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Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday Welcome Back! How was your weekend? Did you respond to the questions about tragedy, according to Aristotle and A.C.

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Presentation on theme: "Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday Welcome Back! How was your weekend? Did you respond to the questions about tragedy, according to Aristotle and A.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday Welcome Back! How was your weekend? Did you respond to the questions about tragedy, according to Aristotle and A.C. Bradley? If not, here is your last reminder, AND now… Grab a copy of Miller’s “The Nature of Tragedy” off the side table. Note the questions on the last page! Written answers due tomorrow! (Feel free to write them on the bottom of that page) Homework: Come prepared with notes on tragedy, Aristotle and A.C. Bradley, AND now Miller!

2 Past, Present, Future Monday Death of a Salesman Finish your poster HMWK: Tragedy reviews Death of a Salesman Share your poster Review of tragedy – Greek, Shakespeare, Modern Play Review Guide – Collaborative Assignment!

3 Modern Drama Monday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: To analyze the purpose and effect of characterization and symbols on the meaning of the work as a whole To review the elements of tragedy and apply them to various plays through time Essential Unit Questions: How does character development effect meaning? How does symbolism effect meaning? What is tragedy? To the Greeks? To the Elizabethans? To the modern day playwright?

4 Activity: Present YOU DO Monday Purpose: to show what you know about the purpose and effect of characters in the play Death of a Salesman. Tasks: Sit with your character group Each group, as a group, will observe the other groups for aspects of Oral Communication and Listening (see next slides) Turn these sheets into me after each presentation Each group will have 5 minutes to present the group’s poster Now, let’s take a few minutes to prepare and then get started! Outcome: Presentations: How did we do? Plus/Delta Don’t forget to complete your “The Nature of Tragedy” assignment, due tomorrow!

5 Oral Communication & Listening 10 pts Peer Feedback Aesthetics Clear Easy to read & see Error free Creative, thoughtful Details Character name Accurate physical characteristics represented (2-)4 Quotes (with pages) Other appropriate pictures, symbols, and words to represent character Type/traits/personality Dreams/goals Symbolic values Purpose/effect Participation Orderly and organized clear beginning, middle, and end Speaks for (3-) 5 minutes to address topic Shares and participates equally Communication Speaks clearly with appropriate rate, volume, and inflection Stands erect, facing audience with appropriate body language and eye contact Uses precise, grammatically correct, varied language No halting or clogging filler words (“uhm,” “ah,” “like,” etc.)

6 Reading For All Purposes 20 points Characterization 1.Direct a.Quotes (2-4 with pages) from play b.Character Type/Traits/Personality (Dynamic or Static) c.Dreams/Goals 2.Indirect a.Quotes (2-4 with pages) from play b.Character Type/Traits/Personality (Dynamic or Static) c.Dreams/Goals 3.Important symbolic values 4.Purpose of character on meaning of the work as a whole 5.Effect of character on meaning of the work as a whole

7 Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Tuesday Did you respond to the questions about tragedy, according to Aristotle and A.C. Bradley? If not, here is your last reminder, AND Miller’s “The Nature of Tragedy” Homework: Play Review Guide

8 Past, Present, Future Tuesday Death of a Salesman Share your poster Review of tragedy – Greek, Shakespeare, Modern Play Review Guide – Collaborative Assignment!

9 Drama: Tragedy Over Time Tuesday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies Objective: To analyze the purpose and effect of characterization and symbols on the meaning of the work as a whole To review the elements of tragedy and apply them to various plays through time Essential Unit Questions: How does character development effect meaning? How does symbolism effect meaning? What is tragedy? To the Greeks? To the Elizabethans? To the modern day playwright?

10 Instruction: Obtain Tuesday Purpose: to obtain information about the culminating, group assignment Tasks: Read through the assignment sheet – Questions? See next slide for adjustment on grading categories Meet with assigned group and draw for play title Seek next slide for suggested task completion and divisions Re-check out a copy of your play Outcome: Start working! The Play Review Guide and Works Cited page are due next Tuesday, January 19 th !

