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Thompson Watersheds Restoration Coalition A bottom-up approach to watershed restoration.

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Presentation on theme: "Thompson Watersheds Restoration Coalition A bottom-up approach to watershed restoration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thompson Watersheds Restoration Coalition A bottom-up approach to watershed restoration

2 A pact among individuals or groups, each of which is operating in their own self-interest.



5 In the path of floodplain evolution there are no obstacles

6 Central Federal Lands CDOT Private Land/homes County Bridge- Forks Open Space Private Business Why Work Together?


8 Colorado-Big Thompson Project The Colorado-Big Thompson Project (C-BT) and the associated Windy Gap Project deliver: Over 230,000 acre-feet of water annually to supplement municipal, agricultural and industrial use. Water supplies for 860,000 people and 640,000 acres of irrigated land in Northern Colorado. 7 counties & 22 municipalities. 12 reservoirs, 35 miles of tunnels, and 95 miles of canals. Most of this is at risk after fire and flood!



11 The Fire Mosaic LightHawk

12 3 Months Later

13 Wildfire Risk Reduction Program

14 Source Water Protection Program

15 Open Water Foundation

16 Staff: Grant Writing, Project Coordination & Management Stakeholders: 1,000+ Board of Directors: Fiscal and Legal responsibility Partners (Agencies, Non-profits, Chapters) Coalition Structure (501c3)


18 Steps to Forming a 501(c)(3) 3. File with state to become Non-profit. 2. File for Corporate Status (officers & bylaws): C-corp. 1. Develop Vision, Mission, Org Goals, Values, Org Structure, and Name. Define geographic are of influence. 4. File with IRS for 501(c)(3) status.

19 Pros of Watershed-Scale NGO 3. Act as fiscal sponsor. Match funds at the local level. 2. Approach funders with larger requests/reduced competition among chapters. 1. Unified Planning and Coordination = Efficiency/Effectiveness (i.e., wildfire mitigation). 4. too many non-profits competing for the same volunteer and donor base 5. One organization for agency partners to coordinate with. 6. Efficient use of staff resources (ED’s, watershed coordinators, etc.).

20 Concerns with one Watershed NGO 3. Local priorities not being met. 2. No representation at the table. 1. Local needs get lost in the mix. 4. ?

21 Other organizational structures Concerns about proposed structure (Pros & Cons) ? Break-out Session Questions

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