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State Procurement 101 Larry Ray, VCO 804-225-3354

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1 State Procurement 101 Larry Ray, VCO 804-225-3354

2 Legislative Intent The intent of the Virginia General Assembly is set forth in the Virginia Public Procurement Act as follows: “To the end that public bodies in the Commonwealth obtain high quality goods and services at a reasonable cost, that all procurement procedures be conducted in a fair and impartial manner with the avoidance of any impropriety, that all qualifies vendors have access to public business…” Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual, Paragraph 1.0

3 Agency Responsibilities  Define terms of the procurement  Conduct process in a fair and impartial manner  Administer contract to ensure both parties fulfill the requirements of the contract  Pay

4 Agency Authority  Up to $50,000 for goods  Unlimited services  Mandatory sources and contracts  Forward goods requirements over $50,000 to DPS  ADP and Telecommunication goods and services above agency authority to Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA)

5 Mandatory Sources  State contracts  Virginia Correctional Enterprises  Virginia Industries for the Blind  Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired Business Enterprises  Virginia Distribution Center  DGS/DPS Office of Graphic Comm  Department of Information Technology  DGS/DPS Fleet Management  Virginia Department of Transportation

6 Competitive Requirements  Single quote to $5,000  $5,000 to $15,000 solicit at least 6 valid sources  $15,000 to $50,000 solicit at least 8 valid sources in writing  Over $50,000 solicit at least 9 valid sources using the Competitive Sealed Bidding (IFB) or Request for Proposals (RFP) process

7 Methods of Procurement  Small purchase  Competitive sealed bidding  Competitive negotiations  Sole source  Emergency  Reverse auctioning

8 Formal Solicitation Process  Must be publicly posted in eVA  Newspaper Advertising  Direct solicitation of 9 valid sources  Specified response deadline  Responses not opened until closing date and time  Must be registered eVA Vendor to receive award

9 Invitation for Bids  Preferred method  Awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder  Not open to negotiation  Questions must be addressed and resolved before submission of bids

10 Request for Proposals  Requirements specified in general terms  Negotiated agreement  Price is a factor but not necessarily the determining factor  All issues except the General Terms and Conditions are negotiable  Award based on specified criteria

11 Terms and Conditions General Terms and conditions  Required in all solicitations  Not editable  Roadmap on how Commonwealth does business  Included by reference in all procurements Special Terms and Conditions  Select and added as required  Can be modified by agency  Ensure you understand  Clarify at pre-bid pre-proposal conference or contact agency

12 Vendor Responsibilities  Register as eVA Vendor  Identify yourself to procurement personnel  Know the governing regulations (Vendors Manual)  Respond as directed in the solicitation

13 Vendor Tools to Compete  Be aware of opportunities  Attend required pre-bid/proposal conferences  Respond as directed in solicitation  Obtain copy and understand Vendor’s Manual  Be registered as required  Provide quality goods and services

14 Licensing  Construction-Prof & Occupational Reg  Pesticide application-Ag & Consumer Svcs  Asbestos service, security and fire alarm installation--Prof & Occupational Reg  Private security services-Criminal Justice  Hazmat-Environmental Quality

15 American Express Card  Designed for transactions to $5,000  Purchases made by end user  Simplicity and speed

16 eVA  Registration as eVA vendor required  Marketing opportunities  One source for access to all Commonwealth major solicitations  Speed and efficiency  Automatic notification for solicitations for your product line

17 eVA Functionality  eMall Catalog Shopping  Quick Quote  eProcurement






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