11 Grading Play Review Guide Reading for All Purposes = 40 points (of 80) Research and Reasoning = 40 points (of 80) Writing and Composition (formatting, presentation of ideas) = 20 points Works Cited Page Research and Reasoning (sources) = 25 points Writing and Composition (formatting) = 25 points Peer Review Oral Communication and Listening = 25 points 175 total

12 Task Calendar Suggestions Tuesday Tasks 1-7 (Does everyone understand their tasks? Discuss and ask questions) Hmwk: Task 7 Wednesday Task 7 Hmwk: Task 7 Thursday Tasks 8-9 (What should peers be expected to have with them to share?) Hmwk: Task 9 Friday Task 10 Outcome Hmwk: Outcome?

13 Computer Access Tuesday Per. 1 – Orangutan Cart Per. 2 – Orangutan Cart Per. 6 – Orangutan Cart Wednesday Per. 1 – Orangutan Cart Per. 2 – Orangutan Cart Per. 6 – Orangutan Cart Thursday Per. 1 – Green Hornet Cart Per. 2 – Lab 257 (Tech building) Per. 6 – Lab 257 (Tech building) Friday Per. 1– Green Hornet Cart Per. 2– Green Hornet Cart Per. 6– Green Hornet Cart

14 Relevance Assuming responsibility for and participation in small group activities (such as a sports team, debate team, fundraising, part-time job, service project) improves the quality of the intended goal. Raising questions in a group setting can often lead to new and unexpected outcomes. Using a shared online workspace enables groups to build collective knowledge. Enlisting all members of a team to do their part ensures a win and a successful team.

15 Wednesday - Friday

16 Literary Movements/Periods Definitions and Characteristics I should see words/ideas like: Changes in Ancient Greek/Classic Theater Compare/contrast to Aeschylus Compare/contrast to Euripides Renaissance Elizabethan Modernism and Post-modernism Social Realism Etc. You may use The Literature Network

17 Class handout quoting another source Google: how to cite handouts in MLA format Citation description: Author of quoted source. "Title of work from a published collection. (e.g. poem or article)." Title of Publication. (book or periodical). "Title of Handout." Handout. Title of course. (Name of instructor.) Name of school. Date of handout. Note: If any of the above information is not given, leave the information out. Citation example: Aldiss, Brian. "Flight 063." "Icarus Poems: A Selective Arachniography.“ Handout. Composition, Literature and Critical Thinking: English 110. (Professor Jeff Westfall.) Skyline College. Feb. 2006. Print.

18 If it is a handout that I gave you, but you do not know the author/source, use… Citation description: Instructor's Name. "Title of Handout/Notes/Slideshow." Course notes. Name of Course. Dept., Institution. Date notes were received. Example: Seas, Kristen. "Conference Guidelines." Course handout. Introductory Composition. Dept. of English, Purdue University. 25 Aug. 2006.

19 Coming Soon… Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

20 AP = Ambiguity Possible Address the Prompt Analysis, Please Always Poetry Also Prose Applied Practice “Anything’s” Possible? Absolute Paradise

21 Colorado Academic Standards Oral Expression and Listening 1.Effective speaking in formal and informal settings requires appropriate use of methods and audience awareness 2.Effective collaborative groups accomplish goals Reading for All Purposes 1.Literary criticism of complex texts requires the use of analysis, interpretive, and evaluative strategies 2.Interpreting and evaluating complex informational texts require the understanding of rhetoric, critical reading, and analysis skills Writing and Composition 1.Style, detail, expressive language, and genre create a well-crafted statement directed at an intended audience and purpose 2.Ideas, evidence, structure, and style create persuasive, academic, and technical texts for particular audiences and specific purposes 3.Standard English conventions effectively communicate to targeted audiences and purposes Research and Reasoning 1.Independent research designs articulate and defend information, conclusions, and solutions that address specific contexts and purposes 2.Logical arguments distinguish facts from opinions; and evidence defines reasoned judgment

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