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Alain Blondel 4 March 2011 NEU2012 summary NEU2012: towards a concrete proposal by the neutrino community (emphasis on long baseline accelerator expts)

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Presentation on theme: "Alain Blondel 4 March 2011 NEU2012 summary NEU2012: towards a concrete proposal by the neutrino community (emphasis on long baseline accelerator expts)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alain Blondel 4 March 2011 NEU2012 summary NEU2012: towards a concrete proposal by the neutrino community (emphasis on long baseline accelerator expts) (or: Laguna, EUROnu and others together) NEU2012 is a Network Activity (NA) of the FP7 Integrated Activity EUCARD (European Coordinated Accelerator R&D) Some history: started in 1998 with ECFA study groups Prospective Study of Muon Storage Rings European study of European Neutrino Factory Complex Then BENE network of CARE)  International Scoping Study and input to CERN strategy now NEU2012

2 Alain Blondel 4 March 2011 NEU2012 summary 2006 2012

3 Alain Blondel 4 March 2011 NEU2012 summary Prospective study of muon storage rings at CERN, ECFA-CERN CERN 99-02 (1999) First study group discussion of CP violation in neutrino oscillations ECFA-CERN study of a Neutrino Factory Complex A.Blondel et al., eds. CERN-2004-002.- ECFA-04-230 March 2004. First discussion of superbeam/beta-beam/neutrino factory road map ISS reports Accelerator design concept for future neutrino facilities JINST, 4:P07001, 2009 Detectors and flux instrumentation for future neutrino facilities. JINST 4:T05001,2009. Physics at a future Neutrino Factory and super-beam facility Rept.Prog. Phys., 72:106201, 2009. Systematic performance comparison, first serious look into detector technologies European Strategy for Future Neutrino Physics YELLOW REPORT CERN 2010-03 Organized by CERN Oct13 2009 as imput to SPC study (SPC document is given as appendix) Kickoff at CERN 18-25 March 2009 Neutrino detector studies and possible experiment at CERN PS NEU2012 -- Doing the best of existing infrastructures in Europe and at CERN References and Links

4 Report of the SPC panel on Future Neutrino Facilities R.Aleksan, A.Blondel, P.Dornan, K.Meier/T.Nakada, A.Zalewska, F.Zwirner Report from the SPC: CERN/SPC/940 CERN/2894 -- Relations between CERN and the ongoing development work regarding future neutrino facilities. I. Summary -- Annex: Relations between CERN and the ongoing development work regarding future neutrino facilities. II. Supporting document The final report is signed by the SPC as a whole and published as conclusions of the workshop on European Strategy for Future Neutrino Physics YELLOW REPORT CERN 2010-03

5 The work of the panel: The initial observation (March 2009) was as follows: 1.there is no more a neutrino physics group at CERN 2.there are a number of accelerator activities -- CNGS -- EUROnu-related -- Linac4, SPL and other LHC injectors design but they are not coordinated 2’ and detector activities (MINOS, OPERA, T2K, AIDA, (GLACIER, LENA, MEMPHYS) LAGUNA) 3. there are quite strong activities happening outside of Europe: T2K, NUMI (MINOS and NOvA), DUSEL, NFMCC 4. even inside Europe there are activities in neutrino oscillation physics with which CERN has little association (DCHOOZ, solar neutrinos, MICE, UKNF etc…) Yet Neutrino physics is important and Europe should remain major player

6 SPC meeting, 16.03.2010 Main Conclusions Neutrino physics provides unique window on physics beyond the Standard Model; what is learned with neutrinos cannot be learned at the high energy frontier (LHC, LC), although we may be very lucky and discover a connection between the TeV energy frontier and the neutrino paradigm. and There is a large active European community taking this challenge MINOS OPERA ICARUS DCHOOZ T2K EMMA, MICE, MERIT, EUROnu (LE superbeam, Beta-beam, Neutrino Factory) GLACIER, MEMPHYS,LENA (LAGUNA) AIDA(MIND&TASD) (Count at time of SG2006 was around 500 physicists)

7 T2KK: T2K 1.66 MW beam to 270 kton fid volume Water Cherenkov detectors in Japan (295km) and in Korea (1050 km); DUSEL: a WBB from Fermilab to a 300 kton WC in Dusel (1300km); SPL 4 GeV, EU-BB and BB+SPL: CERN to Fréjus (130km) project; NF bl is the Neutrino Factory baseline (4000km and 7000km baselines) and NF Py+INO represents the concrete baseline from CERN to Pyhasalmi mine in Finland (2285 km) and to INO in India (7152 km); PS2-Slanic is a preliminary superbeam study at 1500km based on an upgrade of PS2 to 1.66MW and a 100kton Liquid Argon TPC SPC meeting, 16.03.2010 Figure 2 A representative compilation of sensitivities of some future long baseline projects. Here the fraction of  CP where CP violation can be observed at 3 standard deviations is plotted as a function of  13.

