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1-1 Bellringer How are you affected by different cultures? Give 3 examples.

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1 1-1 Bellringer How are you affected by different cultures? Give 3 examples.

2 SECTION 1 THE AMERICAN INDIANS Chapter 1 Many Cultures Meet Prehistory-1550

3 The First People of the Americas 1 st Humans to live in Americas- Paleo-Indians  2 Theories  1. Crossed a land bridge during ice age @ 15,000 Years Ago  2. Migrated- from Asia as many as 40,000 Years Ago Paleo-Indians were hunters and gathers  Adapted to changing environment and developed their survival techniques Adapting to their environment causes cultural diversity

4 The First People of the Americas Examples of Cultural Diversity  By 1492- American Indians spoke 375 distinct languages  Language groups divided into many ethnic groups called Tribes  Tribes divided into smaller villages Groups headed by Chief and Council of Elders

5 The First People of the Americas Agriculture Emerges  People Domesticate wild plants  Maize (corn), squash and beans developed in central Mexico Steady Food Supply=larger permanent villages Mayas and Aztecs 2 powerful groups in Mexico By A.D. 1200 plant domestication spreads to America

6 The First People of the Americas Early American Indians by Region Southwest-1 st farming villages emerge here; Houses made of Adobe; build multi- story buildings known as pueblos; today known as Pueblo Peoples Mississippi River Valley- 1 st group called Mississippians; influenced by cultures of Mexico; built large towns around central place with pyramids made of earth; temples at top of pyramid for chiefs (Moundville Alabama) Great Plains-Mississippians move westward to this area; bison (buffalo) located here; hunters would build tepees using bison hides and wooden frames Eastern Woodlands-East Texas to Atlantic Ocean (Southeast); Cherokees were largest group; had long growing season; types of housing was chief difference between the different groups of people Iroquois League- loose confederation of the 5 groups of Iroquois; promoted peace among the 5 groups

7 The First People of the Americas Common Features  No centralized nations (political power spread out)  Everything has a spirit (plant, animal, etc)  Indians owned little property (land saw as common ground)

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