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Highlights Long-range transport of SO 2 pollution from emissions in SE Asia investigated Two important air mass pathways studied: - Uplift of emissions.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlights Long-range transport of SO 2 pollution from emissions in SE Asia investigated Two important air mass pathways studied: - Uplift of emissions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlights Long-range transport of SO 2 pollution from emissions in SE Asia investigated Two important air mass pathways studied: - Uplift of emissions by Warm Conveyor Belts (WCBs) associated with low pressure systems and advection by the jet steam - Uplift by emissions by deep convection and transport by Asian Summer monsoon anticyclone in the upper troposphere WCB process may represent a significant source of SO 2 to the UTLS (0.02 Mt S/a ~ SO 2 input by air traffic) Sulfate aerosols are formed in the WCB plumes and ASM anticyclone (represent surface area for heterogeneous chemical reactions and may impact cirrus properties) Composites of SO 2 measurements from 10 years aircraft data produced. Large-scale impact of East-Asian SO 2 emissions – results from recent aircraft observations > Chart 1 Hans Schlager, DLR-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Germany 17 th GEIA Conference, Beijing, 18-20 Nov. 2015

2 Major long-range transport pathways of Asian emissions in the UTLS investigated during recent campaigns > Chart 2 Asia INTEX-ITOP POLARCAT ESMVALOMO GW-LCYCLE LRT of East-Asian emissions, initiated by WCB uplift events, into central Europe (INTEX-ITOP, HALO) and the Europen Arctic (POLARCAT, GW-LCYCLE LRT of South-East Asian emissions, initiated by deep convection, due to Asian Summer Monsoon dynamics (ESMVal, OMO)

3 Distribution of emissions from SE Asia after uplift by WCB and convection in ASM region Chart 3 MLS CO (JJA) & Air parcel locations from SE Asia after 20 days (Garney & Randel, 2015) SO 2 distribution after WCB uplift event in SE Asia (Flexpart sim.)

4 LRT initiated by WCB air mass uplift - Relative frequencies (%) of WCB trajectories in DJF (Madonna et al. 2014) -2 days 0 days +4 days +6 days

5 Detection of SO 2 plumes in the UTLS over Scandinavia originating from South-East Asian pollution sources

6 Measurements in the upper troposphere (12-15 km) in the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticlyclone

7 Detection of enhanced SO 2 and CN in the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone Chart 7

8 SO 2 Composites (8 – 12 km, 5°X 5°Bins) DC3INTEX GW-LCYCLE ACCESS TROCCINOX ESMVal DeepWave SCOUT-O3 DeepWave

9 Major upcoming aircraft field campaigns in 2016-2018 > Lecture > Author Document > Chart 9 DACCIWA 2016 (Togo): Pollution – cloud interaction in Westafrika STRATOCLIM 2016 (SE Asia): Pollution and Asian Summer Monsoon EMERGE-EU 2017 (Europe): Regional impact of megacities EMERGE-Asia 2018 (tbd): Regional impact of megacities GeophysicaHALO G-VDLR Falcon

10 References > Lecture > Author Document > Chart 10 Fiedler, V., R. Nau, S. Ludmann, F. Arnold, H. Schlager, and A. Stohl (2009), East Asian SO2 pollution plume over Europe, Part 1: Airborne trace gas measurements and source identification by particle dispersion model simulations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9(14), 4717-4728. Fiedler, V., Arnold, F., Schlager, H., Dörnbrack, A., Pirjola, L., Stohl, A., 2009, East Asian SO2 pollution plume over Europe - Part 2: Evolution and potential impact, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9 (14), 4729-4745. Madonna, E., H. Wernli, H. Joos, and O. Martius (2013), Warm Conveyor Belts in the ERA-Interim Dataset (1979–2010). Part I: Climatology and Potential Vorticity Evolution, Journal of Climate, 27(1), 3-26. Roiger, A., et al. (2011), In-situ observation of Asian pollution transported into the Arctic lowermost stratosphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11(21), 10975-10994. Speidel, M., R. Nau, F. Arnold, H. Schlager, and A. Stohl (2007), Sulfur dioxide measurements in the lower, middle and upper troposphere: Deployment of an aircraft-based chemical Ionization mass spectrometer with permanent in-flight calibration, Atmospheric Environment, 41(11), 2427-2437.

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