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Compare/Contrast Feedback. T = Topic Sentence needs attention Your topic sentence should include the following words/phrases from the prompt: – The liberation.

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Presentation on theme: "Compare/Contrast Feedback. T = Topic Sentence needs attention Your topic sentence should include the following words/phrases from the prompt: – The liberation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare/Contrast Feedback

2 T = Topic Sentence needs attention Your topic sentence should include the following words/phrases from the prompt: – The liberation of the concentration camps – The documentary “The War” by Ken Burns – The memoir Night by Elie Wiesel Ex. Ken Burns’ documentary “The War” and Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night both portray the liberation of the concentration camps; however, there are many similarities and differences in how they do this.

3 Compare/Contrast Feedback E = Evidence and Examples You need to use specific evidence (quotes, passages, words, phrases, description of images and sound) to support your thinking. Ex. In the documentary, there is a feeling of disbelief and shock by the soldiers upon entering the camps, ‘I can describe what I saw,’ says one soldier. It wasn’t that he couldn’t, it was just that it was unbelievable.

4 Compare/Contrast Feedback S = Need to use a structure/Organization You need to use one of the compare/contrast structures to organize your ideas. You will want to use transition words found in your planner to help you, too. You must utilize either: – Whole – to – Whole – Similarities – to- Differences – Point – to – Point Ex. The purpose of the documentary “The War” and the memoir Night is to inform the audience and reader about the Holocaust and the liberation of the camps. To do this, “The War” uses 1 st hand accounts by soldiers who were there. In Night, our author uses his own experience being a Jewish survivor of the camps. (Point- to- Point)

5 Compare/Contrast Feedback I = Information Accuracy Be sure that you have gathered relevant, specific, and accurate information. This means you must read and watch the film and memoir closely so that the information you use is actually true. This might also be related to how you write your sentences. Often times if you do not write them clearly, the information or ideas seem inaccurate. READ YOUR WORK OUTLOUD!

6 Compare and Contrast 1 st – Choose your structure 2 nd – Create an outline 3 rd – Introduction: What should you explain and/or summarize first? 4 th - Body paragraphs: Each paragraph will need a topic sentence, supporting details (this will need to be both paraphrased and explicit) 5 th – Conclusion paragraph that includes this: The differences between _________and __________ are important because_____________.

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