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 Energy Systems  Muscle Fibres  Nervous System  Cardiovascular System  Respiratory System.

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1  Energy Systems  Muscle Fibres  Nervous System  Cardiovascular System  Respiratory System


3  Carbohydrates:  Most abundant organic substance in nature they are essential for human an animal life  Glucose:  Is broken down to form ATP (adenosine triphosphate)  Is stored in muscles and liver as GLYCOGEN – can be broken down under conditions of stress or the demands of muscular activity Created by photosynthesis CO 2 + H 2 O + sunlight E  C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2

4  Energy is neither created nor destroyed only transformed from one form to another ▪ Ex. Light energy from the sun is “captured” by plants during the process of photosynthesis and converted to chemical energy (food)  CHEMICAL ENERGY (food) – is used to make ATP (free energy) Adenosine adenosine Triphosphate diphosphate phosphate ATP -------------> ADP + P A-P - P - P -------------> A- P-P + P ATP Energy In Out ADP

5 1. ANAEROBIC (without oxygen) – short high intense activity 2. AEROBIC (with oxygen) – endurance  These two systems coexist, overlap and interact in various combinations  Most activities rely on a combination of both systems

6  Occurs relatively quickly in the muscle fibres, utilizing chemical and enzymes readily at hand for powerful but relatively short lived activitites  Anaerobic can be broken down into 2 systems: ▪ PATHWAY 1: Anaerobic Alactic (ATP-PC) ▪ PATHWAY 2: Anaerobic Lactic (Glycolosis)

7 NameATP-PC (Anaerobic Alactic System) Location of ActivityCytoplasm Energy SourceCreatine Phosphate (PC) Uses Oxygen or NotAnaerobic (without oxygen) ATP created1 molecule Duration10-15 seconds Number of Chemical Reactions 1-2 By-ProductsNone

8 NameATP-PC (Anaerobic Alactic System) Basic FormulaPC + ADP  ATP + creatine Type of ActivitiesPower surges, speed events Types of exercise that rely on this system Sprints, jumps, weightlifting AdvantagesVery quick surge of power Limitations of energy systemShort duration, muscles store small amounts of ATP and creatine phosphate Muscle fibre type recruitedType IIB (fast-twitch Is important as it provides the highest rate of ATP synthesis that cannot be matched by other, more complex energy systems Recovery Period of PC 2-5 min – requires ATP to resynthesize PC

9 NameGlycolysis (Anaerobic Lactic System) Location of ActivityCytoplasm Energy SourceGlucose (Glycogen) * Glycolysis is the first step in the breakdown of glucose Uses Oxygen or NotAnaerobic (without oxygen) ATP created2 molecules per glucose molecule Duration15 seconds to 3 minutes Number of Chemical Reactions 11 * Has a lot more steps but yields twice as much ATP over Anaerobic Alactic sytem By-ProductsLactic Acid

10 NameGlycolysis (Anaerobic Lactic System) Basic FormulaC 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 + 36ADP + 36 P  6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + 36 ATP Type of ActivitiesIntermediate activities/sprint finishes Types of exercise that rely on this system 200-800 metre runs, shift in hockey AdvantagesQuick surge of power Limitations of energy system Buildup of lactic acid causes pain and fatigue Muscle fibre type recruited Type IIA (fast twitch)

11  PYRUVATE is the by-product of glycolysis when oxygen is not present it continues to breakdown into LACTIC ACID ▪ LACTIC ACID –decreases muscles ability to contract GLUCOSE PYRUVATE (without O2) LACTIC ACID (with O2) (Kreb’s Cycle)

12 NameCellular Respiration (Aerobic System) Location of ActivityMitochondria Energy SourceGlycogen, Fats, Proteins Uses Oxygen or NotAerobic (with Oxygen) ATP created36 Molecules per glucose molecule Duration120 seconds and beyond Number of Chemical Reactions Glycolysis Kreb’s Cycle Electron Transport Chain By-ProductsWater and Carbon Dioxide

13 NameCellular Respiration (Aerobic System) Basic FormulaC 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 + 36ADP + 36 P  6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + 36 ATP Type of ActivitiesProlonged activities Types of exercise that rely on this system Marathons, exercise classes AdvantagesLong duration, complete breakdown of glucose Limitations of energy system Slow, requires large amounts of oxygen Muscle fibre type recruited Type I (slow-twitch)

14  Glucose fuels this system but, ▪ Fats can be broken down when exercise occurs for longer than 20 min ▪ Proteins can be broken down in chronic situations – starvation  Complete breakdown of glucose, unlike anaerobic lactic that stops after glycolysis  This system can be sustained as long as oxygen is present and physiological limits are not reached. CELLULAR RESPIRATION – 36 ATP Glucose Pyruvate (with Oxygen) Electron Transport Chain 2 ATP are Made 32 ATP are Made

15  Blood Lactate Threshold (anaerobic threshold)  Point at which lactate levels in the blood increase abruptly beyond resting values  Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation (OBLA) ▪ Point at which blood lactate levels begin to accumulate very rapidly.  Raising the Lactic Acid Threshold – Need to do power training ▪ Raising the lactic acid threshold will allow you to utilize your anaerobic lactic system for a longer period of time as the build up of lactate will be slower.

16 MUSLCE Glucose Pyruvic Acid Lactic Acid LIVER Glucose Pyruvic Acid Lactic Acid Can be Stored in liver or muscles as glycogen

17  FATS – ideal as they contain large quantities of stored energy Triglycerides Fatty Acids Lipolysis Fatty Acids Acetyl CoA Beta Oxidation enter KREB’s CYCLE

18  PROTEIN – same amount of energy as carbohydrates (glucose) but ½ as much as fat  No protein reservoirs in the body like carbs and fats, all proteins are part of existing body tissue or actively engaged as in metabolic systems  Made up of long chains of amino acids  Individual amino acids are broken down further and enter energy system

19  We have different types of muscle fibres in our body and each type of muscle fibre is more adapted to a certain energy system.  Slow Twitch Muscle Fibres ▪ Generate and relax tension slowly but are able to maintain lower levels of tension for a long period of time.  Fast Twitch Muscle Fibres ▪ Have the ability to tense and relax quickly and can generate large amounts of tension but have low endurance levels.

20 Slow - TwitchFast – Twitch Cyclist61%39% Canoeist61%39% Middle – Distance Runner 59%41% Swimmer58%42% Weightlifting46%54% Sprinter26%74% Soccer Player53%47%

21  The difference in muscle fibre types are mainly due to the extent to which a particular muscle relies on oxygen in the production of energy.  MYOGLOBIN – is the oxygen storage unit that delivers oxygen to working muscles.  The more a muscle utilizes aerobic processes for energy production the more myoglobin it has. ▪ Slow twitch muslce fibres (red) are high in myoglobin ▪ Fast twitch muscle fibres (white) are low in myoglobin

22 Type I Slow Oxidative (SO) Type IIA Fast Oxidative Glycolysis (FOG) Type IIB Fast Glycolysis (FG) ColourRedRed/WhiteWhite Fibre DiameterSmallMediumLarge Contraction SpeedSlow (110ms)FastVery Fast (50ms) Force ProductionLowIntermediateHigh Energy EfficiencyHighLow Myoglobin ContentHighModerately highLow Myosin ATPaseLowHigh Fatigue ResistanceHighModerateLow Aerobic CapacityHighModerateLow Anaerobic CapacityLowHigh

23  Tonic Muscles – assists the body with maintaining posture or stability during activities such as standing, walking and throwing. ▪ High percentage of Type I fibres  Phasic Muscles – characterised by a higher percentage of Type IIA and Type IIB

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