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I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 1 JINR in CMS Physics Program I.A. Golutvin.

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Presentation on theme: "I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 1 JINR in CMS Physics Program I.A. Golutvin."— Presentation transcript:

1 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 1 JINR in CMS Physics Program I.A. Golutvin 97 th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005

2 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 2 Since more than 10 years JINR as a member of Russia and Dubna Member State (RDMS) collaboration has participated in CMS Since more than 10 years JINR as a member of Russia and Dubna Member State (RDMS) collaboration has participated in CMS RDMS Participation in CMS Project

3 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 3 RDMS Participation in CMS Construction RDMS bears Full Responsibility RDMS Participates ME1/ 1 HE SE ME EE FS HF The main obligations of RDMS are focused at endcaps 1.3    5.5, i.e. covers the most kinematics range of CMS The main obligations of RDMS are focused at endcaps 1.3    5.5, i.e. covers the most kinematics range of CMS

4 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 4 Total RDMS contribution in CMS is 21,373 MCHF Total JINR contribution in CMS is 13.257 MCHF from JINR budget: 7.115 MCHF from special RF budget through JINR: 6.142 MCHF Total RDMS contribution in CMS is 21,373 MCHF Total JINR contribution in CMS is 13.257 MCHF from JINR budget: 7.115 MCHF from special RF budget through JINR: 6.142 MCHF RDMS Contribution to CMS

5 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 5 By the end of 2004 most of RDMS (JINR) obligations are successfully fulfilled. Both endcap HE and 76 ME1/1 chambers have been already delivered to CERN. Assembly of apparatus and commissioning of subsystems are in full swing Fall 2005: full assembly and magnet test of the whole CMS Detector in the surface hall SX-5 Spring 2006: start of lowering by pieces (< 2000 ton each) to the shaft (~80 m under ground) Summer 2007: physics starts By the end of 2004 most of RDMS (JINR) obligations are successfully fulfilled. Both endcap HE and 76 ME1/1 chambers have been already delivered to CERN. Assembly of apparatus and commissioning of subsystems are in full swing Fall 2005: full assembly and magnet test of the whole CMS Detector in the surface hall SX-5 Spring 2006: start of lowering by pieces (< 2000 ton each) to the shaft (~80 m under ground) Summer 2007: physics starts RDMS Participation in CMS

6 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 6 Inner Endcap Integration/Installation JINR is actively participating in CMS Assembly, Installation and Commissioning in the surface hall SX5 The main focus is Inner Endcap – the most difficult part of CMS Integration JINR is actively participating in CMS Assembly, Installation and Commissioning in the surface hall SX5 The main focus is Inner Endcap – the most difficult part of CMS Integration

7 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 7 ME2/1 Installation at SX5 Endcap Muon System, ME

8 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 8 The LHC physics perspectives are unprecedented: conditions of early Universe starting 10 -21 sec after Big Bang (T=10 22 K) will be recreated ! LHC Physics Perspectives

9 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 9 The goal of LHC Program is to attack well-known open questions in Physics:  Mass: why do fundamental particles have masses and why these masses are such different?  Antimatter: why at the present days matter dominates antimatter?  Dark matter: where is concentrated the hidden mass of Universe?  World geometry: are there extra dimensions? bulk volume geometry?  New particles: do they exist? (sparticles, extra gauge bosons, graviton states etc)  QCD matter: what are the properties of QCD at extreme high densities, does QGP exist? Standard model: validity bounds  high precision tests of SM ! The goal of LHC Program is to attack well-known open questions in Physics:  Mass: why do fundamental particles have masses and why these masses are such different?  Antimatter: why at the present days matter dominates antimatter?  Dark matter: where is concentrated the hidden mass of Universe?  World geometry: are there extra dimensions? bulk volume geometry?  New particles: do they exist? (sparticles, extra gauge bosons, graviton states etc)  QCD matter: what are the properties of QCD at extreme high densities, does QGP exist? Standard model: validity bounds  high precision tests of SM ! LHC Physics Perspectives

