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Support for Corporate and Sectorial Strategies in the Region Francesco Zanotti Senior Partner CSE-Crescendo

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1 Support for Corporate and Sectorial Strategies in the Region Francesco Zanotti Senior Partner CSE-Crescendo ( Joint Conference Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) and the Unites Nations Trade and Productive Capacity Cluster

2 We have a single great problem Other problems are holograms of this great problem We do not have a lot of problems We must design and implement a new society, completely different from industrial society My starting framework

3 To design and implement a new society From hard resources (i.e. money) to generative resources (i.e. knowledge) From hierarchical top down design To social design …. Which means social entrepreneurship ….

4 Entrepreneurs and social Actors, in order to be able to design new corporate and sectorial strategies, need: A Master Plan … in action A new generation of Financial Actors New knowledge (models and methodologies) From my starting framework

5 1 A Master Plan … in action

6 A lot of ideas, issues: Visions Projects Initiatives Institutions Etc. … in all dimensions A need of a Master Plan for Mediterranean development PAM distributed to all member states’ parliaments and economic Actors in the Region a questionnaire entitled "Economic Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region” Main synthesis

7 Master Plan for the Mediterranean It is the necessary context for Corporate, Sectorial and Resources Strategies in the Region

8 Strategic culture Systemic culture (i.e quantum mechanics) A new “language”A new designing process Which supports are needed to develop a Master Plan … in action for the Mediterranean?

9 A new language means to open, to discover new potentialities for making new worlds emerge We are the language we use. To be able to see new horizons, to be able to imagine new futures it is necessary to “empower” our languages From an operative point of view, the Quality of the Master Plan depends on: the span of the set of questions we pose, the span of the set of issues we are able to see and to address

10 A general model to discover and to address Key issues

11 A new designing process … must be not a “specialist” and rational process References: exciting results from recent studies in International Relations. “Flatland: Quantum Mind and the International Hologram” by Alexander Wendt It must be a: Social Creation Process

12 First step: to share a common “language” (the issues to be addressed) Second step: single interviews to main stakeholders Third step: sharing of results of single interviews among all stakeholders through web technologies Fourth step: synthesis of different opinions, desires, issues … Fifth step: Presentation of the Master Plan in a Plenary Conference and its diffusion through web technologies Creation of a Community for continuous updating of the Master Plan Social creation process: the ideal main steps

13 2 A new generation of financial actors

14 Form different Countries different Actors (Institutions, political Actors, etc.) propose the establishment of a new bank Others Actors (Institutions, political Actors, etc.) do not agree … In my opinion point is: we do not need just another bank We need a new generation of financial Institutions

15 “New” from two respects … use entrepreneurial, strategy oriented rating systems … support entrepreneurs with strategic knowledge and corporate strategy services A Working Paper where I describe these two issues in theoretical and operative details is available The new bank must …

16 3 New knowledge (models and methodologies)

17 In the context of a Master Plan … in action It is necessary to generate an “Augmented entrepreneurship”

18 Competition as a black hole Just an example: agricultural products and foods around the Mediterranean sea Entrepreneurs as new worlds creators A simple but poor strategy Price strategy A more complex but richer strategy Exploiting specific characteristics of local agricultural products and foods

19 New Corporate and Sectorial strategies … … must be entrepreneurial instead of competitive Strategic culture Systemic culture (i.e quantum mechanics) Models and methodologies to: Evaluate at which distance the enterprise is from the “Events horizon” of the competition black hole Design a road to create a new entrepreneurial space where there are no competition black holes

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