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The Reconstruction Era (1865-1877) Reconstruction –1) The rebuilding of the South after being destroyed by the North –2) Bringing the South back into.

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2 The Reconstruction Era (1865-1877)

3 Reconstruction –1) The rebuilding of the South after being destroyed by the North –2) Bringing the South back into the Union But there were 3 plans on how to do this

4 1) Lincoln ’ s Plan –Wanted a lenient plan –Felt that the Confederates never left –“ Proclamation of Amnesty & Reconstruction ” or the “ 10% Plan ”

5 –10% of the population of the state to swear allegiance to the Union then they could form a state government & get back into Congress –This plan upset the ‘ Radical Republicans ’ Led by Thaddeus Stevens

6 Assassination of Lincoln (April 14, 1865) –5 days after the South surrendered –Lincoln, his wife, and 2 friends attended a play at Ford ’ s Theatre in D.C. –John Wilkes Booth, a famous actor, openly walked into Lincoln ’ s balcony –Shot Lincoln in the back of the head

7 –Booth leaps from the balcony onto the stage Breaks his leg & leaves the theatre He rides to the South where he thought he would be treated as a hero It launches the biggest man-hunt in American history

8 Booth was running for 12 days He & a co-conspirator were cornered in a farmhouse in Virginia by Union troops The troops set fire to the farmhouse –Booth was shot by a soldier & died –2 months later, 4 of his co- conspirators were convicted & executed

9 –1 st American President to be assassinated “ Now he belongs to the ages ” –This was the end of Lincoln ’ s lenient plan for Reconstruction

10 2) Andrew Johnson ’ s Plan (Lincoln ’ s replacement) –From Tennessee, favors the South –He believed that “ white men alone must manage the South ” –He would let the Confederate states return to the Union if they did 3 things …

11 –1) 10% of population swear allegiance to the Union –2) Each state withdraw secession –3) Ratify the 13 th Amendment Abolish slavery Then he would forgive the South ’ s war debts AND let them have their own state governments The South loved this plan

12 3) Congress Plan (Radical Republicans) Extreme Republicans that want to punish the South –They hated Johnson ’ s Plan & made a plan of their own 1) Enlarged the “ Freedmen ’ s Bureau ” –agency to assist newly freed slaves & poor whites in the South 2) Passed Civil Rights Act of 1866 –forbade states from passing discriminatory ‘ Black Codes ’

13 –Johnson vetoed both => Republicans over- rode the vetoes and passed them anyway also created the 14 th Amendment –Makes the former slaves citizens with equal protection of the law Congress is gaining a lot of power

14 Congress passes The ‘ Reconstruction Act ’ –1) Divided the South into 5 military districts –2) States are required to accept the 13 th and 14 th Amendments Impeachment of Johnson –Formal CHARGING of misconduct –Radical Republicans thought Johnson was not doing his job –Fell short of conviction by 1 vote

15 End of Reconstruction –1) ‘ Amnesty Act ’ The Radical Republicans eventually had to return the South ’ s right to vote Returned the right to vote to former Confederate states –They will surely vote Democratic –=> Republicans lose power

16 2) Election of 1876 –Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican) vs. Samuel Tilden (Democrat) Vote was too close to call, so they made a deal (Compromise of 1877) –Hayes would win the Presidency if he did 3 things …

17 1) Withdraw troops from the South 2) South gets Federal $ to build RR, harbors, bridges 3) Appoint a Southerner as Hayes ’ s advisor –Republicans say OK –Shows that the North has lost the will to keep up Reconstruction => segregated South

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