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Cassie Walker ScienceMr.Shepard Natures Portable Heating and Cooling System.

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Presentation on theme: "Cassie Walker ScienceMr.Shepard Natures Portable Heating and Cooling System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cassie Walker ScienceMr.Shepard Natures Portable Heating and Cooling System

2 What Is It?! El Niño are unusual warm temperatures occurring in the equatorial Pacific, La Niña are unusually cold temperatures in the equatorial Pacific. El Niño are unusual warm temperatures occurring in the equatorial Pacific, La Niña are unusually cold temperatures in the equatorial Pacific. NOAA. Retrieved May 10 th 2012

3 Conditions Of El Nino & La Nina For El Niño easterly trade winds become weaker and can even reverse direction. The Pacific Ocean becomes stationary or pushes eastward and gains heat. For La Niña the Easterly Trade Winds strengthen. The winds blow the warm water towards the west and cold water below the surface pushes up towards the South American coast Accuweather. nina/38971. NASA Retrieved May 14 th and 17 th 2012 nina/38971 nina/38971

4 They last ________ El Niño lasts about one year, It starts at the end of one winter and ends a year later at the end of that winter. (Ex. Starts at the end of winter in 2009 Ends at the winter in 2010) La Niña lasts about 9-12 months, some have been reported to last 2 years. Yahoo! Answers. 9152435AAxHQDf Retrieved May 14 th 2012 9152435AAxHQDf 9152435AAxHQDf 9152435AAxHQDf

5 Its Been That Long Already Its Been That Long Already El Niño occurs every 4-7 years La Niña occurs every 3-6 years Wiki.Answers. r. Retrieved May 14th 2012 ccur&altQ=When_does_el_nino_occur&isLookUp=1 r r

6 That’s Going to Leave A Mark… In 1977 El Niño raged on for eight months killing two thousand one hundred people and costing 21 billion U.S. Dollars. La Niña causes droughts in Western Pacific and floods in Northern South America. National Geographic page.html Retrieved May 14th 2012 Wikipedia page.html page.html

7 Now You Know La Niña means “Little Girl”. La Niña means “Little Girl”. El Niño means “Little Boy”. El Niño means “Little Boy”. El Nino and La Nina are the most powerful phenomenon on the earth and alter the climate across more than half the planet. El Nino and La Nina are the most powerful phenomenon on the earth and alter the climate across more than half the planet. El Nino may be caused by underwater volcanoes in the Pacific. El Nino may be caused by underwater volcanoes in the Pacific. Thinkquest retrieved May 17th 2012

8 EOS retrieved May 17th

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