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Published byJack Reeves Modified over 9 years ago
AZBOA SVO Baseball Officials Meeting Welcome Varsity Umpires Classroom Training Moon Valley HS Conference Area (Center of Campus) Feb 3, 8, 10, 15, 17 6PM – 7:30PM (Steve Huddleson) Feb 3, 8, 10, 15, 17 6PM – 7:30PM (Steve Huddleson) Extra Innings Recreation Center (Val Vista / Southern) Feb 4, 9, 11, 16, 18 / 6:30 – 8PM (Jake Gustafson)
AZBOA Baseball Rules Meetings Rule Three Substituting, Coaching, Bench and Field Conduct
Rule 3: Substituting, Coaching, Bench& Field Conduct, Charged Conferences 3-1-1 (page 25) …after the umpire has received the official…(first paragraph thru Penalty) Question: Smith, the starting pitcher for the Home team, hurts himself during warm-ups, and cannot pitch to the first batter of the game. A) Smith must face the first batter, if he cannot he is ejected. A) Smith must face the first batter, if he cannot he is ejected. B) Smith may later return to play any position other than pitcher B) Smith may later return to play any position other than pitcher C) Smith is out for the duration of the game and may not return. C) Smith is out for the duration of the game and may not return. Answer: B..shall pitch until the 1 st batter has been retired or reached 1 st base…if starting pitcher does not face one batter…..he may not return to pitch.
Rule 3: Substituting, Coaching, Bench& Field Conduct, Charged Conferences Question: At the beginning of the 3 rd inning the head coach tells the umpire that Baker will bat for the 3 rd batter of the inning. Wilson comes to bat instead of Baker and does not tell the plate umpire. Wilson hits a double and is on 2 nd base. A) Wilson is an illegal sub and is restricted to the bench. A) Wilson is an illegal sub and is restricted to the bench. B) Wilson is a substitute for Baker, Baker is no longer an eligible sub. B) Wilson is a substitute for Baker, Baker is no longer an eligible sub. C) Wilson is an unreported sub, and umpire makes changes to lineup. C) Wilson is an unreported sub, and umpire makes changes to lineup. Answer: C …projected subs are not allowed…substitute batter is in the game when ball is live and batter is in the box.
Rule 3: Substituting, Coaching, Bench& Field Conduct, Charged Conferences 3-1-1 discovery of an illegal player / substitute While on Offense = Restricted = Out = Defense has an option if discovered before next pitch to either team While on Defense = Restricted = Offense has an option if discovered before next pitch to either team. -Restricted Player enters the game = Ejection Keys ideas for Substitutions…. Unreported Substitute = No Penalty = That particular player has eligibility, by rule, to be in the game. Illegal Substitute = Restricted = Out = Offended team has an option. Either team or the umpire may report the issue / infraction.
3-1-2: (page 26) …if a pitcher is replaced while his team is on defense… Assuming the pitcher has substitution eligibility : *Can a removed pitcher return to pitch in the same inning? Answer: Yes, if not removed by rule. He may return once per inning. *If injured, can the pitcher return to pitch the next inning? Answer: If not remove by pitching or substitution rule AND his replacement throws no more than 8 warm ups then he may return. *Does a relief pitcher always have to face at least 1 hitter? Yes unless Injured or an 3 rd out (pick off, steal etc.) is recorded while as pitcher of record. * Rule 3: Substituting, Coaching, Bench& Field Conduct, Charged Conferences
3-1-4 The DH: (page 26)… a hitter may be designated… Questions- True or False: The starting pitcher may also be listed as the DH? False If a pinch hitter is used for the DH, is the DH terminated? False The player who was the starting DH may re-enter as the DH? True Can the player being DH’d for, enter the offensive lineup? True If so, where? Same spot as previous DH. They are locked together. If so, is the use of the DH terminated? True Rule 3: Substituting, Coaching, Bench& Field Conduct, Charged Conferences
3-1-4 The DH: (page 26)… a hitter may be designated… Questions: Can the DH enter the Defensive Lineup? Yes What happens to the player being DH’d for once the DH enters the Defensive lineup? He is removed from the game. If he has eligibility he can reenter in the SAME spot in the lineup as the original DH. Rule 3: Substituting, Coaching, Bench& Field Conduct, Charged Conferences
3-3-1 m – q: coach, player, or bench personnel shall not: -Throw Equipment = EJECTION (warn first unless dangerous) -Commit an act causing a balk = EJECTION (warn first) -Use tobacco = EJECTION -Leave their position during a fight/altercation = EJECTION IF a players only moves 1 or 2 steps and the heeds your instructions by returning to original position then we will NOT eject. *Position = Bench or Field -Malicious Contact Offense = OUT & EJECTION (unless already scored run, not out but ejected) -Malicious on Defense = EJECTION Please note: The above are areas where we have to use good judgment & COMMON SENSE! Rule 3: Substituting, Coaching, Bench& Field Conduct, Charged Conferences
3-4 (page 30) Charged Conferences: Defensive-*Three charged (free) conferences per regulation game *One additional per extra inning -unused Conferences during regulation DO NOT carry over to extra innings. -if the pitcher is removed then the conference is NOT CHARGED. -after 3 rd charged (regulation) or 1 st (extra inning) then pitcher is removed. - is concluded when the coach, on his return to dugout, crosses foul line. Offensive- *One charged conference per inning -is concluded when the coach initially starts to return to his previous position. Please note: If a coach has been restricted to the dugout then the conference takes place in the dugout and is over when the player(s) initially return to their positions. Rule 3: Substituting, Coaching, Bench& Field Conduct, Charged Conferences
AZBOA Baseball Rules Meetings Rule Four Starting and Ending the Game
Rule 4: Starting and Ending Game 4.1.1...The home coach shall decide whether the grounds are suitable for play -Prior to game starting = Coach Decision -Once lineup cards exchanged = Umpires 4.1.2 *Ground Rules CANNOT supersede book rules. Do not allow…. 4.2.2 …..any game that is tied at the end of regulation: *Varsity plays extra innings if light & weather allow. Sub Varsity is optional if coaches want to or agree. Know as the Acklin / McMahon rule….