8 Similarly for the sign of  m 2 13 From the IDS-NF draft report clearly the neutrino factory is very powerful – optimization of distance and muon energy is still open

9 Long term strategy planning It is unrealistic to expect to have a high intensity neutrino source of any kind in Europe before early 2020’s. By this time it is reasonable to expect that there will be many years of operating and upgrading Superbeams in Japan and in the USA. This should be closely followed. Thus if Europe is to be competitive in the 2020’s it should concentrate on the R&D for a new intense source, i.e. the Neutrino Factory or the Beta Beam. It would be advisable to systematically review the progress and prospects of this work. SPC meeting, 16.03.2010 SPC report


11 Nominal performance 4.5 10 19 p.o.t./yr = 324 kW x 10 7 s

12 Operating a High Intensity Facility

13 NB similar limitations apply to beta-beam using SPS achieved = 3.5 10 19

14 comments on CNGS 1.CNGS is the most super of today’s superbeams. However…. there seems to be little interest in the CNGS beam as is beyong OPERA. Main limitations being a) absence of near detector, b) high energy and c) intensity limitations. Beam needs to be rebuilt for e.g. electron neutrino search. 2. May as well build a new one pointing at either -- location >>1000km (where CP violation and matter effects can be separated)  fine grain detector: segmented scintillator or liquid argon may as well foresee neutrino factory-type baseline (> 2000km) energy ~ 4 GeV  PS2 superbeam and/or neutrino factory -- or << 300 km where matter effects are small and water Cherenkov is very good also consistent with beta beam energy < 600 MeV  SPL superbeam or/and beta beam summary:



17 E_peak d off (m) 0 0.2 0.5 1.0 0 2 5 10 15 Most likely Energy vs off axis distance at 127m ND station

18 12m 4m 8m 1m Magnetized Iron Muon Spectrometer Fully active segmented scintillator Could be vertical WHAT IS THE FID. VOLUME? A very sketchy and “obvious” proposal for near detector


20 INO (Mondal)

21 Conclusions on PS neutrino beam associated questions 1. a more general dual issue: -- can near-detector be identical from far-detector? -- can near-detector be different from far-detector? 2. to do the sterile neutrino search right is a very substantial effort (~10y) and may divert from the long term goal

22 Test beam in H8 beam line will come back to this in AIDA talk

23 TEST BEAM Seems an obvious case: around H8 magnet test WC, LArg and TASD prototypes with the MIND prototype as muon catcher/spectrometer -- TASD (and LArg?) in magnetic field? Already some money from AIDA for some basics action: draft proposal by end of november 2010 submission end of year closure of CERN beams in 2013 forces us to recast program 2010 write proposal to CERN for use of test beam before Xmas 2011-Q1 kick off meeting 2011-12 first test with baby-INO but need muons of 1-2 GeV… 2012-13 construction and cosmic tests of TASD and MIND detectors 2014 fuller tests in NH

24 EURO EURO superbeam (pion decay) Beta-beam rad-ion decay Neutrino Factory (muon decay) key question for CH groups: can any of this be at CERN?

25 BETA BEAM Idea born at CERN (Zucchelli) and very much studied at CERN within a Nuclear Physics design study, EURISOL see talk by Elena Benedetto. In SPS, only up to  = 150 ( 6 He) / 250 ( 18 Ne) can be accelerated  low energy (max 600 MeV) neutrinos. SYNERGY WITH SPL FREJUS. -- main issues  18 Ne production (getting there!)  irradiation in the various existing accelerators and in the storage ring (the nominal intensities of ~210 18 per year and 18 nuclei per ion are similar to the CNGS 4 10 19 per year… and all that is dumped in the storage ring – may require remote handling) 8 Li and 8 B are also considered Q~15 Mev instead of 3 for the baseline ions  higher energies but intensity needed is proportionally increased (see AB NUFAT07, Pilar Coloma NUCFACT10 )


