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The Enlightenment 1700-1800. The Enlightenment A response to economic and political changes in European society Secular world view  focused on man’s.

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Presentation on theme: "The Enlightenment 1700-1800. The Enlightenment A response to economic and political changes in European society Secular world view  focused on man’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Enlightenment 1700-1800

2 The Enlightenment A response to economic and political changes in European society Secular world view  focused on man’s ability to reason Philosophical starting point  belief in the autonomy of man’s intellect apart from God Deists: Believe God exists (he created the world) but is no longer involved in the world

3 Major Assumptions of the Enlightenment Human progress was possible through change of one’s environment, that is, better people, better societies, better standard of living Humans were free to use reason to reform the evils of society Material improvement would lead to moral improvement Natural science and human reason would discover the meaning of life

4 Major Assumptions of the Enlightenment Laws governing human society would be discovered through application of the scientific method Inhuman practices and institutions would be removed from society in a spirit of humanitarianism Human liberty would ensue as individuals became free to choose what reason dictated, or required, as good

5 Three Main Groups 1. Rationalists Deductive reasoning or mathematical logic as their source of knowledge “Self-evident truths” 2. Empiricists Inductive observation for the basis/source of knowledge, a sensory experience The scientific method

6 Three Main Groups 3. Philosophies Social activists for whom knowledge was something to be converted into reform Their task: Apply reason to society for the purpose of human improvement and to discover the natural laws governing God, humans, and society

7 Effects on Society Religion Political Theory Economic Theory Education Psychological Theory Gender Theory

8 An Important Note! Most Enlightened thinkers opposed democracy Supported some level of autocratic rule but… The benefits were supposed to be for the people NOT for personal power but for the welfare of the people THIS DID NOT ALWAYS WORK AS IT SHOULD!

9 An Important Note! When “enlightened rulers” didn’t take care of the people…enlightened thinkers realized there had to be a way to create change The concept of revolution was validated as a legitimate means to produce social and political change

10 Enlightened Absolutism Frederick the Great (Prussia) Maria-Theresa and Joseph II (Austria) Catherine the Great (Russia)

11 Long-Standing Ideas from the Enlightenment Individualism Capitalism Rationalism and Skepticism Relativism Scientific Method Separation of Power Social Contract Revolution

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