Rule 4: Starting and Ending Game 4.2.2 AIA uses the 10 Run Rule and has adopted a 15 Run Rule. * Losing coach must agree to 15 run rule. *Sub Varsity will ask at the Plate Meeting IF there is a time limit (1 hr 45 min). Coaches must agree. If not then a regulation game is played 4.33 Called games are “no contests” when the game does go 4 ½ innings (unless by rule). No contests are usually rescheduled but this is a function of AIA. *NOT SUB VARSITY..these games are not usually rescheduled.
Rule 4: Starting and Ending Game (con’t.) 4.4.1f & Notes ….a game shall be forfeited …when a team is unable to provide at least 9 players to start a game. *Must Start w/ 9 and can go down to 8! *Must Start w/ 9 and can go down to 8! *Can play with 8 but NOT fewer than 8. 4.4.2 : May return from 8 players to 9 players. 4.5: AIA does not allow protests.
2015 AZBOA Baseball Rules Meetings Rule Five Dead ball and Suspension of Play
Rule 5: Dead Ball Suspension of Play 5-1-1 a thru d …Ball becomes dead immediately when: *a pitch touches batter or his clothing *ball is illegally batted *batter enters box with Illegal bat *Uncaught foul ball T.O.P & T.O.T….are criteria for ruling on the runners last legally occupied base. Certain dead ball situations are enforced from T.O.P and some from T.O.T *T.O.P = Time of Pitch*T.O.T- Time of Throw Pitchers = T.O.P Infielders = Batted Ball =T.O.P (1st play) / T.O.T (2 nd play) Outfielders = T.O.T
5-1-1-f ….ball becomes dead immediately when a fair batted ball : * Ball touches Runner before protected fielder has opportunity to field = dead ball. (Same idea for Umpire) *Ball touches Runner after all protected fielders have had opportunity to field = live ball. (Same idea for Umpire). Batted Ball HITS runner = DEADBALL = Out Deflected batted ball HITS runner = Dead Ball & Out IF another infielder has a play on the ball. Umpire hit by batted ball No play by fielder = live Play by fielder = dead = All runners return TOP and BR awarded 1 st. Rule 5: Dead Ball Suspension of Play
5-1-1-g-4 : Ball is dead immediately when pitched ball thrown and then lodges in umpire’s, catchers or offensive players equipment. 1 Bases T.O.P 5-1-1-h ….the umpire handles a live ball…..ball is dead immediately and all playing action stops. All runners return to bases last occupied at the time the umpire handles the live ball. 5-1-1-j…an infielder intentionally drops a fair fly, fair line drive, fair bunt…. *The ball is dead and batter runner out with at least 1 st base occupied… *An infielder CAN intentionally drop an INFIELD FLY….ball remains live! Rule 5: Dead Ball Suspension of Play
Delayed dead ball situations: 5-1-2-f: Coach assisting runner. Out immediately but keep playing action live (delayed dead ball). All outs on play stand, all runners who advance (after the infraction) are returned. 5-1-2-G: Delayed dead ball when illegal glove or mitt touches ball. (Offense has option of taking play or 3 base award…more later in rule 7) After playing action is stopped (dead ball) when can it be live ball action? 5-1-4: When the umpire puts the ball back in play by signaling “Play”, provided the pitcher is engaged with rubber, catcher and batter are in their respective boxes Rule 5: Dead Ball Suspension of Play
When play has been “suspended”: 5-2-1: Play is suspended when: *Inclement Weather – for a min of 30 minutes after most recent lightening. Clock restarts if “new” lightening is observed. If 30 minutes elapses & inclement weather persists, Umpire has authority to suspend / call the game. *Medical emergency exists or further play could jeopardize player’s safety the Umpire will immediately call time and stop play. 5-2-2-b….when the ball becomes dead…a runner may return to a base… READ OUT LOUD *Between MISSED base & next advance base = Then Ball out of Play = May Return *On or past next Advance Base = Then ball out of Play = May NOT return to missed base Rule 5: Dead Ball Suspension of Play
AZBOA Strike Zone AZBOA AZBOA Strike Zone Presentation Watch Strike Zone Video
AZBOA Strike Zone Questions about AZBOA Strike Zone Presentation *Remember the Strike Zone Video is on AZBOA
AZBOA Strike Zone Watch High Strike Video Discuss the top and bottom of zone….
