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Importing ASENT data into EAGLE Last revised: 12/16/2009.

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1 Importing ASENT data into EAGLE Last revised: 12/16/2009


3 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE Importing ASENT data into EAGLE is accomplished with a simple two-step process: 1) Export the ASENT data using ASENT’s LSAR interface, and 2) Import the ASENT fullfile into EAGLE.

4 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE Invoke EAGLE and select the Administration discipline from the EAGLE Navigator. Double-click on the ‘Import Fullfile’ function.

5 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE From the Import Fullfile window, fill in the End Item name, select 1388-2B for the input type, and click on the Input File Browse button to select the ASENT fullfile to import.

6 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE When you click on the Browse button this screen will appear. Navigate to the folder that contains the ASENT fullfile, select the file, and click on the Save button.

7 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE Back at the Import Fullfile window, click on the ‘Modify Fullfile Settings’ button, and click on the ‘Only LSAR Tables’ tab.

8 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE Click on the ‘Only LSAR Tables’ tab on the Modify Fullfile Settings window and click on the OK button.

9 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE Click on the Execute icon on the EAGLE toolbar, and when asked whether or not to overwrite the existing report and message files, click on the Yes buttons.

10 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE This is an example of the status screen that is displayed as the ASENT fullfile is being imported.

11 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE After the import the user is given the option of viewing the message file. This can sometimes be helpful if an error occurred during the import. Normally, the user can just click on the ‘No’ button.

12 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE The easiest way to view the results of the import is to do the following: 1) Click on the End Item toolbar icon and choose the End Item that was just imported, 2) select the Breakdown Structure discipline and the Breakdown Structure function. Create the breakdown structure.

13 Importing ASENT Data Into EAGLE Here, the breakdown structure is displayed for the product tree that was exported from ASENT. By navigating around EAGLE you can see failure rate, MTBF information, along with the FMECA, Availability, and Maintainability data that was imported.

14 Q: If my failure rates have changed in ASENT or some descriptive data was changed and I want the changes reflected in EAGLE what do I do? A: Export the ASENT data as Change/Follow-on Data. In EAGLE import the fullfile just like you normally would. Q: If my product tree structure has changed in ASENT and some new assemblies or boards have been added, how do I pass this to EAGLE? A: You would accomplish this in two passes: 1) Export the ASENT data as an initial load and import this fullfile into EAGLE. This will create entries for the new items and EAGLE will kick out those that already exist. 2) Export the ASENT data as Change/Follow-on Data. In EAGLE import the fullfile just like you normally would and now all of the failure rates and other data should be updated. Common Questions

15 In EAGLE, import the 1388-2B flat file generated by ASENT to quickly populate the LSAR DB. Import a complete initial load, or just the updates that you need.

16 ASENT combines a comprehensive export feature with its ability to import existing LSAR data, so that design trade-offs for upgrades and redesigns can be quickly accessed. LSAR DB Data exported from ASENT to EAGLE RAMS DB Product Tree Structure Reliability Prediction Data FMECA Data RCM Analysis Results Maintainability Data Availability Data

17 Data Exchange

18 ASENT, EAGLE, and AIMSS are trademarks of Raytheon Company. Microsoft and SQL Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

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