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Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20051 Ranging-Imaging Spectrometer Brian A. Kinder Advisor: Dr. Eustace Dereniak Optical Detection Lab Optical Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20051 Ranging-Imaging Spectrometer Brian A. Kinder Advisor: Dr. Eustace Dereniak Optical Detection Lab Optical Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20051 Ranging-Imaging Spectrometer Brian A. Kinder Advisor: Dr. Eustace Dereniak Optical Detection Lab Optical Sciences Center The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721

2 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20052 OUTLINE  Overview of Detection Lab  Introduction to the concept of 4-D Imaging  Background-Hyperspectral and 3-D Imaging  Ranging-Imaging Spectrometer  Results and Conclusions

3 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20053 Information in a Scene  Spatial – Spectral – Polarization – Temporal

4 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20054 Past and Current Work  VIS-SWIR-MWIR Snapshot Spectrometers  VIS (point)-SWIR (imaging) Spectropolarimeters  Dual Band (SWIR-MWIR) Imaging Spectrometer  LWIR Systems  Algorithm work  Ranging-Imaging Spectrometer (RIS)

5 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20055 4-Dimensional Subset  3-D Spatial and Hyperspectral Data Hyperspectral means that  much smaller xx yy zz z y x

6 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20056 Computed Tomographic Imaging Spectrometer (CTIS)  No moving parts and off-the-shelf optics  Conventional Focal Plane

7 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20057 Spectral Images  Panchromatic image in 0 th order  Limited to one Octave  Limited Angle Tomography

8 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20058 Test Images Raw CTIS image Reconstructed Image Test Object

9 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 20059 CTIS Images 420 480 540 600 660 Spectral bandwidth: 420-720 nm in 10 nm steps 80 × 80 spatial sampling Visible System

10 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200510 Scannerless Range Imaging LADAR  Developed by Sandia National Labs  Heterodyne Technique 15 m range wrap  Measure Time of Flight R = ½ c*t  Conventional Focal Plane

11 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200511 Capturing Range Data  Transmitter and MCP Gain Waveforms

12 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200512 Range Images Phase Image Sequence Reconstructed Range Image

13 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200513 Concept  Combine two systems → x, y, z, and !  Use the same focal plane array  Use established technology  Eliminate registration issues  Reduce the cost

14 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200514 Ranging-Imaging Spectrometer  LADAR operating at 857nm, removed narrowband filter  CTIS operating from 600-900nm

15 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200515 0 th order is 77 x 77 pixels panchromatic image Only portion where ranging is possible RIS Images Laser only Ambient only

16 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200516  White Coffee cup  Illumination sources Laser pointer (647.25 nm) Laser Illuminator (857nm) Spectral Results Single pixel Spectra

17 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200517 Spectral Results Ambient Light

18 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200518 Spectral Resolution 642.636nm 623.566nm with laser

19 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200519 Range Results

20 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200520 Range vs. Ambient Light  Remove narrow band filter → Spectra  Nomenclature Laser Phase Sequence Ambient Phase Sequence Laser – Ambient  Laser only

21 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200521 Error Correction Technique  Laser and Ambient data sequences  Shift Laser data to zero  Mean is linear → find laser only mean  Find desired variance using mean-variance curve  Multiply and add laser only mean back

22 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200522 Error Correction Results

23 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200523 Conclusions  Able to combine CTIS and SRI LADAR  Able to obtain 3-D spatial and Hyperspectral data on a single focal plane  Develop a range correction technique  Resolution 77 x 77 Spatial subtends 12.5  10nm spectral/tested 19.5nm 15cm range

24 Industrial Affiliates March 2 nd, 200524 Acknowledgements  Eustace Dereniak (Advisor), John Reagan, Colin Smithpeter.  DARPA  NSF  Thank you for your time

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