10 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 10 Since more than 10 years many physicists and engineers have extended much labor on the construction of the CMS Detector As a result of this effort the CMS Detector will be ready in time The CMS pilot run is already in 2007 Since more than 10 years many physicists and engineers have extended much labor on the construction of the CMS Detector As a result of this effort the CMS Detector will be ready in time The CMS pilot run is already in 2007 Towards to Physics

11 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 11 Now the CMS physics program is the first priority task for RDMS In line with huge amount of work on the CMS assembly and installation JINR physicists participate in development of Physics Research program with CMS detector We believe RDMS physicists will get a similar position in CMS Research Program as in the Detector Construction In line with huge amount of work on the CMS assembly and installation JINR physicists participate in development of Physics Research program with CMS detector We believe RDMS physicists will get a similar position in CMS Research Program as in the Detector Construction Towards to Physics

12 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 12 It goes without saying JINR physicists as well as the whole RDMS group should be integrated in CMS where physics program is now organized as a special CPT project: Computing, Physics, Triggering It goes without saying JINR physicists as well as the whole RDMS group should be integrated in CMS where physics program is now organized as a special CPT project: Computing, Physics, Triggering Towards to Physics

13 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 13 CMS CPT Organization Physics of Standard Model Higgs Physics SUSY/Beyond Standard Model Heavy Ion ECAL e/  HCAL JetMet MuonTracker B/tau Reconstruction project Simulation project Analysis project

14 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 14 Again RDMS strategy is the same as it was during the CMS construction Being well integrated in the CMS CPT (computing/ physics/triggering) project RDMS will concentrate efforts at only few topics RDMS Participation in CPT

15 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 15 RDMS Physics Task Force (RDMS physics project) was set up several years ago to focus main efforts of RDMS physicists at only a few physics tasks, mainly:  Dimuon with large masses  WW fusion  Top quark physics  Dimuon resonance states in Heavy Ion The goal is full study of these selected channels starting from theoretical aspects and simulation up to the final physics results RDMS Physics Task Force (RDMS physics project) was set up several years ago to focus main efforts of RDMS physicists at only a few physics tasks, mainly:  Dimuon with large masses  WW fusion  Top quark physics  Dimuon resonance states in Heavy Ion The goal is full study of these selected channels starting from theoretical aspects and simulation up to the final physics results RDMS Task Force

16 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 16 This activity is very well visible in CMS collaboration Visibility of individual groups in a huge collaboration is the only way to make CMS attractive for young talented physicists. Otherwise they will go to other fields. This activity is very well visible in CMS collaboration Visibility of individual groups in a huge collaboration is the only way to make CMS attractive for young talented physicists. Otherwise they will go to other fields. RDMS Task Force

17 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 17 Indeed JINR and Member States physicists are very well integrated in CMS CPT (computing/physics/triggering) project They play an important role in  Calibration  Development of core and reconstruction software  Development of data processing and analysis scenarios In particular, JINR and Member States physicists are involved in the several tasks:  B-physics (B s  J/   +  - K + K - ) – JINR + Belarus  Higgs (  ZZ  ll ) – Ukraine  QCD (jet physics, diffraction) – JINR + Armenia + Belarus  Heavy Ions – JINR + Georgia Indeed JINR and Member States physicists are very well integrated in CMS CPT (computing/physics/triggering) project They play an important role in  Calibration  Development of core and reconstruction software  Development of data processing and analysis scenarios In particular, JINR and Member States physicists are involved in the several tasks:  B-physics (B s  J/   +  - K + K - ) – JINR + Belarus  Higgs (  ZZ  ll ) – Ukraine  QCD (jet physics, diffraction) – JINR + Armenia + Belarus  Heavy Ions – JINR + Georgia JINR in CMS Physics

