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Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology Dr. Peter Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology Dr. Peter Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology Dr. Peter Smith

2  High expectations  Rigorous – learning new language  Can earn college credit from Seton Hall University thru Project Acceleration  Tailored to students who are considering being a science major in college or a health related career.  Includes microscope work and dissection

3  Test/Quizzes- 80%  Labs, Essays, Vocabulary, Notes, etc…- 20 %  Will have a midterm exam and final exam

4  Email-  Will be available before school until end of football season.  If you need help, email or see me to set up a time  Website- Go under teacher websites and look for me and your class  Check website often

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