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DECISION MAKING REPORT ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR. LESSON OBJECTIVES I will get the opportunity to analyse sources to help come to a decision.

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2 LESSON OBJECTIVES I will get the opportunity to analyse sources to help come to a decision

3 WHAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR ARGUMENTS FOR Minimum four arguments in favour of your proposal required All sources need to be used (not in each argument, but in the whole report) Each argument you make must make reference to more than one piece of evidence– high credit for linking different sources together in one argument Whenever a source is used it must be noted in the margin (Source A, C3 etc) Remember this is a report and your task is to persuade the person you are writing to that your recommendation is the correct one Therefore you need to try and use persuasive language in each of your arguments – presenting the evidence is not enough! You will also need (after we have studied the Health and Wealth topic) to include some factual ‘background information’ – this is information that is not contained in the sources but will help to strengthen your arguments

4 CHOOSING YOUR ARGUMENTS – TASK 1 If you can identify the themes of the different arguments, you will be successful each and every time However before you do anything else, split your page in half. Now read through the different paragraphs in Source A and start to note down the different arguments that are made. Working with a partner, take ten minutes to do this. Write these under a heading on one side of your page. An example is given below Arguments from Source ‘A’ New legislation will make it more difficult for people to smoke (Paragraph one) Now on the other side of your page, take the heading Evidence from ‘C Sources’ Look to your C sources and write down evidence you think supports your recommendation. Take 5-10 minutes for this Finally, link together the evidence from C sources to your arguments from Source A. You can do this by drawing a line across your page linking the two together Next we will look at how you put your planning into action

5 SOME OF THE ARGUMENTS FOR – 2013 PAPER (COPY DOWN) 1)New legislation is needed 2)Costs to health and to government 3) Harm to others caused by passive smoking 4) Link between smoking and people in poverty 5) Extension will make non-smokers lives more pleasant Lets choose number 1 to look at and develop further. The first thing you need is a sub heading for your first argument. Ours is going to be New legislation will make it more difficult to smoke

6 NEW LEGISLATION IS NEEDED – EXAMPLE ARGUMENT (minus BK) (Source A) Minister, legislation is urgently needed to put people off smoking. PASS will deter people from smoking outside entrances to public buildings, restaurants, bars as well as in public places such as parks and beaches. (Source A) Currently people have to walk through a crowd of smokers, even when they are just trying to get to work or go for a drink. (Source A) The smoking ban was step in the right direction but PASS must be the next one in the battle against passive smoking. (Source C5) Of course Minister, you need to be careful of public opinion, with an election coming up in 2016. However this is in your favour, as 75% of people who were surveyed recently came out in favour of PASS. It is therefore not only a law that is desperately needed, but a law the public are fully behind, making it much easier for your government to implement.

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