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Savannah Biome By: Buthaina AlMana 6B.

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Presentation on theme: "Savannah Biome By: Buthaina AlMana 6B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Savannah Biome By: Buthaina AlMana 6B

2 What is savannah? A savanna is grassland filled with shrubs and isolated trees. South America also has savannas, but there are very few species that exist only on this savannah There are over 40 different species of hoofed mammals that live on the savanna. Hoofed mammals are like Giraffe’s, Kobs or Bison’s.

3 Where is savannah located?
Savannah is located in the state of Georgia, United States in North America. . Savannah can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biome.

4 How are animals adapted in Savannah?
Animals in savannas have different adaptations for survival. Many savannah animals have some protection from being able to run fast, like a giraffe or an ostrich.

5 How African elephants are adapted?
African elephants have its trunks and tusks to keep them alive. An elephant uses its trunk to drink, eat food, and take a bath. It uses tusks to protect itself. They have thin skin, so they don’t get hot that often.

6 Other adaptations in Savannah?
The animals that live in savannas have adapted to a great deal of variability in the food supply throughout the year. They always have plenty of food to keep them alive, but they sometimes have no food or drink (during the dry seasons).

7 How are the plants adopted in Savannah?
Tropical savannas has plants with dry soil. Plants that commonly grow in tropical savannas have made adaptations that allow them to live long periods of dryness, survive fires and protect themselves from grazing animals. The baobab tree stores water in its trunk and have thick barks which protects them against fire.

8 What plants are adapted to live in this biome?
In order for the grasses to survive the dry season, they have developed an adaptation that allows them to grow quickly. The Baobab tree has adapted to the savanna biome by only producing leaves during the wet season.

9 Grass adoptions in savannah?
Grasses keep a supply of nutrients and water in the roots below the ground. As such, they can survive fires that usually only affect the parts of the plants above ground.

10 Abiotic factors for plants?
There are only a couple abiotic factors in the savanna that you can really recognize. One is fire. Fire is the most important abiotic factor to the savanna. Grasses can survive fire which usually affect them.

11 Abiotic factors in savannah?
Another abiotic factor is soil. It is real important to the animals that eat the plants. Air and water are abiotic factors in the savanna. Water is just as important as air. During the summer or dry season there really isn't a lot of water.

12 Human activities that affect savannah?
Desertification is the main impact of human activity. The population increases, which lead to more crops to be grown on the land in order to feed people. This leads to over-cultivation, which leads to loss of vegetation and as a result to desertification.

13 What can be done from the human activities?
In my opinion, I think that it’s a waste for people to be growing more crops just because the population in the savannah biome increased. I think that people should care about the savannah biome. I also think people should grow a lot of crops at once for who live in savannah so that they can have enough for a really long time.

14 Bibliography: "Savanna Biomes." Savanna Biomes. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan "Giraffe In Savanna Biome." Giraffe In Savanna Biome. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan "TravelVoice Journal - Oh Savannah." TravelVoice Journal - Oh Savannah. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan "Savanna Animals: Adaptations for Survival." N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan "Animal Adaptation." Animal Adaptation. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan Koening, Edriaan. "Plant Adaptations in the Tropical Savannah." EHow. Demand Media, 22 Oct Web. 12 Jan "Earth Floor: Biomes." Earth Floor: Biomes. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan Impact of Human Activity in Savannah. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan

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