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Knowing Schoolbook Classic! We told to find school and share.

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1 Knowing Schoolbook Classic! We told to find school and share

2 What is this!? Schoolbook Classic is a world school directory, which aim to connect people to schools- schools to people. Through friendly user interface, you got to share your school profile to the world, informally speaking it’s facebook of schools!

3 How to use it! Schoolbook allows user account creation, before to use you need to create account, its simple and easy! First-click http://www.schoolbook1.com Second- click In=1 In=1 There you go…

4 Who to use schoolbook!!! Anyone can use this site, are you a student Lecturer, parent, guardian, books/materials supplier, now its easier than ever to find any school profile. Spread word about our site! Thank you! Schoolbook Support Team.

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