15') 5) Shielding EMCal-KL planes (Tortora, 15') 6) Shielding EMCal-Sci planes (Giannini, 15') Discussion ( 25') Coffee break After coffee break: Detector session (110', chair: Tortora) 1) Summary and simulations of Frascati test beam (Chimenti, 20') 2) Analysis of TOF data (Karadzov/Tsenov, 20') 3) Analysis of EMCal data (Cirillo/Orestano, 20') 4) Downstream PID simulation: G4MICE (Sandstrom/Chimenti, 30') 5) Proposed dates and content of the downstream PID review (Bross 5') Discussion ( 15') Then we will have in the plenary session of Mon 9 morning 1) CKOVI: FNAL beam results & readiness to review (Cremaldi) 2) TOF0 & I: test beam results & readiness to review (Bonesini) 3) EMCal: test beam results & path to final design (Tortora) 4) Summary of PID and shields (Palladino) The upstream PID review will follow on Thu 12 and Fri 13. Its agenda will be prepared by Alan Bross and the project leaders, Maurizio (TOF) and Lucien (CKOV). I discussed briefly with Alan and my suggestions to him, so far, was to have maybe the following three sub-reviews: 1) Simulated CKOV I and TOFI-TOF0 data: G4BEAM (Walaron) 2) Simulated CKOV I and TOFI-TOF0 data: G4MICE (Sakamoto) 3) Evaluation of upstream detector performances (Gregoire/Roberts) 4) Discussion, evaluation, next priorities 1) CKOV I: general design & TRD (Cremaldi) 2) CKOV I: schedule and cost (Summers) 3) CKOV I: risk analysis (Gregoire) 4) Discussion, evaluation, next priorities 1) TOF0 & I: general design & TRD (Bonesini) 2) TOF0 & I: schedule and cost (Cecchet) 3) TOF0 & I: risk analysis (Tsenov) 4) Discussion, evaluation, next priorities CM16 Upstream Review

5 TOFI-TOF0 TOF0 largely funded.. Complement asked for in 2007 TOF I ………………………………..asked for in 2007 INFN funding ….. how did they manage to go broke ? TOFII: postponed EMCal: KL1 largely funded, electronics missing complement and “KL2” asked for in 2007 NB Sci option about worth KL2 Issue of competence between management & CSN5 Will meet management on Sep 18 non trivial, wish us luck

6 The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment Introduction and Motivation Emittance Cooling Emittance Measurement Status and Schedule Summary Terry Hart for the MICE collaboration, Illinois Institute of Technology, August 29, 2006, NuFact06

7 Introduction - Description Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE): international accelerator R&D project designed to provide first demonstration of muon cooling. MICE is being built at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) using muon beam generated from ISIS. One muon cooling lattice cell with detectors measuring muon beam emittance before and after cooling.

8 MICE Schedule  STEP I: Sep 2007 STEP II: Nov 2007 STEP III: 2008 STEP IV: 2008 STEP V: 2009 STEP VI: 2009

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