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Normal West January 7, 2015. Graduation Requirements English4.0 credits Math3.0 credits Algebra 1 Science 2.0 credits Social Science2.0 credits US History/Constitution.

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Presentation on theme: "Normal West January 7, 2015. Graduation Requirements English4.0 credits Math3.0 credits Algebra 1 Science 2.0 credits Social Science2.0 credits US History/Constitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Normal West January 7, 2015

2 Graduation Requirements English4.0 credits Math3.0 credits Algebra 1 Science 2.0 credits Social Science2.0 credits US History/Constitution Test Health/PE3.5 credits Consumer Ed.5 credits Electives9.0 credits Junior State Standardized Testing ________ 24 Total Credits

3 CREDITS Credit is based on semester grade D (60%) Minimum grade for passing and receiving credit Each semester class = ½ credit 6 CreditsEnd of Freshman Year 12 CreditsEnd of Sophomore Year 18 CreditsEnd of Junior Year 24 CreditsEnd of Senior Year

4 Freshman Offerings English/Honors English Math (based on level) Biology/Honors Biology Regional World Studies Elective Study Hall or another elective PE Options: Drivers Ed/Swim (Semester) Health (Semester) Foundations of Fitness (Semester) Advanced Aquatics Lifestyle Management (Year Long) *Swim/PE (Semester) designed for students taking drivers ed OUTSIDE of NCWHS

5 Freshman Electives Agriculture Art Business Family and Consumer Science Foreign Language Music Technology

6 Drivers Education Must pass 8 classes during that last 2 grading periods. Quarter grades will be averaged. Summer School option CourseLast Birthday Allowed DRV101/PHY101Must turn 15 by the end of quarter 1 (201) DRV111/PHY111Must turn 15 by the end of quarter 2 (2015) DRV102/PHY102Must turn 15 by the end of quarter 3 (2016) DRV112/PHY112Must turn 15 by the end of quarter 4 (2016)

7 Honors Definition of Honors: “Honors courses are enriched; they offer the same material in greater depth and with a faster pace… Honors courses emphasize critical and independent thinking to produce creative application of ideas… Motivation is the main quality that characterizes an honors student.” (Wikipedia)

8 Level Changes When moving down a level, student must show interventions have been utilized in writing. Forms for this are provided in the counseling office. Administration approval on the form is necessary.


10 Weighted Grading System BASESTANDARDHONORS A=4A=5A=6 B=3B=4B=5 C=2C=3C=4 D=1D=2D=3 F=0

11 Grade Point Average & Class Rank To figure GPA, the grades your child earns for the semester are assigned point value. Those points are then added up and divided by the number of classes you have. 25 points divided by 6 classes = 4.167 GPA Class rank is determined by total grade points using all classes. CourseGradePoints Honors English I A6 Algebra IB4 HealthC3 RWSA5 FrenchB4 BiologyC3 Study Hall0 TOTALPOINTS25

12 What’s Next? January 6-16 Middle School Counselors meet with students to select their freshman classes. February 27th – Copy of course requests will be sent home in the mail.

13 Course Selection Changes MARCH 20 th, 2015: Last day to make a change in a student’s course selection by completing a course change form. Before March 20 contact middle school counselor Questions after March 20 should be referred to high school counselor

14 TOP FIVE QUESTIONS What are the foreign languages requirements for college? When do I get my class schedule? Do I have to take swimming? How am I going to find my way around the building? And the Number 1 question: When do I take Drivers Education?

15 IT’S A GREAT DAY TO BE A WILDCAT!! Families new to Unit 5 please come to the stage and pick up a Course Description Book and registration information.

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