18 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 18 We select this task because of following reasons:  There are many theoretical prediction to violation of SM  There is no competitors to LHC  unique opportunity to test the SM up to 3  5 TeV mass region (Tevatron region is limited only of 0.8 TeV)  Excellent performance of CMS Muon system  Potential of Dubna theoretical school to support this research program This activity of JINR group is very well visible in CMS more than 20 contributions on these issues at CMS weeks and conferences only in 2004 We select this task because of following reasons:  There are many theoretical prediction to violation of SM  There is no competitors to LHC  unique opportunity to test the SM up to 3  5 TeV mass region (Tevatron region is limited only of 0.8 TeV)  Excellent performance of CMS Muon system  Potential of Dubna theoretical school to support this research program This activity of JINR group is very well visible in CMS more than 20 contributions on these issues at CMS weeks and conferences only in 2004 JINR in CMS Physics The field of special interest of Dubna group is study of Drell-Yan processes in the large invariant mass region The idea is to test Standard Model calculations for muon pairs production up to the highest reachable invariant masses

19 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 19 Research Strategy The strategy of this investigation is model independent precise measurements of dimuon spectra and comparison of obtained data with theoretical calculations within the Standard Model

20 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 20 Research Strategy This strategy includes the following main research direction:  Theoretical support  calculations of SM dimuon continuum QCD and EW high-order corrections PDF’s uncertainties: status and perspectives  modern trends in physics beyond the SM (conceptions, models, event generators)  Experimental studies of dimuons  Development of reconstruction and analysis software a few % momentum resolution of TeV muon and dimuon pairs high track (and dimuon) reconstruction efficiency  Data pre-processing and analysis Calibration and analysis Trigger Beam and cosmic tests  Computing  Farm and network supporting (hardware and core software)  Scenario of data processing and analysis This strategy includes the following main research direction:  Theoretical support  calculations of SM dimuon continuum QCD and EW high-order corrections PDF’s uncertainties: status and perspectives  modern trends in physics beyond the SM (conceptions, models, event generators)  Experimental studies of dimuons  Development of reconstruction and analysis software a few % momentum resolution of TeV muon and dimuon pairs high track (and dimuon) reconstruction efficiency  Data pre-processing and analysis Calibration and analysis Trigger Beam and cosmic tests  Computing  Farm and network supporting (hardware and core software)  Scenario of data processing and analysis We want to examine SM with the best reachable accuracy ! We want to examine SM with the best reachable accuracy !

21 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 21 Theoretical uncertainties for Drell-Yan dimuon continuum Uncertainties are coming from  QCD and EW corrections (up to 6 % for 3 TeV)  Parton Density Functions SM dimuon continuum calculations at now ~ 6 % for 1 TeV masses ~ 12 % for 3 TeV masses InternalPDF uncertainties are Internal PDF uncertainties are dominated for the large invariant mass range! We need to measure the PDF more precisely in the large x and Q 2 region !!! We need to measure the PDF more precisely in the large x and Q 2 region !!!

22 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 22 CMS high-p T muon performance TeV muon in CMS muon stations High-energy muon features:  Huge bremsstrahlung and EM showering  large secondaries (muon looks like an electron)  Small multiple scattering The current p T resolution is ~ 4 % for 1 TeV muon (in central pseudorapidity region ) The angle resolution is better than 0.5 % Algorithm improvements are coming on !

23 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 23 The DY rate in TeV mass region is very small ~ 10 3 events/year (10 -6 of stored events) If case of “new physics” the rate can be increased by factor of 10-100 Statistical errors L1 HLT Higgs Physics, SUSY Physic beyond the SM DY Physics of Standard Model Mass reach scale Tevatron region Mass limit at LHC ~ 5 TeV (0.8 TeV for Tevatron)

24 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 24 Expected Uncertainties Theoretical uncertainties  QCD corrections  EW corrections  PDF’s Theoretical uncertainties  QCD corrections  EW corrections  PDF’s For a moment the theoretical uncertainties (~ 4-12 %) dominate systematic detector errors (3-6 %)  need to be decreased If new physics exists, requirements for dimuon accuracy can be relaxed ! Detector and algorithm inefficiencies  Trigger and reconstruction inefficiencies  Goodness of reconstruction algorithms  Misalignment and quality of digitization, track reconstruction and track parameters calculation Detector and algorithm inefficiencies  Trigger and reconstruction inefficiencies  Goodness of reconstruction algorithms  Misalignment and quality of digitization, track reconstruction and track parameters calculation