27 High-power target. 4MW. good transmission MERIT experiment (CERN) Major challenges tackled by R&D expts Fast muon cooling MICE experiment (RAL) Fast, large aperture accelerator (FFAG) EMMA (Daresbury)

28 Alain Blondel NUFACT10 MUMBAI 23 October 2010 20-21 st June 15:55 21 st June 22:37 22 nd June EMMA Start-up EMMA Start-up YAG screen images Control room ~22:45 End of 4 sectors

29 Alain Blondel NUFACT10 MUMBAI 23 October 2010  Incoming muon beam Variable Diffuser Beam PID TOF 0, TOF 1 Cherenkovs Trackers 1 & 2 Liquid Hydrogen absorbers 1,2,3 Downstream particle ID: TOF 2, KL EMR RF cavitiesRF power Spectrometer solenoid 1 Spectrometer solenoid 2 Coupling Coils 1&2 Focus coils MICE Collaboration across the planet

30 Alain Blondel NUFACT10 MUMBAI 23 October 2010 m. apollonioNuFact10 - Mumbai7 Muon Cooling MICE Muon Beam Line Commissioning Phase Conclusions GVA1TOF0TOF1 Luminosity Monitor ISIS Sector 7 Beam Loss Monitor Ckov a,bBPM2TOF2KLBPM2 TOF1

31 Alain Blondel NUFACT10 MUMBAI 23 October 2010 Splash velocity – 24 GeV beam t=0 t=0.175 ms t=0.375 ms t=0.050 ms 20TP, 15TV = 65 m/s t=0 t=0.175 ms t=0.375 ms t=0.075 ms 10TP, 10TV = 54 m/s April 200831I.Efthymiopoulos, CERN MERIT EXPERIMENT at CERN BNL, MIT, ORNL, Princeton University CERN, RAL Demonstrated liquid mercury jet technology for neutrino factory and muon collider up to 8MW on target Oct22-Nov12 2007

32 Alain Blondel NUFACT10 MUMBAI 23 October 2010 Powder –Rig at RAL contains 150 kg Tungsten –Particle size < 250 microns Total ~8,000 kg powder conveyed –90 ejection cycles –Equivalent to 15 mins continuous operation Batch mode –Test out individual handling processes before moving to a continuous flow loop 1 2 3 4 1. Suction / Lift 2. Load Hopper 3. Pressurise Hopper 4. Powder Ejection and Observation Powder target: Possibly a solution for both Superbeam and neutrino factory

33 Alain Blondel 4 March 2011 NEU2012 summary TOWARDS A ROADMAP DOCUMENT to be delivered as input to strategy group work based on roadmap proposal by S. Pascoli

34 Alain Blondel 4 March 2011 NEU2012 summary 1.motivation for neutrino physics -- why we should study neutrino physics no matter whether there is supersymmetry, Higgs, at LHC – or not. -- LHC and neutrinos 2. Accelerator technologies towards future neutrino beams -- R&D development from present accelerator technologies -- far-reaching R&D that is done, planned and not done -- critical R&Ds and show stoppers. 3. Detector technologies in future neutrino experiments 4. neutrino installations and safety & environmental issues -- high power superbeam and neutrino factory targets -- beta beam accelerators and storage rings -- detector issues 5. Existing facilities -- CNGS and its future -- or another SPS-based power-beam -- other possibilities 6. European neutrino physicists in international collaborations -- running experiments -- R&D and design studies 7. Synergetic staged options exist in Europe (have both mid- and long term perspectives) -- Option I SPL Superbeam to Fréjus + Beta-beam to Fréjus -- Option II SPS Powerbeam then neutrino factory to Pyhasalmi 8 Process considerations. This will be very much the agenda of the next NEU2012 meeting at PARIS on 10 May 2011. Do come in numbers to form consensus.

35 Alain Blondel 4 March 2011 NEU2012 summary There is a large active European community working on neutrino long baseline experiments, and accelerator & detector R&D MINOS OPERA ICARUS DCHOOZ T2K EMMA, MICE, MERIT, EUROnu design study (LE superbeam, Beta-beam, Neutrino Factory) GLACIER, MEMPHYS,LENA (LAGUNA) AIDA(MIND&TASD) … (there is more than liquids!) CONCLUSIONS We are making some progress towards a more unified strategy for the future of European Neutrino experiments, to be carried out in Europe or elsewhere within international collaborations. The next step is to prepare the input to the CERN strategy process (we did quite well in 2006) It is a positive sign that synergetic staged options exist in Europe with both mid- and long term perspectives

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