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Intelligent Design and YEC Differences & Similarities.

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1 Intelligent Design and YEC Differences & Similarities

2 Scientific View EvolutionIntelligent Design Young Earth Creation Old Earth Creation Other

3 Confusion? Some mislabel Intelligent Design advocates as “creationists” to smear them. Generally, scientific community has much disdain for creationism. Attempt to conflate the two is polemical.

4 Similarities These points are agreed upon by all members of the “Intelligent Design” camp. Intelligent Designer is best explanation for some features of natural world. Blind evolutionary processes are incapable of creating the diversity of life on earth.

5 Differences An advocate of Intelligent Design may or may not be a Christian, or even believe in God. David Berlinsky (secular Jew) Michael Denton (agnostic) Many YECs accuse the broader Intelligent Design movement of being too weak.

6 Differences YEC claims not accepted by most other Intelligent Design advocates; The Bible is completely accurate in all scientific details, and forms a valid starting point for forming a robust scientific theory. The age of the universe and the earth is relatively young (generally, 6 to 10 thousand years) Noah’s Flood was a dramatic, worldwide event, and is responsible for much of the geological evidence.

7 The YEC Model Bible as the starting point. Literal interpretation of Genesis narrative. Following genealogy, earth is 6-10 thousand years old. Ussher Chronology (1650) -> 4004 B.C.

8 The YEC Model Young Universe God created the heavens and the earth in 6, 24 hour days. Creationist Cosmologies C-Decay (speed of light has decreased over time) [Setterfield] White Hole Cosmology [Humphreys]

9 The YEC Model Noah’s Flood Responsible for the vast majority of fossil remains. Explains the Geological Column Hydrological Sorting - bodies of organisms killed by the flood were sorted by the flood waters according to size, shape, and ecology.

10 The YEC View Evidence for Global Flood Scriptural Evidence Consistent Flood Stories (myths) in many cultures. About 500 worldwide. Geological Evidence (interpretations)

11 The YEC View After flood, world repopulated from Noah’s Ark. Animal variation introduced due to genetics (not evolution).

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