25 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 25 This strategy allows to measure SM dimuon continuum with a few percent accuracy ANY DEVIATIONS ABOVE THE UNCERTAINTY BAND WILL INDICATE ON NEW PHYSICS !!! Research Strategy

26 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 26 Open questions in Standard Model:  Free parameters in Standard Model (too many - 25 - constants) can not be fixed in the framework of SM  Hierarchy problem (huge gap between Electroweak (10 2 GeV) and Planck (10 19 GeV) scales)  Gravity is not incorporated in SM  SM does not eхplain cosmological problems (origin and early evolution of our Universe, up to t ~ 10 -(22  34) s) Open questions in Standard Model:  Free parameters in Standard Model (too many - 25 - constants) can not be fixed in the framework of SM  Hierarchy problem (huge gap between Electroweak (10 2 GeV) and Planck (10 19 GeV) scales)  Gravity is not incorporated in SM  SM does not eхplain cosmological problems (origin and early evolution of our Universe, up to t ~ 10 -(22  34) s) New PHYSICS ? SM is not an “ultimate” theory ! We need to go beyond it …

27 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 27 There exist many possible extensions of the SM and physical ideas beyond the SM (supersymmetry, gauge sector, TeV-scale gravity, others ) JINR group made a thorough simulation of some:  Extended gauge sector  TeV-scale gravity New PHYSICS

28 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 28 N.Arkani-Hamed, S.Dimopoulos, G.Dvali, 1998  The real World is multi-dimensional (2  6 flat - Euclidian - extra spatial dimensions, the maximal total number of dimensions is 3+6=9)  New objects – branes: slices of multidimensional space (2D brane – membrane, 3D brane etc up to maximal possible 9D brane)  We (all of SM forces) live on 3D brane (there is another “parallel” hidden World)  Only gravitons are multi-dimensional N.Arkani-Hamed, S.Dimopoulos, G.Dvali, 1998  The real World is multi-dimensional (2  6 flat - Euclidian - extra spatial dimensions, the maximal total number of dimensions is 3+6=9)  New objects – branes: slices of multidimensional space (2D brane – membrane, 3D brane etc up to maximal possible 9D brane)  We (all of SM forces) live on 3D brane (there is another “parallel” hidden World)  Only gravitons are multi-dimensional TeV-scale gravity: Large Extra Flat Dimensions (ADD) A “Parallel” World Our World Excess above SM continuum ! Graviton contributions to SM processes M S - effective planckian scale

29 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 29 Z R ~ 1/k Slice of bulk 5-D space Another brane Newton apple GNGN Brane apple Brane-our 4-D world TeV-scale gravity: One Curve Extra Dimension (RS1) RS1 scenario (only one LED): c = k/M plank ~0.01-0.1 L.Randall, R.Sundrum, 1999  two 3D brane Universe - our World and planckian one – in a 5 dimensional curve (noneuclidian) space – only one extra dimension: 3(brane)+1(extra)+time !  heavy (TeV ) graviton KK-excitations - spin-2 resonance states L.Randall, R.Sundrum, 1999  two 3D brane Universe - our World and planckian one – in a 5 dimensional curve (noneuclidian) space – only one extra dimension: 3(brane)+1(extra)+time !  heavy (TeV ) graviton KK-excitations - spin-2 resonance states M inv, GeV G Pl

30 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 30 Models with extended gauge sector  new gauge bosons Z and W  spin-1 resonance states a mass ~ a few TeV the cross section and width are dependent on different model (Z , Z , Z , Z LR etc) intensively couple into lepton pairs (muons and electron) the muon rate from Z’ exceeds the SM background by a factor of 100  new gauge bosons Z and W  spin-1 resonance states a mass ~ a few TeV the cross section and width are dependent on different model (Z , Z , Z , Z LR etc) intensively couple into lepton pairs (muons and electron) the muon rate from Z’ exceeds the SM background by a factor of 100  Extended gauge models assume wider symmetry groups than SM one (70’s-90’s)

