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Session Number 2 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 SunGard Higher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Session Number 2 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 SunGard Higher Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session Number 2 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 SunGard Higher Education

2 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Julie Monfette – Pnpl. Human Resources Consultant California Community College Specialist Jon Langlois - Senior Finance Consultant California Community College Specialist

3 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Allows multiple year encumbering for Grant-related jobs Requires Banner Finance/Grant and HR/PosnCtl products Uses Encumbrance Recast method –Restricted to ‘System Calculated’ jobs Use for Bond Measure project tracking Banner HR 8.0 release April 2008 Introduction

4 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Agenda Provide a high level overview of : Banner set up in Banner Finance/Grant and HR/PosnCtl NBAJOBS use of Banner Finance information Encumbrance calculations Current versus future encumbrances

5 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Agenda continued Option to feed to Banner Finance Viewing encumbrances in Banner Finance Closing and rolling of Banner HR encumbrance within Banner Finance for fiscal year end Query information

6 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Benefits Use Banner Finance Grant information in Banner HR Match grant budgets to expected expenditures Project future salary and fringe budgets Provide accurate year end reports for grants

7 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Banner set-up

8 Finance Position Control Human Resources FTMFSYR Create fiscal years for future grant periods NBAFISC Create fiscal years for future grant periods PTRCALN Create payroll calendars for future grant periods

9 FTMFTYP Set ‘Encumber Multi Year Labor’ indicator for Fund Type FRMFUND Value will default from FTMFTYP User may override (Fund is tied to Grant) FTMFSYR Create fiscal years for future grant periods FRAGRNT (FRBGRNT) Create Grant record FTMFUND (FTVFUND) Associate Grant to Fund Banner Finance Flow

10 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Identify Fund Types for multi-year encumbering

11 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Create Grants on FRAGRNT

12 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Create Funds and tie to Grants on FTMFUND

13 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 FTVFUND additions

14 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 New form FRIFUND

15 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 More of new form FRIFUND

16 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 NBAJOBS use of Banner Finance information

17 NBAJOBS Information Flow FTVFUND Get Fund code FRMFUND Get Budget Period Start / End dates for Fund code from appropriate effective date <=system Date upon creation If FRMFUND dates are FRAGRNT Project Begin / End Dates (not effective dated) NBAJOBS Enter LD FOAPALS associated with grants Display Grant related data

18 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Review NBAJOBS

19 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Grant related information

20 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Access Finance grant information NBAJOBS

21 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Encumbrance Calculations

22 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Checks Banner Finance FRMFUND FRAGRNT FTMFUND

23 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Encumbrance begin dates used The encumbrance calculation begin date for multi-year grants will be based on the greater of the following dates: –The first day of the fiscal year –Job Begin Date –Job Contract Begin Date, or –The Recast Date

24 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Encumbrance end dates used Currently, the encumbrance calculation end date are based on the earliest of the following dates: Currently –Job End Date –Job Contract End Date –Fiscal Year end date if the FRMFUND Budget Period End Date and Project End Date are NULL and the Job End Date, Contract End Date or Fund Termination Date do not exist or are beyond the end of the Active Fiscal Year

25 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Encumbrance end dates used The encumbrance calculation end date for multi-year grants will be based on the earliest of the following dates: New to Banner 8.x –The Grant Budget Period End Date –The Fund Termination Date –The Grant Project End Date if Budget Dates are null –The Encumbrance Override End Date

26 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 NBPENCM Report

27 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Current versus future encumbrances

28 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Encumbrance Item Numbers Current 7.X functionality 0 = ‘Current’ Salary 1 = ‘Current’ Fringe 2 = ‘Current’ Fringe Residual New 8.0 functionality adds 3 = ‘Future’ Salary 4 = ‘Future’ Fringe 5 = ‘Future’ Fringe Residual Note: Item numbers are assigned by NHPFIN1 process and seen on the FGIENCD form in finance

29 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Labor Distribution History

30 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Transaction Detail

31 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Option to feed to Banner Finance

32 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Set indicator on NTRINST

33 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Future projections are still calculated

34 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Only current fiscal year amounts are fed

35 NBPENCM encumbrance calculation process NBPENCM  Applies Salary/Fringe Encumbrance to individual labor distributions,  Updates Base Job Encumbrance amounts, and  Creates ‘To Post’ amounts in history record If interfacing multi-year encumbrance amounts If not interfacing multi-year encumbrance amounts ‘To Post’ = current FY encumbrance amount Items 0, 1 & 2 ‘To Post’ = current FY + future FY encumbrance amount Items 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 NTRINST Check ‘Feed Future Encumbrance to Finance’ indicator Assign Item Numbers

36 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Review encumbrance detail on FGIENCD

37 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Review encumbrance detail on FGIENCD

38 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Closing and rolling Banner HR encumbrances in Banner Finance

39 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Set up FGAYRLM

40 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Run FGRLENC in ‘C’ mode & ‘R’ mode

41 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 FGRLENC report

42 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Query information

43 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Budget status at year end

44 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Budget status in new FY

45 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Grant inception to date

46 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Summary Banner set up NBAJOBS use of Banner Finance information Encumbrance calculations Current versus future encumbrances Option to feed to Banner Finance Viewing encumbrances in Banner Finance Closing and rolling of Banner HR encumbrances Query information

47 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Questions & Answers

48 Multiple Year Encumbering 8.0 Julie Monfette - Jon Langlois –

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