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The Internet for All – Inclusive Research.  Want to hear all points of view  Effect of web on impairment  Mix of the two  Any others? Why do I.

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Presentation on theme: "The Internet for All – Inclusive Research.  Want to hear all points of view  Effect of web on impairment  Mix of the two  Any others? Why do I."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Internet for All – Inclusive Research

2  Want to hear all points of view  Effect of web on impairment  Mix of the two  Any others? Why do I care?

3 HTML is designed for universal access “The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” - Tim Berners-Lee, director of the Word Wide Web Consortium and inventor of the World Wide Web. Web Standards

4  Is it important to know if people have impairments?  Does that change how they interact with the web/net?  Is it just an interesting side effect What am I researching?

5 Ethics Access Options Do you need to know detail? Technology Language Issues

6  People  Same prejudices  Same interests  Possibly more techy than non-PWD  Possibly enabled by the net/web Who are PWDs?

7  How to frame the question?  Can you ask about barriers without specifically asking about disability  Use the language the person chooses if you can. Language

8 What’s it like with a screenreader?

9  Internet only – accessibility/skill/inclination  Landline Survey – No landline, Deaf  Print Only – Print Disabled  Check your process – only hard copy good enough for sign up? Who’s Excluded?

10  This is too light – although the second part is better  Better but still not good  This is much better  Hard to see?  Much easier  Probably not the easiest font  Good old sans serif Arial  STILL NOT SO GOOD – CAPS ARE HARD TO READ Contrast, font and size And this is better still

11  Use of colour, or sound, alone to convey meaning. John Smithor John Smith FAIL Fred JonesFred Jones PASS Use of Multiple Sensory Characteristics

12  Avoiding SPAM is important  Avoiding users is more so  Don’t use CAPTCHA Turing Might Have Tried too Hard

13  Logical  Consistent  Headings Clear Structure

14 Checking contrast

15 Magnification: What can I see in one go.

16  Fonts  Images  Links  Tables  Headings  essible-information/accessible- documents Documents

17  Word 2010 – Accessibility Checker  Create simple pdf from Word Documents 2

18    Note – text and infographic options  Great resources

19  Govt Web Standards based on: Govt Web Standards based on:   Good/Bad comparison  Colour Contrast Tool lyser/ Great resources that popped up as we spoke

20 Kevin Prince 021 2220638 Thank You and Questions

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