31 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 31 Tevatron and LEP Limitations The current lower mass limit for new resonances is 0.5-0.6 TeV The current lower mass limit for new resonances is 0.5-0.6 TeV Effective planckian scale lower limit (95% C.L.) is 1.3-2.5 TeV (Run II) Effective planckian scale lower limit (95% C.L.) is 1.3-2.5 TeV (Run II) ADD

32 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 32 ADD- scenario (n flat extra dimensions) RS1-scenario (two branes embedded in the curve bulk) CMS Discovery Limits CMS will be able  to cover a wide (or whole) range of model parameters  to fix the energy limit of Standard Model validity CMS will be able  to cover a wide (or whole) range of model parameters  to fix the energy limit of Standard Model validity

33 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 33 Angular distributions: Models distinguishing cos  * Events Z Z G KK Angular distributions  Different spin structure ! M = 1.5 TeV ~ 100 fb -1 of LHC operation

34 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 34 Unprecedented LHC Research program can not be carried out with conventional even most advanced computing facilities  1 CMS event = 1 MB  100-200 events will recorded in 1 sec  ~ 2  10 15 B/year (2 PetaB/year) To support LHC Research program the new generation of Distributed Computing based on GRID technology is under development (LCG project) Unprecedented LHC Research program can not be carried out with conventional even most advanced computing facilities  1 CMS event = 1 MB  100-200 events will recorded in 1 sec  ~ 2  10 15 B/year (2 PetaB/year) To support LHC Research program the new generation of Distributed Computing based on GRID technology is under development (LCG project) CMS Computing

35 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 35 regional group LHC Computing Model evolving CERN Tier3 physics department    Desktop Germany UK France Italy CERN Tier1 USA Tier1 The opportunity of Grid technology Tier2 Uni a Lab c Uni n Lab m Lab b Uni b Uni y Uni x JINR and Russia LHC Computing Structure

36 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 36 At JINR this activity has been started on the basis of LIT since almost the very beginning of the CMS project JINR is one of the founders of the RDMS LHC Regional Computing Center At present LIT computing facility is very well integrated in the LCG project At JINR this activity has been started on the basis of LIT since almost the very beginning of the CMS project JINR is one of the founders of the RDMS LHC Regional Computing Center At present LIT computing facility is very well integrated in the LCG project CMS Computing at JINR

37 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 37 The Data Grid cloud PNPI IHEP RRC KI ITEP JINR SINP MSU RRC-LHC LCG Tier1/Tier2 cloud CERN … Gbits/s FZK Regional connectivity: cloud backbone – Gbit’s/s to labs – 100–1000 Mbit/s Collaborative centers Tier2 cluster GRID access Tier-2’s Cluster 2003: 50 Mbit/s 2004: 100-155 Mbit/s 2007: 1-2 Gbit/s RDMS Distributed Computing Facilities Kharkov Minsk INR RAS

38 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 38 Provision of JINR and JINR Member States with high-speed communication links JINR Network Communications

39 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 39 Scenario of RDMS Data processing and analysis dimuons production for 100 fb -1 LHC operation Selection & compression & Analysis Calibration & alignment & processing AOD & TAG ESD/DST sample Objects Reco ESD/DST 0.5 MB/ev Analysis Object Data 0.1 MB/ev Simulation Data Base Condition Data Base GeV, cm.. , ,e,j… RAW Data sample RAW Data 1 MB/ev “digi” Physics results Tier_0/Tier_1/Tier_2 ROOT Data (user’s files) 0.5 TB 0.41 TB0.123TB ~ 8.9 TB ~ 10 TB Tier_0 /Tier_1 RDMS Tier_2 Tier_0/Tier_1 Data Bases

40 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 40 6 – Interactive 18 – Common PC-farm 30 – LHC 14 – MYRINET (Parallel) 20 – LCG 20 – File servers 8 – LCG-user interface MYRINET cluster COMMON PC-farm INTERACTIV E PC-farm Year2004200520062007 CPU116180250400 Disk Space, TB1450100500 WAN, MBit/s451000 JINR Central Complex for Information and Computing (LIT) Other possibility is SKIF K-1000(~ 576 processors) - ?

