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How to Use The DCVB System Go to :

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Presentation on theme: "How to Use The DCVB System Go to :"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Use The DCVB System Go to : http://eng.daegucvb.com

2 1. Login Click “Login”

3 1. Login You can also login with your SNS accounts. Your ID Password

4 ② Click “Check For Availabilities” ① Input Check- in/out date and number of Rooms 2. Choose Accommodations

5 ② Click “ Confirmation” 2. Choose Accommodations ① Input the Event Code HAI

6 Click “reservation” which you want room type 2. Choose Accommodations

7 Reservation Info. Page Fill in information required 3. Reservation Page

8 Reservation Info. Page Fill in information required 3. Reservation Page Click “Next”

9 4. Complete Reservation Cilck “Confirm”

10 Finish up and wait for confirmation email 4. Complete Reservation

11 Check Booking status at “Accommodation Reservation Status”; ‘Wait’ means request is currently being processed The hotel manager will check your ‘state’ and will confirm your booking. 5. Confirm Reservation

12 Confirmation email A confirmation letter will be sent via email with your reservation number. 5. Confirm Reservation

13 ② Click “Room Type” which you want to modify ① Click “Accommodation Reservation Status” 6. Modify Reservation

14 Click “Modify” 6. Modify Reservation

15 You can change your accommodation condition like below 1. Check-in/Check- out date 2. Room type 3. Number of Room 6. Modify Reservation

16 4. Booking & Guest Info. 5. Special Requests 6. Credit Card Info. If you finish your modification, click “Next” 6. Modify Reservation

17 Finally Check your modification Info. Click Confirm 6. Modify Reservation

18 Modification is successfully completed. And you can receive the confirm mail from the Hotel manager. 6. Modify Reservation

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