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Caring for the Greater Good Through Photovoice Amy Bossler and Jeanine Lewis University of Hawai’i at Mānoa.

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Presentation on theme: "Caring for the Greater Good Through Photovoice Amy Bossler and Jeanine Lewis University of Hawai’i at Mānoa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caring for the Greater Good Through Photovoice Amy Bossler and Jeanine Lewis University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

2 Workshop Agenda Caring (20 min.) Introduction to Photovoice (10 min.) Guided Practice (15 min.) Group Practice (30 min.) Small Group Discussion (15 min.) Large Group Discussion (15 min.) Wrap-Up, Next-Steps, and Evaluations (15min)

3 Why Care? Activity: Cards of Caring

4 What is Gratitude? – Gratitude is a feeling of happiness that comes from appreciation. What the Research Says: – Research by Robert Emmons finds that Gratitude does matter for happiness. – Strengthens the immune system and reduces anxiety and depression. What You Can Do! – Keep a gratitude journal – Really be aware and actively think about the good things in your life

5 Compassion What is Compassion? – The true definition of compassion is "to suffer with". – A desire to alleviate the suffering of another. – Different from empathy, which means to know how someone feels. What the Research Says: – Compassion activates pleasure circuits in the brain – When one is acting in a compassionate manner it lowers the heart rate and reduces the risk of heart disease. What You Can Do! – Encourage cooperation rather than competition – Don't worry so much!

6 Empathy What is Empathy? – Empathy is the ability to understand another person's perspective – The ability to understand how another person is feeling. What the Research Says: – Seminal studies by Daniel Batson and Nancy Eisenberg have shown that people higher in empathy are more likely to help others in need. – Empathy is good for relationships. – A large-scale study found that doctors high in empathy have patients who enjoy better health. What You Can Do! – Get out of your own head! – Don't jump to conclusions – Focus your attention outwards

7 What is Mindfulness? – “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; On purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” What the Research Says: – Boosts the immune system – Increases memory function – Reduces aggression – Positive health benefits – Reduces stress What You Can Do! – Key components: – Pay close attention to your breathing, especially when you’re feeling intense emotions. – Notice what you’re sensing in a given moment, the sights, sounds, and smells that ordinarily slip by without reaching your conscious awareness. – Recognize that your thoughts and emotions are fleeting and do not define you – Tune into your body’s physical sensations, from the water hitting your skin in the shower to the way your body rests in your office chair.


9 Definition of Photovoice An innovative participatory action research method based on health promotion principles and the theoretical literature on education for critical consciousness, feminist theory, and nontraditional approaches to documentary photography PhotoVoice enables people to identify, represent, and enhance their community through a specific photographic technique

10 Photovoice is rooted in the belief that people ought to participate in creating and defining those very images that shape the public discourse.

11 Photovoice Goals 1)To enable people to record and reflect their community’s strengths and concerns 2)To promote critical dialogue and knowledge about personal and community issues through large and small group discussion of their photographs 3)To reach policymakers

12 Methods Select and recruit a target audience of policymakers or community leaders Pose an initial theme for taking photos Distribute cameras to participants and review how to use them Provide time for participants to take photos Meet to discuss photographs Plan with participants a format to share photographs and stories with policymakers or community leaders

13 Photography 101 Light Pay careful attention to the light conditions in your photograph – When trying to avoid harsh shadows, shoot photographs of people in covered shade so the light is even across your subjects. – Try to place the sun at your back when you are shooting your photographs. This will help you avoid backlit subjects with shadowy faces. Shooting – When shooting a photograph, hold the camera steady and release the shutter carefully. – Hold the camera with both hands, with elbows against your body and feet spread apart. This helps to avoid camera shaking

14 Photovoice Practice 1)Break into groups 2)Each group will sign out an iPad 3)As a group brainstorm ideas of photos 1)Each group should include photos of: caring, compassion, gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness. 4)Each group member should have a chance to: take photos, pose for photos, and record the photo information (minimum of 15 photos).

15 Small Group Discussions Decide which photos you will share with the larger group. Your group must have a photo from each theme: caring, compassion, gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness. Questions to consider: – What do you See here? – What is really Happening here? – How does this relate to Our lives? – Why does this situation, concern, or strength Exist? – What can we Do about it? During group discussion, facilitator will bring flash drive to gather each groups photos.

16 Compassion

17 Gratitude

18 Empathy

19 Mindfulness

20 Large Group Discussion What do you See here? What is really Happening here? How does this relate to Our lives? Why does this situation, concern, or strength exist? What can we do to Educate others about this situation, concern, or strength? What can and needs to be Done?

21 Wrap-Up Photovoice provides an effective tool through which participants may narrate their perceptions and experiences. Key questions for researchers: – What’s been left out? – What has been overlooked or ignored, yet may be central to the participants’ experience?

22 Final Comments and Questions?

23 Acknowledgements We would like to express a big thank you to all the participants for joining our Caring/Photovoice Workshop. We would also like to thank Ms. Charmaine Crockett for allowing us to present, Dr. James Skouge for loaning us your iPads, and Mr. John Lewis for also loaning us an iPad.

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