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University of Ulster The University of Ulster Cultural Regeneration Project: The role of a university in facilitating a professional, creative dialogue.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Ulster The University of Ulster Cultural Regeneration Project: The role of a university in facilitating a professional, creative dialogue."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Ulster The University of Ulster Cultural Regeneration Project: The role of a university in facilitating a professional, creative dialogue in the cultural field within N. Ireland & our European neighbourhood A presentation delivered by Nollaig Ó Fiongháile UU Northern Ireland Centre for European Cooperation Department of Cultural Development

2 A question of vision – a response to need Culture & creativity, a dialogue… A regeneration model, a network of people, an industry of creative entrepreneurs… contributing to nurturing a professional, confident, creative community within our neighbourhood, the EU, and in the context of international affairs?

3 Aims and Objectives To create sustainable long-term networks in Europe and NI To promote cross sectoral and trans- national learning and co-operation To influence policy making through engagement with the core policy network; and To identify and share models of good practice for practitioners.

4 Cultural Regeneration Themes Cultural Projects Emerging 'The Role of Culture in the Regeneration of Cities; Toledo & Cuenca as a Regeneration Model for the City of Derry in Northern Ireland’ ‘Observing Culture: How an Observatory Might Contribute to a Professional, Confident, and Outward Looking Cultural Environment in the Region?’ ‘Creative Industries: Innovative Models for Growing the Economy’

5 Summary Targets & Outputs 06 + 5 Commissioned Works across 2005 and 2006 * Refers to composite number required for Social and Cultural Outputs Outputs 2 Study Visits 1 Policy Briefing 1 Best Practice Colloquia 1 NI Conference – 3-day event 1 Think-tank Group Meeting 3 Conference Attendances 8 Position Papers 2 Policy Papers 2 Practitioner Papers Inputs 2 Study Visits 1 Policy Briefing 1 Best Practice Colloquia 1 NI Conference 1 Think Tank Meeting 1 Conference Attendance 12 Position Papers* 1 Policy Paper* 2 Practitioner Papers*

6 Geographical Representation Networked partners from over 14 countries covering broad range of N-S-E European countries E. Europe including Hungary, Croatia, Latvia N. Europe including the Nordic Countries, Iceland, Germany, Austria, S. Europe including Spain, Italy, W. Europe including France, Belgium, Ireland, International access through NICEC seminars and conference fora

7 Impacts - Summary Over 900 participants including policymakers, practitioners and researchers from a range of 14 countries in Europe through 33 activities. NICEC culture project has been featured in the print and web based media, and has published over 31 reports. 5 Commissioned publications carried out to support sustainability of the project work.

8 Impacts, The model… To harness the energy & resources of the cultural sector… A Catalyst for Co-operation Foster a greater understanding of the different facets of cultural activities… Think Tank Seek solutions for contemporary challenges… Standard Setter

9 Impacts - The process… Themes: The creative city & urban development, public policy, the knowledge economy, Range: local, national & European, practical, conceptual, Fora: political, policy, practitioner, debate-driven, solutions-driven, pragmatic, Outputs: networking / exchange of ideas & practice/ models of best practice / information dissemination / research, developing initiatives, raising awareness, frameworks for co-operation…

10 Impacts – The feedback By year three, cultural programme events over subscribed to triple the required figures Evaluations recorded highly complimentary comments such as “This was a unique and well-planned fact-finding delegation with some excellent presentations and worthwhile meetings… rich content, useful exchange of experience, dialogue spanning the broad range of cultural and creative industries”. N. L. Representation from wide variety of lead agencies in cultural & arts sector, political representatives, practitioners from influential organisations in the region.

11 Themed Interventions – An example in detail N. Ireland senior sectoral representatives meet with CI experts, Turku Science Park, Finland, June 2006 ‘Creative Industries: Innovative Models for Growing the Economy’ The Geographical Network: Austria, Iceland Finland, UK

12 Animation Studio LazyTown, Marketing Director from Iceland, CI Policy Specialist from departure in Austria share a panel with NI’ DCAL & NESTA leading representatives Creative Industries Suite of Events EU conference Seminars Peer to Peer Strategic Planning Belfast 2006 Representation from Lead Agencies

13 Delegate Profiles disseminated invitations directly to over 1875 contacts 50 creative industry contacts arts officers from 49 councils 118 contact data base of academic professionals, 27 social enterprise officers 30 arts managers in N. Ireland NESTA database of 97 creative industry contacts Belfast City Council database of over 1000 contacts.

14 Adherence to Peace II Horizontal Principles: Key Examples Bottom Up Approach/Local Decision-making - locally based target beneficiaries Equity and Balance/Equal Opportunities - representing the diversity of beliefs, political opinions, gender orientation, community representation New Targeting Social Need/Impact on Poverty - excluded communities reintegrating through the creative city & cultural enterprises Economic and Social Sustainability - external and internal project proposals

15 Sustainability – Project Developments The City of Derry (DCC & ILEX) is taking the lead in developing the application process for World Heritage Status for Derry in 2006. University of Ulster Cultural Development Department (UUCD) to facilitate the ongoing development of a cultural observatory in Northern Ireland. The creative industries agenda being furthered by reorganised UU Cultural Development Department & newly established DCAL Creative Industries Working Group

16 The peace dividend – the core questions… How does culture/arts/creativity/ heritage sectors engage with development/ business/ corporate / political leadership? How connected are we to understanding the potential of our place, our people? How do we communicate?

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