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Song Title Here Songs (Josh to Insert) Scripture Reading Luke 18:1-8.

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Presentation on theme: "Song Title Here Songs (Josh to Insert) Scripture Reading Luke 18:1-8."— Presentation transcript:


2 Song Title Here Songs (Josh to Insert)


4 Scripture Reading Luke 18:1-8

5 Greet One Another

6 Encourage One Another

7 Offering and Prayer for One Another

8 Testimonies / Sharing of the Good News

9 Announcements

10 Sermon “Heart of Desperation” Luke 18:1-8 (Part of the “New” Series)

11 God is after Total Life Transformation Not once-a-week holiness-lookalike

12 Prayer is a way we speak to God It is how we seek after Him Prayer is something only desperate people do

13 Desperate people are fully dependent Desperate people are all-abandoned Desperate people recognize the need for a Savior Desperate people are persistent because they know they can go no where else to get what they need Desperate people pray

14 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. Revelation 3:17 Let’s not be deceived

15 Where X = some quantifiable manpower

16 Closing Song (Josh to insert)


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