41 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 41 At the stage of data taking and physics analysis JINR CMS project will be organized as a joint effort of several groups from LPP, LHE, BLTP and LIT distributed through following task forces: Data taking and technical support - LPP and LHE Input data control and processing - P.Moissenz + LPP (4) + LHE + LIT Data processing and MC production - V.Korenkov + LIT (5) + LPP Physics analysis - S.Shmatov + LPP (5) + LHE + LIT Theoretical support - D.Bardin, M.Savina, O.Teryaev + BLTP + N.Shumeiko + Belarus These gropes already exist, most physicists are below 35 years old At the stage of data taking and physics analysis JINR CMS project will be organized as a joint effort of several groups from LPP, LHE, BLTP and LIT distributed through following task forces: Data taking and technical support - LPP and LHE Input data control and processing - P.Moissenz + LPP (4) + LHE + LIT Data processing and MC production - V.Korenkov + LIT (5) + LPP Physics analysis - S.Shmatov + LPP (5) + LHE + LIT Theoretical support - D.Bardin, M.Savina, O.Teryaev + BLTP + N.Shumeiko + Belarus These gropes already exist, most physicists are below 35 years old JINR Dimuon Team

42 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 42 Regular JINR CMS meetings:  Weekly seminar in LPP, Wednesday, 15:00  Annual RDMS CMS Conferences: I-IV – December, 1995-1999, CERN, Geneva V – December, 2000, ITEP, Moscow VI – December, 2001, MSU, Moscow VII – December 2002, IHEP, Protvino VIII – December 2003, JINR, Dubna IX – December 2004, NCHEPP, Minsk X – September 2005,PNPI, St.-Petersburg Regular JINR CMS meetings:  Weekly seminar in LPP, Wednesday, 15:00  Annual RDMS CMS Conferences: I-IV – December, 1995-1999, CERN, Geneva V – December, 2000, ITEP, Moscow VI – December, 2001, MSU, Moscow VII – December 2002, IHEP, Protvino VIII – December 2003, JINR, Dubna IX – December 2004, NCHEPP, Minsk X – September 2005,PNPI, St.-Petersburg New:  Monthly meeting with other RDMS and CMS physicists New:  Monthly meeting with other RDMS and CMS physicists JINR CMS Meetings

43 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 43 Summary Rich CMS program covers the widest range of physics issues: Standard Model, Higgs, SUSY, Exotic, TeV-scale gravity, Heavy Ions Rich CMS program covers the widest range of physics issues: Standard Model, Higgs, SUSY, Exotic, TeV-scale gravity, Heavy Ions There are open questions in Standard Model SM is not an “ultimate” theory ! We need to go beyond it …

44 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 44 Summary In additional to active participation in the CMS general Physics Project JINR group has decided to make a model independent test of Standard Model by measuring production of Drell-Yan pairs in the TeV region  It is a very difficult research – many JINR and Member States physicists have already combined efforts on this field  Appropriate computer facilities is under development in Laboratory of Information Technologies  We very much count on a valuable support of BLTP In additional to active participation in the CMS general Physics Project JINR group has decided to make a model independent test of Standard Model by measuring production of Drell-Yan pairs in the TeV region  It is a very difficult research – many JINR and Member States physicists have already combined efforts on this field  Appropriate computer facilities is under development in Laboratory of Information Technologies  We very much count on a valuable support of BLTP We believe CMS will be able to improve considerably the present bounds on the existence of new objects in the TeV region or to discover them if they exist in this scale

45 I.A. Golutvin, "JINR in CMS Physics Program", 97th Session of the JINR Scientific Council, January 21, 2005 45 Summary Thanks to JINR Directorate Acad. V.G.Kadyshevsky and Prof. A.N.Sisakian for permanent support of RDMS CMS project since the very beginning Thanks to JINR Directorate Acad. V.G.Kadyshevsky and Prof. A.N.Sisakian for permanent support of RDMS CMS project since the very beginning

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