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Name of Team Member College of Engineering Penn State Replace this box with key image to introduce talk’s scope, importance, or background Title of Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Name of Team Member College of Engineering Penn State Replace this box with key image to introduce talk’s scope, importance, or background Title of Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name of Team Member College of Engineering Penn State Replace this box with key image to introduce talk’s scope, importance, or background Title of Presentation in Initial Capitals: 36 Points, Calibri Bold

2 2 Photograph, drawing, diagram, or graph supporting the headline message (no bulleted list) Call-out(s), if needed: no more than two lines In an assertion-evidence slide, the headline is a sentence that succinctly states the slide’s main message

3 3

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6 Design of an Apparatus That Measures the Maximum Workable Reach Envelope Lawrence Cheng Jackie Gillott Daniel Kerins Mechanical Engineering Pennsylvania State University February 5, 2007

7 Xenon headlights illuminate signs better than halogen headlights do [Sylvania, 2008 ] Xenon Headlight Halogen Headlight SilverStar Ultra TM Standard Halogen Xenon

8 In the past 25 years, traffic has dramatically increased on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge 1961 Traffic 1.5 million [Maryland Transportation Authority, 2007] 1952 Traffic: 1.1 million 2007 Traffic: 27 Million

9 My research will focus on reducing the aerodynamic drag of semi-trucks to improve fuel economy [LLNL, 2010]

10 How much power from the engine of a semi-tractor trailer is needed to overcome aerodynamic drag? At typical highway speeds, overcoming drag requires about two-thirds of a truck engine’s output [McCallen, 2004] Aerodynamic Drag C D = 0.6 Rolling Friction and Accessories

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