AZBOA Strike Zone Watch Check Swing mechanic Discuss proper mechanic for Check or Half swings
2 Man Mechanics Review
Starting a Game Pregame Conference with both Head Coaches National Anthem After Anthem and just prior to warm-up pitches First Pitch of Game
Starting Position A “A” Position is with NO RUNNERS ON BASE “A” Position batted ball stays on infield (play at first base) * U1 is 10-12’ behind 1 st baseman for starting position * U1 is 10-12’ behind 1 st baseman for starting position *90 Angle (15 – 18’) from play / *Read True & Accurate Throw *90 Angle (15 – 18’) from play / *Read True & Accurate Throw *Hands on Knees Set / *EYES, EARS, EYES! *Hands on Knees Set / *EYES, EARS, EYES! “UIC” reads a play from the infield and clears the catcher, moves to the 45 foot line. Ready for any overthrow towards dugout.
Starting Position A “A” Position – clean base hit into outfield *U1 takes the BR into 2 nd base or work back towards 1 st for play back into 1 st base *If BR goes for EXTRA BASES….U1 has BR into 3 rd Base In all cases UIC clears the catcher, remains in dirt circle and OBSERVES all touches, tags etc.
Starting Position B “Double Play” “B” Position is with either R1 or R1 & R3 Batted Ball stays on infield (double play ball) U1 has the play at second (including force play slide rule) as well as the play at first base. UIC clears the catcher, starts toward 3 rd base on the foul side of line Comes set (after reading a play on the infield) Observes action at 2 nd After seeing all action at 2 nd, works back to 1 st base extended and observes play at 1 st.
Clean base hit to outfield….. R1 goes to 3 rd base….UIC will rotate to Library (ahead of play) “I’ve got 3 rd if he comes” If no PLAY (ball & runner) then remain in Library, prepared to rotate home IF ball & runner (play) at 3 rd base, UIC moves inside to cutout for play Starting Position B “First to Third Rotation” R1 Only U1 has all touches of R1 and Plays on R1 at 2 nd base U1 will move to the 1 st base side of the working area and observe BR touch at 1 st base. Has all plays and touches of BR at 1, 2, and 3 rd base. U1 must keep chest to ball, eyes on baseball and glance at runners. U1 must hear and see his partner rotate to third
Starting Position B “First to Third Rotation” w/ R1 & R3 First to Third Rotation is exactly the same with R1 and R3 EXCEPT UIC has to see the touch of home plate by R3 The rest of the rotation is the same……
Starting Position C “C” position is with R1 & R2 R2 & R3 R2 & R3 R1, R2 & R3 R1, R2 & R3 R3 only R3 only
Starting Position C “Double Tag” w/ R1 & R2 LESS THAN 2 OUTS! This starting situation we have “Infield Fly” & “Double Tag” pre-signal Fly Ball to Outfielder that is CAUGHT, UIC rotates to Library “I’ve got 3 rd if he TAGS” If play (ball & runner) develops UIC moves inside to cutout to take the play If runner does not tag or ball is NOT caught, then UIC “I’m going home” U1 has BOTH tags and will line up tag at 2 nd base U1 has ALL plays at 1 st and 2 nd base Remember …if we have R1 & R2 with two outs we now have a “Time Play” and NO rotation
In between Innings During change over UIC will move to the side of the new defense (which ever side) UIC will alert the pitcher when they have 2 pitches left UIC will step forward and signal the on deck batter when 1 pitch is left U1 will move into position “A” An alternative positioning allows UIC and U1 to meet at the 45 foot line UIC must still notify Pitcher when 2 pitches is left and Batter when 1 pitch is left Umpires should NOT meet in this position if there has been a controversial play, they should wait at least an inning or two ….
Questions about 2 Man Mechanics for AIA?
Questions about material covered tonight? All classroom material is posted on AZBOA for review. Next Class is: Moon Valley HS Conference Area (Center of Campus) Feb 3, 8, 10, 15, 17 6PM – 7:30PM (Steve Huddleson) Feb 3, 8, 10, 15, 17 6PM – 7:30PM (Steve Huddleson) Extra Innings Recreation Center (Val Vista / Southern) Feb 4, 9, 11, 16, 18 / 6:30 – 8PM (Jake Gustafson) … covers Rule 3, 4, 5 and Strike Zone.
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