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CI 350 Unit Plan Writing a MLA Research Paper Caitlin G. Nelson.

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Presentation on theme: "CI 350 Unit Plan Writing a MLA Research Paper Caitlin G. Nelson."— Presentation transcript:

1 CI 350 Unit Plan Writing a MLA Research Paper Caitlin G. Nelson

2 Introduction Purpose is to write a correct MLA format paper without plagiarism Beneficial skill to college bound seniors The topic for all papers is Famous Writers

3 Analyze Learners Twelfth grade honors English class Age level 17-18 years old Requirements -Past experience with research writing -Basic computer knowledge -Out of class work

4 State Objectives West Virginia CSO’s - RLA.12.2.10produce a summative project (e.g., research paper; power point presentation; web page) using an accepted format (e.g., MLA; APA). - RLA.12.2.12correct errors in organization, content, usage, mechanics and spelling in all writing using revisions and editing strategies.

5 State Objectives Cont. RLA. 12.2.13 access and evaluate information through a variety of primary and secondary sources (e.g., personal interviews; SIRS; Congressional Quarterly ). RLA.12.2.14employ a sound note taking system that can be applied to classroom, library and/or interview.

6 State Objectives Cont. RLA.12.2.16 produce a detailed outline for use in a summative project. RLA.12.3.1 adapt and apply speaking skills in order to participate in a variety of situations (e.g., panel/group discussion; oral presentation; guest speaker. TEC.9-12.3.4 create, publish, and present projects related to content areas using a variety of technological tools.

7 Select Media & Material Materials needed: - Note cards - Pencil & Paper - Out of class computer use - Presentation Materials Materials Provided : - Computers - Library sources - Handouts & Worksheets

8 Select Media & Materials Cont. Websites used lish/researchlp.htm lish/researchlp.htm (Teacher Only) ism/ ism/plagiarismresources.html (Teachers & Students) (Students) esearch/ esearch/ (Teacher Only)

9 Utilize Media & Material Classroom and Library Lectures Computer Lab Library lessons and resources Peer Editing Class Presentations

10 Utilize Media & Material Cont. -Day One Introduction to MLA format, citation, plagiarism, and -Day Two Introduction to the Library and sources Paper topics assigned and research begins -Day Three, Four, & Five Library research with notecards and source cards due everyday

11 Utilize Media & Material Cont. -Day Six Last day of library research with final notecards and source cards due -Day Seven Computer lab working on rough draft -Day Eight Peer editing -Day Nine Class presentations -Day 10 Class presentations and paper due date

12 Require Learner Participation Different classroom settings -Classroom -Library -Computer lab Different types of activities -Individual assignments -Computer assignments -Peer Editing -Class Presentations

13 Evaluate and Revise Evaluation and grading determined by : - Overall paper (citations, form, flow, grammar, etc.) 200pts - In class work (notecards, source cards, peer editing, and class participation) Totaling 100pts - Class presentations (determines how much they learned about their writer) 50 pts -Total Points Possible: 350pts.

14 The End

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