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Environmental Hazards Introduction Think about the last time a cold or flu was “passed around” the school population. How were you affected as an individual?

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Hazards Introduction Think about the last time a cold or flu was “passed around” the school population. How were you affected as an individual?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Hazards Introduction Think about the last time a cold or flu was “passed around” the school population. How were you affected as an individual? What precautions did you take? How do you think the school population was affected? What precautions does the school take?

2 Environmental Hazards Explicit Instruction Environmental Hazards may be biological, chemical, social or physical. ◦Biological hazards: include pathogens that cause humans to become sick (viruses, bacteria, and other organic matter). ◦Chemical hazards: include synthesized chemicals and chemicals produced by organisms. ◦Social hazards: includes lifestyle choices (smoking, drugs, etc.). ◦Physical hazards: includes natural disasters (hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, etc.).

3 Environmental Hazards Explicit Instruction Two fields of science that helps us understand how hazards effect us are epidemiology and toxicology. ◦Epidemiology is the study of disease in the human population. ◦Toxicology is the study of how poisonous substances affect organisms’ health.

4 Environmental Hazards Explicit Instruction Human response to environmental hazards are different and depend on multiple factors: ◦Factors include age, gender, weight, health issues and genetics. Risk assessment is the process of measuring the chance that an environmental hazard will cause harm. ◦Risk is the probability that a hazard will cause a harmful response (death or disease). ◦Risk assessment may be done through genetic testing or dose-response assessment.

5 Environmental Hazards Guided Practice Home Hazmat Inventory: ◦Pick out 5 products from the data sheets provided (Only have one at your desk at a time) or go to the Health and Human Services website provided below to pick out your own 5 products. ◦List the product, it’s location in the home (kitchen, garage, bathroom, etc.), what the product is used for, and any safety warnings for that product. ProductLocationUseSafety Warnings

6 Environmental Hazards Independent Practice 1.What is the procedure for disposal of each product or empty container? 2.Considering the information you read, are you concerned about any of the products you have in your home? Why? 3.How can people limit their impact on the biodiversity of plants and animals by controlling how they live what they buy? 4.Why do you think environmental awareness begins at home? How can one family protect or harm the environment? Use examples from your research.

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