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Introduction for New Students and Staff - 2011. Introduction Why are we here? It is not enough just to be a student who studies for his own benefit.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction for New Students and Staff - 2011. Introduction Why are we here? It is not enough just to be a student who studies for his own benefit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction for New Students and Staff - 2011

2 Introduction Why are we here? It is not enough just to be a student who studies for his own benefit

3 Introduction Robert Frost “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference” We are here as part of a Mission

4 Introduction UWC Mission o UWC makes education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future How?

5 Introduction How?

6 Extra-Academics Framework

7 EACs

8 Roles o Staff-led o Student-led, supervised by staff Expectations o At least two per week o IB: 3-4 hours per week o Balance over 2 years on  C, A, S  N, E, H

9 Leirskule Major part of our Service program Camp school for Norwegian kids All students involved during EAC Summer Term or LS season o Starting in March for first-years o Ending in October for second-years

10 Global Concerns (GCs) No classes, focus on issues 1 per term, 4 over 2 years o Environmental (Oct 2011) o Nordic o Humanitarian o Free choice Expectations o Participate in all o Help organize 1 GC / 2 years

11 Special Program Days No classes TBA!

12 Special Weeks Project Based Learning (PBL)  More info on Oct PBL later First-YearsSecond-Years Oct 2011 (5 days)PBL Jan 2012 (5 days)First Aid TrainingPBL Model United Nations Feb 2012 (5 days)FrilufsvekeReading Week

13 Informal Activities Cultural Days o One per term o International understanding o Showcase culture Other? o Ball games o Silent House o Languages o Etc.

14 Framework

15 EAC Process Information: o For what EACs are about, go to  EAC Fair  Website o For EAC Terms and Schedule:  Go to ➔  Academics ➔  Subject Pages ➔  CAS ➔  See “EAC Terms” and “EAC Schedule”  We are now in the middle of EAC Summer Term

16 EAC Process Enrolment o Next two weeks  Trial Period o Between now and September 12  Join and Commit  Ask Staff Leader to enter your name on w3  Once entered, you are committed  Until end of EAC Summer Term (Oct 28, 2011)  For Community Service EACs, may be committed for longer  ATTENDANCE!

17 EAC Process EAC Winter Term Commitment Period o Oct 31, 2011– March 23, 2012 o Can add or drop EACs until 2 weeks into Winter EAC Term o After that, COMMITTED AND ATTEND!

18 EAC Process To help you with planning and maintaining a balance o Use “Extra-Academic Commitment (EAC) Program Planning Worksheet for Students” o Discuss with your Advisor

19 The end of the beginning

20 Margaret Mead o “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

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